
Grave digging system

Became the expelled Uchiha who was demoted to guard the Konoha cemetery Awakened the grave digging system Can't awaken Mangekyo Sharingan without talent and family? The huge Konoha cemetery is my choice! Tired of refining Chakra? It doesn't matter, find a kage-level strong corpse and pick it up! Poor gymnastics? Nevermind, remember Might Guy's dad? Just pay a visit to the cemetery!

tatsumi_o · Anime & Comics
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23 Chs

Meeting the Hokage

"Use items."

[[[[Ding! In use...Use done.

Name: Kazuya Uchiha

Dojutsu: Two tomoe Sharingan (advanced)

Chakra: Chūnin level (intermediar)

Attributes: fire, water, earth

Ninjutsu: Three Body Technique (master), Great Fireball Technique


Taijutsu: Shuriken technique (advanced )

Genjutsu: none


"Okay, it's perfect, the description of the system has given me the simplest way to understand everything I possessed till now." Kazuya said with satisfaction.

After the cooldown started on both the Genin and the Chunin , Kazuya had nothing else to do in here as he already know that finding a Jonin body could be impossible in here.

"Let's forget about finding another corpse and let's clean this mess that I made here while digging as I don't want to give Danzo chances to execute me because I vandalized alo oha cemetery."

Muttering to himself, he picked up the broom and started sweeping the cemetery until...

Three weeks passed.


Name:Uchiha Kazuya

Dojutsu: Three tomoe Eyes (advanced)

Chakra: high chunin-level

Attributes: fire, water, earth, thunder, wind

Ninjutsu: Three Body Technique (Max), Great Fireball Technique (master), Dragon Fire (advanced), Phoenix Fire technique (intermediate), Water Barrier (novice), Earth Wall (intermediate ),Great Breakthrough (novice), lightning dash(intermediate)

Taijutsu: Shuriken throwing technique (advanced), Flash step (intermediate), Fist Fighting (advanced)

Genjutsu:Tree Binding death (intermediate), hell viewing technique (advanced)

During this time, Kazuya growth speed will be slowed down as he's now stuck at low Jonin-level. The strength is also temporarily stuck at the high Chunin-level primary.

"So I'm going out?"

Kazuya stroked his chin and thought.

"By the way, Uchiha clan should be exterminated at this time, right? Well, I should be able to go and retrieve a part of them with the excuse that I want to bury my beloved clan.

Although there are people from Anbu and root, I should be fine as long as the hokage is there?"

Kazuya intends to let Danzo take the all the eyes of his clansman as he doesn't have a choice and ask for at least let him buried them

Well, Kazuya is already a high chunin chakra with a stack of jutsus in his sleeve so he should be atleast able to protect himself if anything goes wrong.


Kazuya casually walking towards the Hokage building.

Now people on the street are discussing about Uchiha clan getting exterminated and about the missing nin Uchiha Itachi, what he deserved as punishment and so on.

Kazuya didn't bother with their small talk, as he made his way through the streets while not wearing his Uchiha uniform.

"Sure enough, the job of grave guard it was pretty decent even though there are no more body's to touch."

Kazuya chuckled as he remembered himself digging graves that the system told him were in a decent quality so he could touch them all night.

Even though he was aware of the Hokage and other beings that could've watch him, his system told him that he will tell whenever the hokage or other come too close.

Hokage Office...

While smoking a cigarette, Sarutobi listened to his subordinates report on the Uchiha genocide.

"The result of my discussion with the elders is that Uchiha Itachi will become an S-level Missing nin." Sarutobi said with a well-defined look.

"Yes." Saying that Anbu, then left in an instant.

As the Anbu left I knocked on the door.

"come in."

Hearing Sarutobi's voice, Kazuya chuckled slightly: "it's a pleasure to meet you Hokage."

"Oh? Kazuya?" Sarutobi could feel that this young man in white uniform had a Chunin level of Chakra.

Which was quite surprising because not long ago he was a genin.

"Yes, Hokage, one of the last few Uchiha left."

"I had came here today so I could atleast buried the bodies of my deceased clansmen's, it will make my day better knowing that I have that honor."

"It won't work." Sarutobi firmly refused, obviously knowing that Danzo had taken over the bodies.

"I'm sorry about what I will say but you guys should had atleast protect our clan from the shadows."

"As you the hokage your incompetente resulted all other villages to know that you lose a big percent of the Konoha's power." Kazuya said with a fearless look,

"..." Sarutobi never thought that there were such fools among the Uchiha clan.

"I understand your pain Kazuya but you can't say we didn't want to protect your clan" Sarutobi wanted to explain.

"It doesn't matter, if you wanted you could find a way. But you didn't which results in me wanting my compensation." Kazuya said with a weird smile.

"It is too much to ask to bury my own clan?

"Of course not little Kazuya…" with a big sigh he said " I will see what I can do."

"Thank you Hokage for your indulgence, I will take my leave now." With a small bow Kazuya left the Hokage.

'This kid.. have the guts to insult and threaten me and then he thanks me.'

With a puff of his cigarette he started to continue his paper work.

After Kazuya left...

Smoking an cigarette, Sarutobi suddenly said: "Are you going to deliver the corpses tomorrow?"

"It's hard to say, we are not sure how he could skyrocket his strength directly towards Chunin in such a short amount of time." Danzo responded lightly,

"It is possible that he can use these body's to skyrocket his strength again?" Sarutobi said with some anxiety,

"Maybe or maybe not but from what my root had find from that cementary is that he doesn't use the body's from there so maybe he is just lucky." Said danzo while still thinking about what could happen.

'Such a bizarre thing, but he could be even greater then that snake Orochimaru and he's weak right now meaning I strike the gold with this one.'

'Hahahah.. Kazuya you will be the next to come to my collection and then all your secrets will be mine.' Danzo started laughing in his thoughts showing how desperate he had become.

"Hiruzen, I will take my leave as you know I need to preparare the body's for Kazuya."

Then he left on his own.

Sarutobi watched Danzo leave for a long time, then turned to look at the setting sun.

The orange and red sunlight hit Sarutobi's body, making it even more twilight, the lonely look of returning to his hometown.
