

What would you do if you're given a new chance of life, living in a new world like a game with power, gods and powerful enemy. would you become ordinary or create a new destiny?

InsideTheBottle · Fantasy
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2 Chs


"Welcome to GrandWorld Adventurer"

Aaron heard as he blinked an eye, as his vision cleared it was very different from where the Statue of Guardians, there are many people around him with confusion written on their faces, a brilliant light flashed above them then a giant angel-like human being with four wings on his back appeared. Everyone became silent not knowing what would happen next.

A minute of silence passed and the angel-like figure spoke, "Welcome to the Grand World everyone, I am Solistice, a guardian of this world known as Grand World. All of you might be curious why you are here and you all know to yourself that you are supposed to be dead but the Great One gives all of you a chance to live a second time and participate in a newly created world. But this time you will have a different choice, this world is created like a game, from the human world called earth they call this MMORPG, those from future earth have a great understanding of these, but don't worry if you're from Elven World, Dwarven world or Ginis the world of giants, because a guide will be sent to your inventory.

To shorten this speech, Every one of you is from different timelines in your world, your memories are still intact so that you can use your past experience to survive in this world. Each time you die you will be revived in a revival shrine 10 minutes after death.

Just say "status window" and you will slowly adapt to this world.

Now each of you will be sent to a random village of a different empire.

Now the choice is yours.


A bright pillar of light enveloped Aaron and unexpectedly his environment changed into a library. A lady is in front of him then suddenly a mesmerizing sound followed by a clear calm voice came from the lady.

"Welcome to Grand World. I am Guidess the Librarian, Do you want to change your name?" The lady firmly asked.

"Do I need to change my name?" He asked in reply

"Grand World is a world where you can live a new life, changing your name is common but if you don't change your name, future reincarnate might pose problems to your adventure. Changing the name is necessary"

as he think a status window like those in games appeared upfront of him, then the lady said

"Speak the name you thinking of to change your name. You can change the name again if you have a name change card"

With a thinking pose Aaron rummage through his brain cells to come up with a name,

"Evil Fang, that's my nickname before" Aaron spoke

"CAUTION! using the word EVIL will attract the Evil Faction from the Abyssal Shaff, caution is advised to minimize interruptions in your adventure" the lady strictly told.

"What about Noar Amanikable" Aaron replied lifelessly

"Name acceptable"

then an orb suddenly appeared "Noar Amanikable please proceed, hold this orb to awaken and register your Information"

As Rhon hold the orb lifelessly a little spark electrocuted his body and a burst of energy manifested unto him, it wakens up his slumbering body, after which a system window appeared in his eyes view,

"Affinity to elements

Water: C

Earth: D

Fire: C

Wind: C

Holy: SSS

Dark: F

Innate Element: Dimension S+

Suggested Class: Divine Healer

Stat before Reincarnation

Strength: A+

Agility: A+

Dexterity: A

Intelligence: A

Wisdom: A

Vitality: B


Name: Noar Amanikable Level:1 (0/100)

Class: Divine Healer

Sub-class: none (suggested sub-class: Rune Artist, alchemist, analyst, tactician, scroll maker)

Occupation: none


HP: 100/100

Mana: 100/100

Holy Power: 100/100

Status: ---(cursed, frozen, poisoned)


Strength: 5

Intelligence: 10

Agility: 5

Dexterity: 5

Wisdom: 10

Vitality: 10

Luck: 1



Divine Purification (Lvl: 1) - Purify's target negative status and heals 30 health per second for 10 seconds. Cooldown 2 minutes.

Divine healing (Lvl: 1) - heals 20% of health. Cooldown 3 minutes.

Quick healing (Lvl: 1) - heals 100 health. Cool down for 5 seconds.

Continues healing (Lvl: 1) - heals 2% health every 2 seconds for 2 minutes. Cooldown 5 minutes.

Holy bullet (Lvl: 1) - 50 damage. Cooldown 10 seconds. )

Holy Aura (lvl: 1) - increases all light and holy damage and healing effect of self and allies in a 10 meter radius. -5 holy power per second

-Deals 100 damage to all undead within the aura radius.


After carefully reading his status window Noar looked at the librarian before asking furiously

"Why Am I a healer? Do I look like a medic or a doctor on the earth?"

The librarian was startled but calmly replied to him "Maybe it is your fate, everyone had a different class, and they had to accept because you can only change class through a class change quest"

"So this is just like a virtual reality game my son used to play" Noar muttered to himself

"Like how you think, this world is like a virtual reality game, but everything here is not a game, you only have a few lives to spare, you can be resurrected a few times but if you lose all your spare lives, you will not be resurrected and turn into a wandering ghost or soul weapon. The guardian only tells you general knowledge most of it also have its limitations, you can still die in this world.

This library holds the knowledge of many histories, you can scan the books here or leave and start your new life. What would be your choice?"

"I will read the books first" Noar straightforwardly replied

The librarian then gave Rhon a golden thin book and said "this book can only be read in the library once, this is a guide to the Class you have"

After Noar hold the book, the librarian suddenly vanished. Noar shock was painted on his face, he calmed himself and walk inside the library finding noteworthy books he could read.

Just a new author, i might have many grammar mistakes

Have a nice day reading

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