
Grandson of Big Mom

Let’s see how far somebody shall go with the bloodline of a celestial dragon and big mom shall we.

The_Reek · Anime & Comics
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The celestial dragons are the descendants of 20 kings who made the world government although only 19 out of the 20 families are located atop the red line and in the holy land of Mary geoise.They may seem like they are noble but they are not they are arrogant and cruel.They own thousands slaves they prey apone the slaves pain they torture them for their own pleasure.They control the main force in the world called the marines.The marines are suppose to protect the 4 seas but they get their funding from the celestial dragon so they heal no choose but to obey them.If a celestial dragon wishes they summon one of the 3 admirals 3 of the most powerful marines.

Starting now thought their power is going to start decreasing are it start with is a birth of a slave made my the combination of a slave and a celestial.who wished to continue his line with the spawn of a powerful pirate turned slave name charlotte katakuri a child of big mom she was caught trying to steal a peculiar fruit called the mochi mochi no more from a ship of a low ranked noble who was sailing to give to a celestial dragon they were both given to the celestial dragon.

Note: Can you tell me how the prologue is.