
Grandpa Universe In Multiverse [COMPLETE]

Alexander Maxim Universe, A kind old man, a war veteran, the most renowned scientist in the world. After a life full of hardship Alexander finally completes his promise to his dead wife. He made a super-effective medicine for cancer. But his kindness was greeted with ugly politics and betrayal from his loved ones. However, something different awaited him on the other side. ... After his death, due to unknowingly saving the lives of billions of people, God adopted him as his son and gave him the job to purify the multiverse from sin. From that day onwards, Angels and demons called him the God's Advocate. "My son, enjoy yourself while working, okay!. I don't want you to get bored from your job like Jesus. Damn, I miss Jesus, why did I send him there" ***Warning - No Harem, Extremely OP protagonist, more of a slice of life story.*** ___________________________ 2 Chapters daily [1st major world - Harry potter. Will not strictly follow the canon - Chapter 4-45] [2nd major world - Game of thrones - Chapter 47-105] [3rd major world - Marvel - 107 - 228] [4th major world - One Piece - 229 - 300] [5th mini-world - Star Wars - 302 - 329] [6th major world - Naruto - 330 - 402] [7th major world - Avatar: The Last Airbender - 406 - 452] [8th major world - Bleach - 460 -492] [9th major world - My Hero Academia - 493 -528] [10th major world - Full Metal Alchemist Bro. - 529 -584] [11th major world - Dragon Ball - 595 - 663] [12th Final Arc - DC world - 663 - 704] ____________________________ I do not own anything except the main character in this fanfiction. ____________________________ For advance chapters- www.patreon.com/misterimmortal Check out my other fics if you like this one by going into my profile. Thank You.

MisterImmortal · Book&Literature
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704 Chs

564. A Promise of Immortality

Olivier's eyes lit up when she heard that. She herself was a believer in the fact that technological advancement can make war easier and more efficient. Her own soldiers were ordered to produce tanks.

A flying machine could change everything and she knew it. She threw Buccaneer to the side and went out herself to see it.

They came at the top of the Fort Briggs. It was freezing there. But, still, in front of them was the majestic Chinook helicopter, landing slowly at the top.

"This... Is beautiful." She exclaimed loudly. For many, it was the first time hearing her appreciate something like this. Nearly never did she say something nice to the soldiers.

The helicopter landed and the rear ramp opened slowly. Inside were supplies upon supplies. There were 11 tonnes of food, firewhiskey, and vodka. All the drinks were made by Alexander's company.

"Can this thing fire shells?" Olivier asked Alexander.

"Sure it can. But I'm not planning to. I don't want this to crash in another country and then end up being reverse engineered. This will only be used to bring supplies to troops or even take troops from one place to another." Alexander said.

"Nonsense, we have an enemy on the other side of this fortress, General. We can end them with these kinds of flying machines." She insisted.

"Oh, you mean Drachma? Well, I forgot to tell you, I am going to Drachma to strike out a peace deal. Just like Creta and Aerugo." Alexander revealed.

"But sir, this is not like Creta or Aerugo. Drachma is very strong." She replied.

"The harder the challenge, the sweeter the victory. Just have some faith in me, child. Once I return, we will cheer with a glass of Firewhiskey. I also have something very important to talk to you about." Alexander replied and moved closer to her ear.

"Someone from central will most likely visit you after I'm gone. They will offer you something. Until then, take care." Alexander warned her and went back into the building to finish his meal.

Olivier stood there in the open, deep in thought. Thinking about what plot is in motion. ~It seems the Central is up to no good.~


Alexander packed his bags and through a special lift, went to the other side of the Fort. This was the most official way he could reach Drachma.

Drachma was like Russia of this word. A cold country with a strong military. Drachma was known for its constant on-and-off struggle against Amestris. Sometime in the early 1900s, both countries had signed a Pact of Non-Aggression, which endured until the end of 1914 in a somewhat shaky state and with constant threats of being broken.

Now, Alexander was on his way to adding another trophy under his belt. His propaganda Seraphs were already at work and were spreading the news that Alexander had gone to Drachma to stop the conflict.

If Alexander won this time, then he would have a reputation and fan following even bigger than the Fuhrer. It was one step closer to becoming fuhrer for Alexander now.


Meanwhile, as Alexander had warned, someone from Central came after he left.

There were two people from the Central. Surprisingly, both of them were Lieutenant General. Their names were Lt. General Raven and Lt. General Fox.

Olivier, as a person one rank lower, had to entertain these two. She was already feeling disgusted when she felt Lt. General Raven's eyes checking her body out. It was clear as day from the man's face what thoughts he had in his mind.

She took the two to a private meeting room. But she ensured that everything was being digital video recorded by the amazing gadget Alexander had given her as a gift. She didn't say no to it after she found out its capabilities.

Taking the benefit that no one knew about it in the world, she placed it in a corner of the room. To others, it was like a showpiece.

"What can I do for you two generals?" She asked.

"Ah, this is a very fine Whiskey, General Armstrong." Lt. General Raven put down his glass. General Raven was a rather manipulative and selfish person, seduced by the plan for immortality, but too foolish to realize that he himself was being deceived and manipulated by the Homunculi. He believed in the "survival of the fittest" and the "end's justification of the means"

"General Universe gave it to me before he left for Drachma." She answered.

"Ah, General Universe, what a brave and great man. He has done a great service to the nation. But I guess he has gotten too proud of himself. Drachma is no joke and the chances of his return are minimal." General Fox spoke disdainfully.

Lieutenant General Fox was one of the most powerful men in the Amestrian State Military and a high-profile member of Central Command. He was a straightforward kind of guy, but still, he was cunning.

"Only time will tell that. Now, will you tell me the reason for this visit?" She asked.

"Calm down, Major General, we are not here for any inspection. We are just here to talk. Tell me, what are your thoughts on immortality, General?" Raven asked.

Olivier hid her inner surprise and calmly thought. She now started suspecting everything and decided to say what the two probably wanted to hear.

"Hmm, it's a nice dream that everyone hopes was real. Who wouldn't want to stay young and strong forever." Olivier replied whole secretly checking their expressions.

From the looks of it, it seemed they wanted to hear exactly this.

General Raven continued and asked. "Hahaha... Yes yes, who wouldn't want to stay young, I'd give anything for immortality. What would you be willing to pay as a price for immortality."

"Huh, anything. Everything can be earned back as long as I am immortal. But why are you asking me this? I don't suppose you came here just to talk about this, immortality is just a dream, General" Olivier asked back.

Raven smiled creepily and put his hand on Olivier's. It disgusted her to no bounds. "Of course, we didn't come here for that. But we have an offer that you will surely like. What if I told you that this won't be a dream for long anymore.

"Tell me, General. Would you be interested in a legion of immortal soldiers? Never die or get old. You want to too, don't you?"

"An intriguing question. I don't know what goes on in the Central, but if this is real, then, of course, I am interested. But, what will I have to do as I understand there is never a free meal." Olivier asked.

"Haha, it is not much. A person of your background can do anything. The promised day will be coming soon, General. You will also be invited to Central soon for a seat at the Central Command. But, before that, you have one task. If you do that, immortality will be in your grasp." General Fox spoke.

"And what task is it?" Olivier inquired. She already had a feeling that she was not going to like this.

"It is simple, with all your men, it will be easy to accomplish. We need you to take care of the General Universe. That is 'If' he comes back." He replied. In an instant, the faces of General Raven and Fox started looking evil. Gone was the political smile.

~So they are afraid of the General Universe. It seems he has already chosen which side he stands on. It's a bit reassuring that he's against these lunatics.~ Olivier thought.

She acted a bit shocked and then returned to normal. She took a long breath and agreed, "It is doable."

[You can see General Raven on my Discord - https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]


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Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora*

Thank you for your support!

1 Stone = 1 Date with General Olivier Mira Armstrong. (Warning: She might punch you.)

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