
Grave digging system

Became the expelled Uchiha who was demoted to guard the Konoha cemetery Awakened the grave digging system Can't awaken Mangekyo Sharingan without talent and family? The huge Konoha cemetery is my choice! Tired of refining Chakra? It doesn't matter, find a kage-level strong corpse and pick it up! Poor gymnastics? Nevermind, remember Might Guy's dad? Just pay a visit to the cemetery!

tatsumi_o · Anime & Comics
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23 Chs

Already Mangekyo Sharingan

the next day...

"Xuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!" Several root ninjas dashed against the air towards their destinations.

"Master Danzo ordered us to take you to the body's of your clansman's."

The gloomy voice entered Kazuya ears, which made Kazuya feel very uncomfortable.

"Let's go." Kazuya said unhappily in a sad tone.

After a while, Kazuya reached his destination which was the root base.

"Hahaha, welcome to my humble home, even if the hospitality is not so good, please feel at home." Danzo greeted Kazuya with a smile.

"Thanks you but I don't want to waste your precious time so where are the corpses of my people?" Kazuya went straight to the point with a small bow to show his gratitude towards Danzo.

"Ah, they need to be be cleaned up, and such a task will be hard to be done alone on that many people's . I will ask my subordinates to help you with that." Danzo said kindly.

"Thank you again, Lord Danzo." Kazuya said as if he was really touched.

"So how about we have a cup of tea first and discuss some things. Because the cleaning will take some time." Danzo suddenly suggested.

"I don't want to bother Lord Danzo with such a small thing so if you have something to say, you can say it freely." Kazuya said with a slightly respectful tone.

"That's how it is. You see, you have some good strength. It's a waste of talents to stay in the Konoha cemetery to guard the tombstones. Perhaps why don't you join my organization?"

"You've praised me too much. I'm just a petty talent. It's better to let me guard the cemetery for the rest of my life."

Danzo frowned, apparently dissatisfied with Kazuya's answer.

There are two messages in Kazuya words, one is that he doesn't want to enter root, and the other is that he justs wants to be a Common person.

But would Danzo let a treasure lie in front of his eyes instead of keeping it for himself?

Of course it is impossible, unless the opponent is strong enough!

"In this case, it would be such a pity." Danzo turned his back and said regretfully.

Of course Kazuya knew that there was something in Danzo's words, and he was afraid that he will be forced to join root.

"It may not be a pity." Kazuya said suddenly,

"Oh?" Seeing that things had turned around, Danzo turned around and looked at Kazuya, expecting his next words.

"How should I put it, it's not impossible for me to work for a person, but the condition is that the person needs to be stronger then me." Kazuya said as expected.

"Oh? Stronger than you?" Danzo looked at the young man of the Uchiha clan with a confused look.

"In that case, I'll let my subordinates accompany you to a duel."

"Subordinate?" Kazuya pretended to hesitate.

"Yes, my subordinate, if my subordinate defeated you, doesn't it also prove that I am stronger than you?"

"It's not wrong to say that, but if your men lose, that will rezult your loss!" Kazuya said as if he was afraid of trouble.

"No problem." Danzo said with a smile,

"Okay, it's a deal."

"But before I start fighting with your men, I want to see the patriarch." Kazuya demanded.

"Meet the patriarch?" Danzo was surprised by Kazuya's request.

"Okay, I will let you see the patriarch." With a hidden signal Danzo made a root apear next to him.

The root is from Aburame clan, who is different from other Aburames. He is best at assassination. He has highly toxic nano-scale poisonous insects in his body. If others are infected with this toxin, they will die due to the destruction of the cells in the body. Death, it can be said that one touch is death!

So Danzo trusts him very much. If he can't defeat him by rooting, then that means his hiding his strength. Even though Danzo doesn't want to sacrifice his men he doesn't have a chance.

Kazuya followed the root arriving to the Uchiha Fugaku body that is covered up in a white sheet, the last patriarch of Uchiha.

'System, steal!'

Because Uchiha Shisui body is lost in the river, there is no Kage-level powerhouse in the entire Uchiha cemetery. Kazuya has gone to great lengths for this dead patriarch who is the single person to awaken the Mangekyō Sharingan in the Uchiha clan——Uchiha Fugaku!

[[[[Ding! Stealing...successful.

Host gets the items... Kage-level Chakra, Mangekyō Sharingan, Fire Style—Impatiens Claw Red (Grandmaster), Fire Style—Haolong Fire Technique (Grandmaster), Shadow Clone Technique (Grandmaster), Illusion—Sharingan...]]]]

(The ninjutsu of the Grandmaster rank will not be obtained repeatedly)

Aburame looked at Kazuya strangely as he touch the body then freeze immediately.

"Okay, let's go." Kazuya suddenly turned around and looked at Aburame with a smile and said.

"Let's go..."

The moment Aburame took a step towards him, Kazuya eyes started to shine red.

"Sure enough, I win this duel." Uchiha Kazuya said with a light smile.

With a quick motion Kazuya started to release a lot of his chakra in the air transforming it in a hand and squeezing the root like a banana.

Kazuya twisted and disappeared, leaving only the leafs that were falling.

Mangekyō Sharingan.

The ability of Kazuya Mangekyō Sharingan in the left eye is "End of Time" (the strongest mental attack type illusion, able to trap the enemy in a continuous cycle of his "brith to dead" experience without an escape.)

Right-eye Future sight (time ninjutsu that can pry in anybody future, the user will be able to see glimpses of future with a great cost in return)

Susanoo (two-handed, two headed spear.)

"This 'End of Time' has solved my trouble of fighting this guy, End of Time will play for 10 seconds in real life and it impossible to cancel when it activated." He touch the root corpse and store it in his inventory.

Kazuya, who returned to the Konoha cemetery, looked at the row of corpses, large and small, that were brought over by root.

Although these corpses died in different ways, their eyes were all missing.

"Okay, I'm going to be very busy, let me see where I can arrange all of you to rest?"