

What would you do if you're given a new chance of life, living in a new world like a game with power, gods and powerful enemy. would you become ordinary or create a new destiny?

InsideTheBottle · Fantasy
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2 Chs

A new beginning

On a sunny day, an old man in his 70's is sitting down on a chair with a little girl on his lap. The old man caresses the little girl's head while they are watching a Japanese anime. While the little girl is enjoying the show the old man said,

"Jane, do you know your Gramps can do those martial arts in the anime"

"Really?!" the little girl replied in astonishment

The old man stands up and copies the moves of the martial art anime they are watching and the little girl's eye is full of astonishment and surprise.

She can't believe that her gramps could do those moves even in his old age,

"How do you do that gramps?" the girl asks curiously

"If you grow older I will teach you self-defense and a few martial arts, so grow fast little princess" the old man replied with a smile on his face.

3 days passed and the Old man lost his last breath mysteriously on a fine day. His funeral was grand, there were many big personalities that only a few can see in public, few of them are Presidents, the War General, the Special Force Captain, and Marine Commander. Their faces show sadness in their heart, some even cried.

A person who is one in a billion, a genius of a century, the master of tactics; these are the few nicknames they call the old man that died. His name is Retired Military General and Marine Corps Commander, Aaron Guevarra is also known as the Evils Fang, he get this nickname during a mission where he ambushed an enemy encampment using only a knife to save his comrades.

*Before the old man's death*

In his bed, before sleeping he takes his medicine after writing on a paper that he hide under his bed. As he lies down on his bed, he readied himself as he closes his eyes and imagines what it feels like to be dead, he imagines many things like how curious a child is. He thought of spirit theory, where your spirit can see the dead body after death, then he thought of heaven and hell in the beliefs of Christianity. He was sure to be in hell because of the many people he killed even though they were evil kind.

An hour passed and he felt his heart squeezed, he endure it until he lost his last breath.


"The pain is gone?" As he curiously hold onto his chest to feel his heartbeat, "thump thump" he felt his heart beating, he mumbled to himself "Didn't I Die?" He nervously and slowly open his eyes because he couldn't touch the bed where he is supposed to be.

As he open his eyes he saw molten lava all over the place and his mouth widen as he was shocked and shouted " WHY AM I IN HELL?!!!" it echoes through at the whole hellish place.

As he shouted, a horrific sound came from the molten lava then slowly a human figure ascended while the lava on his body slid on his cape.

"Welcome to Hell," the human figure told

Aaron who was still shocked can't believe what is happening, then he slowly looked closer to the human figure's face and saw that it wore a plain mask without any holes for the eyes to see or curve for the nose to fit in.

"Who are you?" Aaron asked

With a heavy and a ragged voice, the human figure told,

"I am the Guardian of Hell, Welcome Sinner one"

Aaron inhaled and exhaled before asking seriously, "Why am I in hell?"

The masked figure slowly close into him and said

"Oh sinner one, you have killed many people during your lifetime"

As he spoke, many human figures shouted in the molten lava asking for help, their cries echoed to Aaron's head as he slowly kneeled holding his head with both hands, the cries that he heard were all of those people that he killed even though they surrendered most of them are rebels he needed to exterminate for the sake of justice and accomplishment. "ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!" He shouted very loud his memories of them slowly appear on his head.

"BOOM!" a loud sound echoed and Aaron bad memories vanished

"Hahahahhaha!!!" the masked figure laughed so loud like the Devil in movies.

Aaron's knee's still on the ground when the ground changed, grass and flower slowly grow on his foot, he looked around trying to digest what just happened then to his surprise the hellish place turned into a peaceful flower paradise and he heard the masked figure speak into a friendlier tone,

"It's nice to prank newborn babies. Hahaha!!" His laugh echoes again

"What newborn baby.." Aaron didn't finish speaking as he saw his hand younger than what is supposed to be his age.

"Poof" a human-size mirror appeared in front of his face and realized that his body turned to his Younger stage where his innocent face was painted all over his smile. He touched his face his limbs if all that he saw was just an illusion, his rough skin before was turned smooth again and his muscles gone like when he was still not in the military. After checking his body, he cleared his mind and face the masked figure who is behind the mirror and asked,

"Am I in hell? Heaven? Or reincarnated? Please give me a straight answer" Aaron asked seriously,

"Not heaven, not hell but Reincarnated? Yes! You are reincarnated in this world" the masked figure replied

"If I'm being reincarnated, do I fight Demons and save this world like those in isekai anime?" Aaron mumbled to himself then the masked figure replied

"If you think you're the only reincarnated person in this world, then that's where you're wrong. Half of the world population are all reincarnated" the masked figure seriously said and continued

"Few of earthlings call this world Purgatory and some even called this world The Heavenly Realm, but they're all wrong because this world is called the Grand World, where people who died and were chosen to be reincarnated in this world and live a new life"

"What do you mean by living a new life?" Aaron asked,

"A new life where you can become King, Emperor, or even ascend to become a god. There are many things you can do in this world that you might discover.

Follow me" the masked figure walked and Aaron followed until he could see twelve giant statues positioned in a half-moon. They stopped at the center then the masked figure spoke again.

"These Statues are Guardians also known as the six Asterisk and six Pillar. Now you will be teleported to the Grand World and begin a new life"