
Grave borne Revenant

The story takes place in the age of steam and machinery, most people go about their days worrying about money and their lifes but some dont know that there a hidden world. This world has mysterious people and abilities some can do strange things some can even curse you Elijah a newly college guratuee gets involved with this world how will he escape this world alive? Will he lose himself? ----- @gravebrone -tiktok ----- chapter realse one chapter a day if you want that to increase then send gifts if I don't realises a chapter then that means I'm busy or I'm making more or my computer broke and it deleted half my work and I'm crying in the corner. ------ I'm still new to writing novels, so don't expect there to be perfect grammar. also, in some parts, I don't think I can describe an object well enough for you to understand, so I apologize. Since I'm still kinda new don't expect some perfect writing ----- artist name: Myunghee Woo the art is not owned by me if the artist wishes to take this down then contact me on my tick tok above because I am always active on that or contact me on discord thekingofrvelution or Demon of Revolution see which one works

Alan_Grimlord · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
109 Chs

A Gift To You

"Elliot, why are you here?" Amala inquired. The two were in the lobby waiting for Bargi to finish saying bye to Elijah.


"I could be asking you the same thing…. what's been happening with you? You've been shy and sneaking around lately.


"I've known you long enough to know that its, 's not some guy, so….wanna tell me what's up?" he said with a serious voice.


(When was the last time he acted like this?….. I shouldn't focus on that now) Amala thought inwardly. After a few moments of thought, she replied


"Did you know that The weird cult that helped us find Elijah is being hunted?" Elliot rubbed his chin in thought then stated


"Yeah…their cult was called the monarch of life…..huh, guess like I missed out on that information….are you hunting them?" he inquired, his voice still serious yet inaudible.


"I wouldn't say hunt….just searching for answers is all…now that I've answered your question why don't you answer mine? Why are you here?" Elliot chuckled, ran his fingers through his hair, and then grinned.


"Funny…-" a slight grin escaped-" we have the same reason…searching for answers".


"?!.." Amala tried her best not to express how dumbfounded she felt (… I don't think we are searching for the same thing…).


After that talk, the two left in different directions. Elliot went to church while Amala went to a cake shop downtown.




Within that two weeks, Elijah was finally released from the inquisitor's headquarters.


"Finally!" Elijah yelled. Passers looked at Elijah with strange expressions, but he ignored them


(I won't wait for the others to come get me…I've been In that place for far too long) he thought inwardly. Elijah strolled down the street. He walked for at least half a mile until he stopped at a strange store


"….Is that?" Elijah walked into the old store. The inside was slowly breaking apart; the floor was made of deadwood the walls were concrete, and it was painted a yellow color Elijah walked to the front desk.


"Hello welcome to the Weavers Divination! Who would you like to do your divination today? if you don't know who to choose, we can recommend one to you" the woman said cheerfully. She had a slim build her hair was a short brown her eyes were a dark shade of green and her lips were a full red.


She wore a suit-like uniform but instead of pants, she had a skirt. (I wonder if that old lady is here?….. I kinda want to get my fate read….I wonder if they're accurate) he thought inwardly.


"I'm new here…..do you have any sort of recommendations?" He asked his voice low, the woman looked through her book then for a few moments she stared at a name and then raised her head from the book.


"Yes Lady Simon, she would be very great for you! just wait a few moments I will call her up"


Elijah sat in the lobby waiting for the woman to leave the room.


'Why did you even come here?' Otto asked.


Elijah didn't answer he just played with his nails, he wore a formal suit it wasn't as fancy as the other men that passed by they wore black tailcoats with shirts and bow ties one wore a black leather glove while the other carried a cane. they walked as if they were in a rush, they all looked to be in their mid-forties.


"Ok! She will be waiting for you at the red door!" the woman said with a cheerful expression


(I wonder how much she getting paid) Elijah walked through the halls each side had a different colored room. the rooms themselves were quiet but….


(It feels like I'm being watched..from everywhere) in time, he managed to reach the red door.


The door released a cold chill, (This door is creeping me out...but I have to do in) Elijah sighed and then opened the red door. his eyes met a woman in your late forties she had Brassy blonde hair there was some Grey mixed in but it was dull, nearly seeable.


she had Bright green eyes, and her eyes carried an air of wonder and mystery she had purple eye shadow but it was a type of dull color that you wouldn't be able to see her lips were a bright red, and she was covered in a black and gold robe.


"You must be Elijah….welcome," she said in a soft voice, Elijah found his seat and sat. he then carefully observed the room, they were in a dark room, and the only light source was a candle in front of them, it was nearly out but the fire kept burning.


(Spells?) he thought inwardly.


"Why is the room so dark?" Elijah asked, the woman lifted her hand to cover her mouth and then chuckled.


"For the atmosphere, of course, we can turn the light on if you want, dear." The woman said she had a wide smile on her face; it just screamed that she was happy, yet there was something strange about it


"It's fine, Lady Simon, the atmosphere was done well." The woman looked to the side, then grabbed a box and asked


"…what method do you want me to use?" she said slowly; she was looking at Elijah with a strange look


(is she flirting with me?) Elijah rubbed his chin and then answered.


"how about a crystal ball!, would that method work for you, Lady Simon" Elijah held the same eye contact that Simon had; she didn't look away; however, this lasted for a full thirty seconds.


"All righty then!" she said cheerfully "Let's start!" she went to her left side grabbing something Elijah couldn't fully see but she grabbed a crystal ball and placed it on the table, the crystal was clear yet it looked like it had tiny star's within it.


"All right, just to warn you I haven't done this in a long time so the reading might not come out accurate " Elijah smiled then gestured for the woman to continue. She placed the ball in front of them and then placed her hands on the ball, her hands were veiny yet they had a delicate look to them. It looked as if her hands could carry him.


(What the hell am I thinking!!) Elijah sighed; the woman then added.


"What? don't want to do a crystal reading?" she rested her face on her free hand and then looked at Elijah with her bright green eyes. (What the hell is going on!) Elijah screamed Inwardly


"uh… there's….just a lot on my mind, I guess," the woman shrugged then added in a calm voice.


"We can't have that now….it might mess up the reading so I want you to do something for me, " the woman said. Elijah looked at her with a confused expression


"What exactly?"


"Simply release yourself…let it all go….remove all distractions for your mind and focus on this moment…..focus on this crystal ball that could help you focus….release the pressure from her back. Think of what you want...think of what you will do to achieve what you want.


"Elijah simply breathe….you are safe here. Release the tension from your back…..free yourself from that pressure; focus on the you in this moment….." A few seconds passed, which turned into minutes. The mountain-loaded pressure that was on his back was surprisedly gone.



he felt safe. He felt like himself again…before the Den happened, Elijah stayed in this moment for a few minutes then opened his eyes, and a tear came flowing down Elijah saw Lady Simon's fair skin. Her fingers were whipping away Elijah's tears.


"Better?…. I like to do my readings when both I and the customer are relaxed; it helps me focus more" she added in a soft voice. Elijah tried to compose himself but it failed he chuckled and then added


"I'm ready to do the reading" The woman looked at the crystal ball with meaning, then looked up, back to Elijah, and added


"it's already done…..I did the reading while you were relaxed; usually, readings require the person doing the reading to ask many questions before they start, but I've been doing this long enough…I can know who the person is in front of me by a single glance- the moment you entered this building the reading had Already Started"


Elijah could not hold back his expression. His mouth was open and his eyes were wide open (What!…..does she have an Oath?). The woman chuckled then added with a smile.


"Everyone always has a creeped out expression but for some reason you don't…how curious….Anyway, wanna hear about your fate or future?" Elijah looked at her with a confused expression


"You did two readings?" She nodded.


"But I will only share one with you, " the woman stated.


Elijah rubbed his chin in-depth thought (the future would be good to know…but it could change if I know what's going to happen…but fate … I don't quite understand that one …)


'if I were you, I would choose fate,' Otto said in a relaxed voice


(he has been so off lately….should I just choose future?..he could be messing with me, or he could be trying to learn about his fate and then try and avoid it by influencing my decisions, which could lead to him freeing himself from me…or worse)


'chose the future if you want, but the choice comes with a price…Elijah, don't you remember what I told you? everything in this world comes with a price…choosing the future will be the worst price you would ever have to pay.' Otto added


Elijah mumbled for a few more minutes, then sighed. "Fate, I guess" Elijah had a dull expression.


"Good choice…no being should ever know what the future holds for them…the price for that knowledge would have been painful.


"the master great and old will look down in the boundless darkness just to face their end followed with a bow that pierces the sky, a dragon will rise from the ashes, the seas will part to enter a new king, a fallen kingdom will raise to the new era…..that is your fate Elijah" she added in a deep voice her personality was gone yet it returned.

hello 2024

Alan_Grimlordcreators' thoughts