
Grand Voyage, Can I Invite Traveling Sims

Accidentally crossed into the world of great voyages and awakened the simulation system. Able to continuously acquire abilities through Sims to strengthen themselves. It is also possible to invite companions to simulate, free prostitution. At Luffy’s invitation, Lin Lai decided to join the pirate group that had touched him countless times. Therefore, in the continuous Sims, the painting style of the entire Straw Hat Pirates has changed. Luffy: “The sound of freedom that resounds in the sky, the form of the sun god.” Sauron: “Swastika, six-armed Asura.” Nami: “Thunder Dragon Slayer Magic.” Robin: “Thousand-handed Buddha. “Frankie: “Gundam!” Lin Lai looked helplessly at the enemy in front of him. “My companion is too strong, I don’t even have a chance to make a move.”

Gold_D_Dragneel · Anime & Comics
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174 Chs

Chapter 120

"I didn't expect that you are also the Imperial Lord, Tosaka-san, and Eimiya-san."

Vivi looked at the nervous two, her eyes scrutinizing.

"Yes, I didn't expect that you, Vivi classmate, are actually the royal lord."

Rin looked at Vivi's long blue hair a little distracted.

For Wei Wei, she doesn't know much, only knows that the other party is also famous in school, and like herself, she is a stormy figure.

"Do you want to do it? Vivi.

Saber's eyes still didn't look away, but there was an inquiry in his tone.

When Wei Wei heard this, she first looked at the two people on the opposite side, and then shook her head.

"Forget it, Saber, let's go."

The two people on the opposite side are quite famous in school, and their personalities are also good.

Of course, this is all secondary, the most important thing is that he has met two heroic spirits in a row tonight, if he continues to attack each other, I don't know if it will attract more heroic eyes.

What's more, God knows if there are old yin coins squatting in the dark now, ready to rob people's heads.

Saber also understood this truth, so he didn't say anything more, just took a deep look at Shirou, and then left here with Vivi.

When Saber and Vivi left, Rin and Shirou breathed a sigh of relief.

However, while breathing a sigh of relief, Rin's expression was also very annoyed.

"Damn, Saber is so strong, but why didn't I summon it, obviously I am well prepared."

In front of Hong A, Rin had already begun to complain, and it was obvious that she was also very unhappy with Red A, the old six heroic spirits.

"Blame me."

Hong A didn't care about this, just shrugged, and then his figure disappeared in place, hiding in the shadows to guard the two.

After all, the deterrent power of an enemy in the shadows is much stronger than that of a bright heroic spirit.

Like Saber thought, he was also afraid that someone in the shadows would attack the old six.

In this way, a battle that had been ready to start quietly disappeared.

And just as they expected, somewhere in the school, a figure was quietly watching the few people who left, and his expression did not change in the slightest.

Well, what an old six.

"Alas, it's not interesting and boring, why don't you fight."

On the boat, Lin Lai sighed as he looked at the group of people who scattered.

In a peaceful daily life, where is it interesting to tear between beautiful girls.

What's more, this is still a collision of different worlds, and that scene will definitely be very interesting.

A devil muscular Rin, a swordsmanship master Vivie, two people fighting, the picture is too beautiful to imagine.


Suddenly, the Meili swayed, and there was a boom on the sea.

"Oh, what are you doing."

Lin Lai's figure was unstable and he was almost shaken down.

He immediately turned around, ready to see which unopened Wang Baegg, who dared to find out his own business.

Now how many years have passed in the sea, how can there be people who fight and kill at every turn?

Doesn't anyone know that sailing is not about fighting and killing, but about human affection?

You must know that on your ship there is Solon, the future world's number one sword heir, Sanji, the son of the family, and Luffy, the second generation of officials and thieves.

How dare you with this lineup.

Lin Lai blinked his eyes and saw the pirate flag of the person who came, and he was immediately stunned.

Who should I be, it turns out to be Xiao Xiao San, the pirate Qi Lin who came does not know at all, this is not what Xiao Xiao San is.

Pouting, Lin Lai was too lazy to put a cannon with the other party, and immediately raised his hand to destroy the parking lot with a tornado, instantly beating the other party to the ground, all cool.

"Hehe, the little thief also dares to be presumptuous, I really don't know who gave you the courage, is it Liang Jingru?"

Lin Lai snorted coldly in disdain, and then sat bored on the chair again.

Well, although live-action movies are very good, but the body will not be able to withstand it after watching too much.

No, now he only felt that his head was empty, and a tasteless feeling flooded his heart, his thoughts were enlarged, and he had begun to think about the origin of human beings.

Well, and this thinking is still spreading, maybe it will spread to the origin of the universe in the next second.

"Oh, I really damn it, why did I just start you heavy, I should be lighter, and then say a piece of commotion by the way."

Lin Lai didn't know what he thought, and suddenly slapped his thigh, looking annoyed.

Obviously, I have been preparing my lines for two and a half years, like the top of the sea, proud of the world, and there will be a sky when I come to Lin.

For example, even if my back is to the sea, I need to drag the Meili with one hand, and I am as invincible in the world.

There are many, many more, two and a half years of hard work, isn't it for this moment? Why can't you control your broken hands.

Lin Lai thought that if only he could turn back time, so that he could resurrect the other party and kill again.

Well, it was decided, the next time you encounter an enemy, you must say your own lines in order to do it.

If he forgot again, well, if he forgot about it again, he would hang Usopp on the sails and whip him.

Well, Usopp who is in the simulation at the moment does not know that he has been calculated by Lin Lai.

If he knew, he would definitely fight hard with Lin Lai, tmd, he worked hard to fight wits and courage with the big boss in the simulation world, fighting life and death, but you are calculating me outside, you are still not a person.

Do you have to stage a Usopp ぎ miserably humiliated?

A good pirate group, there are few people, but it is full of intrigue, it turns out that the spicy chicken pirate group eats jujube pills.

The Meili is still alone at sea, and Lin Lai also walked out of the sage moment just now, ready to enjoy the live-action beautiful girl masterpiece again.

Well, this time he swore that he wouldn't fall into the sage moment so quickly, and he was going to prove that he was a very durable man.

"Open the liver and open the liver."

Lin Lai pulled out a table full of melon seeds and peanuts, well, of course, and the paper towels that were essential for chasing.

Everything is ready, just wait for the climax to come.

"It's such a strange feeling, as if someone is scolding me."

Vivi suddenly sneezed, then rubbed her nose and muttered softly.

Saber next to him couldn't help but shake his body and look around vigilantly.

"Who is it, such a powerful enemy, who can actually make me feel uneasy just by sight."

The two looked left and right, and after some careful probing, they finally gave up the search, suspecting that they had an illusion.

"Let's go back first, saber."

Vivi looked at Saber and said, and after leaving the campus, the two walked towards the house.

She now has a lot to say to Saber, because in the campus, she not only found a few people just now, but she also found that many strange magic arrays appeared on the campus at some point.

Vivi didn't know what those magic arrays were used for, but the feeling that came from them made her very uncomfortable.