

After a few minutes of waiting, there was a knock at the door, now that Elijah had rest he could re-summon Feray. he walked to the door then slowly opened it, he saw a woman dawned in silver Armour with a short curly brunette and her eyes were hazel. her face was covered in wounds and some dried-up blood "Amala!" Amala fell in Elijah's arms, Daly raced down the stairs then yelled "Put her on the couch" Elijah moved his body then ran to the couch, he placed her body down. Elijah looked up at Daly, she was in a different room searching for something

"Doll of Misfortune" Freay appeared out of thin air, her gaze landed on Amala's injured body. Freay moved towards her with interest and then blended the monstrous head forward, the head hovered over Amala within a few seconds a gray fog existed the mouth then blew towards Amala, her body was unmoving.