
Grand Voyage, Can I Invite Traveling Sims

Accidentally crossed into the world of great voyages and awakened the simulation system. Able to continuously acquire abilities through Sims to strengthen themselves. It is also possible to invite companions to simulate, free prostitution. At Luffy’s invitation, Lin Lai decided to join the pirate group that had touched him countless times. Therefore, in the continuous Sims, the painting style of the entire Straw Hat Pirates has changed. Luffy: “The sound of freedom that resounds in the sky, the form of the sun god.” Sauron: “Swastika, six-armed Asura.” Nami: “Thunder Dragon Slayer Magic.” Robin: “Thousand-handed Buddha. “Frankie: “Gundam!” Lin Lai looked helplessly at the enemy in front of him. “My companion is too strong, I don’t even have a chance to make a move.”

Gold_D_Dragneel · Anime & Comics
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174 Chs

Chapter 22

wait until the red color dissipates, and what appears in front of everyone's eyes is a scorched black land and the steaming sea surface.

and the pirate ship just now has disappeared, and not even a trace of ash remains.

"Hiss~ The East China Sea powerhouse is terrifying."

Solon gasped, this is Lin Lai's strength, really terrifying.

Lin Lai did not look at the already stunned people, but only opened his mouth faintly.

"A power like the one I just had just now is not at all powerful in terms of the Great Voyage, and it can be compared with or even surpassed, and it is everywhere."

he said, his eyes scanning everyone.

"Even so, do you still want to go to the Great Route?"

the air suddenly fell into silence, although in the original work, they did go to the great route and became the world's top powerhouse.

but now, they are only just going to sea to the new, this kind of power, this is also the first time they have seen it.

Suddenly, Luffy spoke, and he looked at Lin Lai with serious eyes.

"One Piece, I should be sure, no one can stop me."

Solon also clenched his sword, his eyes burning.

"So what, to become the world's number one swordsman, that is my dream to fulfill even when I die, but this is only this degree, if you are afraid of even this degree, then what is the world's number one swordsman."

Nami looked at Lin Lai, and a bright smile suddenly lit up on her face.

"I have experienced more uncomfortable things than death, will I still be afraid of this?" And, I'm sure you'll protect me then, right? "

said, winking playfully.

As for Usopp, he is now trembling with fear.

but he hasn't joined the Straw Hat Pirates yet, so of course he doesn't have to answer Lin's words.

why did Lin Lai say these words, and why did he show his strength.

naturally because he wanted to see Luffy's determination.

in fact, I didn't know Luffy for long, and my understanding of them came more from film and television anime.

he wasn't sure if Luffy's personalities would change much, because, after all, this is a real world, and not everything will go according to the original.

but now it seems that everything is his thoughts, and these people are still the people he is familiar with.

while speaking, several people also slowly fell to the ground, and the atmosphere was not as silent as just now.

Luffy couldn't help but marvel at the scorched black on the ground and the residual burning sensation on it.

"Lin Lai, you are too powerful, so strong."

Usopp also nodded cooperatively next to him, when he just saw this scene, his legs were soft, if not for the reason of being held in the air, it is estimated that he would have collapsed to the ground.

Solon looked at the scene, but compared it, silently calculating in his heart to see if his sword art could cause such damage.

the result was unsurprisingly frustrating and he simply did not reach it.

"Okay, well, there is no need to talk about this, everyone knows it, otherwise others will see me and think that I am a person who loves to show off."

Lin Lai waved his hand, signaling to keep a low profile.

"Okay, since the trouble has been solved, let's go back."

while speaking, the group went back in the direction of the villa.

but compared to flying, when you go back, you use walking, so the speed is relatively slow.

way, Nami turned her back and asked Lin Lai with some curiosity.

"Lin Lai, if I am not mistaken, the power you just used should be dragon killing magic."

"Well, that's dragon killing magic, yes, it's fire."

Lin Lai did not hide anything, and there was no need.

"It's really magic, I just said how familiar it felt just now."

but Nami didn't have any ideas, after all, he could let himself have magical powers, so is it strange that he himself has these powers?

"Oh, I know, you're talking about the magic used in Nami's simulation, right?"

Luffy suddenly realized.

but Usopp behind him doesn't know what the simulation is, but he is not the other person, and it is difficult to ask.


and during the time that several people were away, Meili, another of Koya's housekeepers, also confirmed Chloe's true identity in a newspaper many years ago.

"Thank you for your help, otherwise we would all have died at the hands of this evil man by now."

Meili bowed to several people, and Keya also thanked several people.

"No need to be polite."

Lin Lai shook his head, and then told the two about the ship.


Meili thought for a moment, then nodded towards Linlai.

"I do have a ship here, I built it before, but I don't know if it meets your requirements."

said, and led the group to a warehouse.

In the warehouse, a medium-sized ship is being placed.

"This is the Golden Melly, although the shape is a little old, but the materials and structure used are very good, and it can support sailing on the sea."

is this the Merly?

Lin Lai raised his head and looked at the ship, a trace of memory flashed in his eyes, thinking that this ship also made many viewers shed tears.

and Luffy on the side had already glowing with his eyes, touching the hull of the ship with both hands, and kept giggling in his mouth.

"Hahahaha, great, Uncle Meili, can we buy this ship?"

Meili shook her head, and then spoke just when Luffy was disappointed.

"This was originally a gift to thank you, and where can I say whether it is sold or not."

a smile re-enlisted on Luffy's disappointed face, then gave Melly a thumbs up and issued a good guy card to the kind butler.

"Uncle Meili, you are such a good person."

Koya looked at the happy Luffy, a little surprised and a little curious.

is this really a pirate? Why is it different from what everyone says?

finally got their own pirate ship, and Lin Lai and a group of people are ready to set off again.

but the day before departure, Koya threw a banquet for several people.

At banquet, Luffy sends an invitation to Usopp to join the ship, and Usopp agrees to join the Straw Hat Pirates after thinking about it.

While a few people over there were eating happily, Lin Lai had already come to sit next to Keya.

"Miss Keya, thank you for the banquet for us, and the ship."

Koya shook her head.

"Meili didn't say it all, it was given to you as Xie Li."

said, and he glanced at the cheerful Usopp and the others with some envy.

Lin Lai looked at this scene, and knew in his heart that for Keya, who was physically weak, he may have been thinking of one day being able to indulge without worry.

he smiled again.

"In that case, then I will also give a thank you gift to Miss Keya as a thank you gift for this banquet."

said, Lin Lai had already launched the Heaven Dragon Destroying Magic, and in an instant, a strange energy had already surged towards Keya's body.

in just a few seconds, Keya's face was already visibly rosy.

and the feeling of weakness disappears, replaced by a healthy body.

"This is!!"

Keya looked at her hands in disbelief.

"Okay, the thank you gift has been delivered, I'll go first."

Lin said and stood up and left.

looking at Lin Lai's back as he left, Keya's eyes flashed with strange colors.

"Lin Lai, thank you, you are such a good person."

she silently thanked Lin Lai in her heart, of course, Lin Lai didn't know, just in a short moment she got a good guy card.