
Grave borne Revenant

The story takes place in the age of steam and machinery, most people go about their days worrying about money and their lifes but some dont know that there a hidden world. This world has mysterious people and abilities some can do strange things some can even curse you Elijah a newly college guratuee gets involved with this world how will he escape this world alive? Will he lose himself? ----- @gravebrone -tiktok ----- chapter realse one chapter a day if you want that to increase then send gifts if I don't realises a chapter then that means I'm busy or I'm making more or my computer broke and it deleted half my work and I'm crying in the corner. ------ I'm still new to writing novels, so don't expect there to be perfect grammar. also, in some parts, I don't think I can describe an object well enough for you to understand, so I apologize. Since I'm still kinda new don't expect some perfect writing ----- artist name: Myunghee Woo the art is not owned by me if the artist wishes to take this down then contact me on my tick tok above because I am always active on that or contact me on discord thekingofrvelution or Demon of Revolution see which one works

Alan_Grimlord · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
114 Chs

The Gift Of Reason

The outside was filled with a cool breeze as a leaf fell to the pavement a dog came up to that leaf, smelt it then went away somewhere else in search of food. an old woman sat on a chair watching the scene.to her left a black cat was sleeping on the bench she sat on "I wonder what that man is doing….it is almost time to leave, come Charlie" The woman got up from the sit the black cat followed along the mysterious woman.


"We will be fighting using any weapon of your choice!" Bargi Explained.Elijah picked up a long wooden sword (I didn't expect Cusaders to use such weapons, they have guns. Why would any of them need swords?) Elijah walked to the training field, it was a semi-large rock room. the ground was lined with metal, and the walls had some rocks lodged within them."The last person that used this room made a mess of it….but she never cleaned up" Bargi sighed then left his short wooden sword in the air…..the wooden weapon was pointed towards Elijah.Elijah looked unfazed by this act. He left the long sword to his chest …like time had stopped, nothing moved within the room not even Edmund and Amala the two were the only audience.Like a clock had chimed, the two bolted toward each other; however, Bargi was a bit faster. Bargi was in Elijah's field of vision, Before he could block or parry the attack Bargi slashed Elijah's chest; however, the attack didn't hit.Elijah reeled his body, and it fell to the floor. Elijah pushed all of his body's strength into his leg, and with that, he kicked Bargi in the face; it was a good attack that managed to damage Bargi a little, and his expression revealed a smirk.The way that Bargi held his weapon changed, and the air in the room changed Elijah bolted towards Bargi, [Blade of wind!] the wind in the room ran to one point! ELijahs sword! Elijah trusted the long sword, which was parried in a quick move.Elijah back-flipped then ran in the other direction. He ran a half circle and then poured his spirituality into the wooden blade. With that, he gripped the hilt and slashed Bargi parried. with that, the two exchanged blows now and then Bargi dodged half the time while Elijah used Wind Blade.While running Bargi appeared next to Elijah dust clouds followed behind him. The two locked eyes all Elijah saw was an empty set of eyes ready to Eliminate its enemy. Bargi sluged Elijah in his left side, which sent him flying a few feet away.Elijah rolled onto his back and then sidesteped out of the next attack. The room was filled with dust clouds [Wind!] Elijah screamed. the dust cloud went up to the ceiling revealing Bargi slashing down. While that happened, Elijah condensed the wind into his pointer finger and then shot it out. the blow pushed Bargi to his feet his eyes however were still emptyThe floor beneath Bargi broke down as he disappeared from that spot; Elijah reacted quickly and parried Bargi's upcoming attack. The attack shattered Elijah's wooden sword he was also thrown a few meters back with the attack [Wisp!] The air around Elijah collected the shards of shattered wood and then placed them into their original form"While I was in here I learned a few more spells; thanks to you I'm getting to test them out" Elijah grinned Bargi appeared close to him ready to slash his torso; Elijah reacted quickly and sidestepped to the side then dashed towards Bargi he swung the blade infused with his spirituality to keep its form. the attack stroke the air(Dam, he's faster than I thought!…. I knew this wasn't going to be easy) Elijah grinned. Bargi rushed towards him. The short blade was close to his chest, and it was like seeing an assassin move in the nightElijah used the very room to his advantage he blocked and parried the attacks thanks to half the room being already destroyed. Elijah clapped his hands as he shouted [Flame!]. His hands burned a crimson red as Bargi appeared in front of him already in the motion of the slash; however, Elijah was ready. He swung his fist forward covered in flame. The short sword was parriedwith the opening, Elijah grabbed Bargis short and then pummeled Bargi's face with a barrage of fists covered in flame; Bargi kicked his feet up, allowing him to escape at an impossible angle."Your style of fighting is quite impressive Elijah!" Bargi yelled with an excited tone. Blood flowed from his head. Even though he was a crusader and his durability surpassed any normal person he was still slightly damaged by Elijah."Thanks!" Elijah yelled; he clapped his hands then spirituality went towards his palms as a red light condensed into a flame [Ball of Fire!] he yelled.instead of throwing it, he traced the wooden blade in the red-hot light; Elijah rushed forward in the next second, and he was close to Bargi. However, Bargi didn't move or try to avoid the attack Bargi's hand glowed a faint golden as he raised his fist to parry the wooden blade.Elijah's attack hit its mark, but the wooden sword exploded as it was pushed back by a strong force. Bargi walked closer to Elijah and then said excitedly, "Let's end this Quickly!". Elijah didn't bother to gather the shards of the wooden blade, he took on a basic fighting stance.the two dashed as quick as lightning, fists clashed against each other kicking up dust half the time they threw kicks at each other. One attack landed on the face while another attack landed in the torso. Elijah was panting heavily.(I…..Can't keep up with his speed) Elijah thought inwardly.Elijah charged forward as his punch cut through the air, but it was caught before it landed its mark; with the original force of the punch Bargi used that to throw Elijah over his shoulder. Elijah swiftly landed on his back. He coughed, but before he could catch his breath, Bargi threw another punch.Elijah could not dodge, but he managed to get fatally injured in the attack instead of hitting his shoulder. his entire arm ran out in pain, and Elijah released a muffled scream.Huff…huff…huffElijah's movements slowed but Bargi's never once slowed he moved swiftly none of his attacks went to waste. They all had a purpose which was to beat Elijah. "Do you regret underestimating me, Elijah?" Bargi inquired with a chuckle.Elijah didn't say anything he readyed a punch and then rushed, but it was quickly stopped. Elijah's attacks no longer had a purpose all his fist wanted to do was to give up but ELijah wouldn't make that happen. He pushed his body like he had always done. even when in the den to him surviving meant gold he wanted it, which was his purpose for fighting.But now there was no purpose to his fighting. Why did he want to fight Bargi in the first place (Why do I want to fight? Why did i challenge him to a spar?) Elijah punched at the empty air; Bargi was behind him. Bargi wanted to speak but he felt that what he wanted to say wouldn't go through so Bargi swung a chop at Elijah's neck'Birds die for food as a man dies for glory; what you seek, Elijah is not Glory but a reason to fight. ask yourself what will you accomplish if you fight. why do you fight? why should you fight?'Otto's voice ran in Elijah's ear it was like a thick fog had cleared from ELijah's head (Why do I fight?…..to be honest, I don't exactly know why…..it just feels natural to want to fight…..maybe I fight to return home?(No…. that's not the reason….why should I even fight ...) as if a waterfall had dropped on Elijah's head his thoughts cleared up as he summoned a red flame in his healthy hand twisted his body then threw a punch with all his remaining strength toward Bargi.(I Fight to survive!… I want to Live!… I want to enjoy Everything in this life!….. I Fight to live for myself!…. I Will FIGHT TO WIN!) All of Elijah's thoughts went to one thing! the need to win and overcome this mountain in front of him; if he wants to survive, he will have to get stronger.(If I ever want to regain my memory, then I have to get stronger both mentally and physically)Bargi swiftly dodged the punch, he was about to hit back but Elijah fell to the floor and then said under a soft breath "I can not….i can not beat you…." Bargi chuckled, lowered himself to ELijahs level, then touched his back; half of ELijahs injuries had healed"I apceted your challenge to a spar because I guessed that after you survived the den, then you might grow overconfident….. again sorry" Bargi chuckled. His expression showed a relaxed grin, then continued. "But in the end, you surprised me with the use of your spells"Elijah looked up to Bargi and then spoke, " My time in the den was hellish i learned how to fight monsters….or whatever they're called… if it weren't for you, I probably would have grown overconfident in my abilities later on in life."

sorry for the late upload was watching Tectone...the guys weird

Alan_Grimlordcreators' thoughts