
Flash to the Past 4

"…..Th…" Cassian dropped to the floor with a loud thud. Amala rose from the floor and then limped over towards Daly. She grabbed Amala's hand and then dashed out of the building

"Thanks to the armor you're wearing the damage isn't that bad, if you were to have been through that far then you would have at least some internal bleeding" Daly finished.

Amala gripped her side as she continued running.

(…I…I…Shot Cassian….Was it even him anymore?….how many times have he died in the den?….) Amala gritted her teeth with a painful expression and then thought.

(Why am I trying to think up some dam excuse?…he attacked us in the first place, so why should I even feel bad?…. Fu*K)She cursed inwardly.