
grand interpretation

what's happens when you give an opportunity to a jobless man? what happened when you give authority to an underdog, what happens when you give power to someone who hates the world? again I'll ask: What is the definition of a Violator? a person, government, etc. that goes against or refuses to obey a law, an agreement, etc. that's who I am.....

OceanStar · Fantasy
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43 Chs

chapter 4(tutor selection and evaluation)

"finally I can meet the tutor"

I said as I lead on the bed,

after my birthday three days ago I continually pestered my parents for the tutor

!!knock!! !!knock!!

a knock came from outside the door afterwards a servant spoke

"young master;the master and lady seek your presence."

"coming...."he immediately jumped out of bed and ran to look at him self in the mirror,then ran to open the door only to see Silvia and the servant standing there

Silvia was already 6 going to 7 ,you can easily tell she will glow up to become a beauty

"Silvia,since when have you been here?"he ask even though he knew

she has been standing here for approximately 2 minutes 31-32 seconds

why he did not call her in? well simple because he was creating a list of subject which he plans for the tutor to teach him

"I just came..'' she said with a bright innocent smile

he smiled with guilt as he knew she knew that he knew she was outside

she smiled brighter

'you will have to make it up to me...'

she thought

as if hearing her thought

he turned his head away fast

"let's go..."



in the study room which was located at the library ,9 men and 4 women where present a man and a woman were standing, another pair of man and woman where sitting in one direction opposite of them are the rest of the people who are sitting facing the four people

the pair was of cause baron slaen and his lady

there seemed to be discussing something important with serious faces

suddenly the door open a 3year old boy white dark hair and dark eyes with a slight shade of green walked in, being escorted by a 6 years old girl with maid clothing

after walking to the middle of the room there stop

putting his hand over his chest and bowing slightly as a noble greeting

the people in the room where surprised

'such a young child yet he already knows etiquette greetings''

the people in the room began to evaluate the child

"father you have called''he spoke with a childish voice which is proves of his age

"yes son.....this are all renowned tutor over the empire which have answered our call....you will have to select your choice from them....as each of them has a list of specific specialties,"enslym spoke

"as you which mother....;"amon spoke with a brief smile then immediately turned serious

suddenly he clapped his hand

a servant walk into the room holding a silver tray

on the tray was a piece of paper

taking the paper from the tray,amon cleared his throat the began addressing the tutor's

"ladies and gentlemen, sir's and ma's allow me to reintroduce myself,

my name is Amon Slaen Von Grand;

you all have come from far to respond to the call of myself and my family for that you have my appreciation ',,"

"this is a list of the subject which I have an interest in I would be reading them out as I had not enough time to make copies.


"first: history

history is the access to one ancestry and the world around them, knowing history is same as knowing of the tales of time and space,

second: maths

it's carried the foundations of civilization opening a new road in all era I believe it's a most to understand maths

third: language's and culture

as knowing of home and foreign land help prevent troubles in one's life

fourth: animal and different races

for world understanding

and lastly: law,ethics and constitution

I don't won't to be at a disadvantage against anyone,and not to cause trouble for myself and my family knowing the laws and being friends with it is best,"; Amon finish speaking

the tutor's where surprised,very, very surprised and they remains silent for a few minutes before one of them broke the silence and started speaking

"baron...you said your child would be selecting by him self right?.."a slim tutor asked

"yes,I said very much that.." elden replied with a proud smile

"did you right those for him?....'' another one ask this time a short and chubby women

"no,he wrote them by him self.... infact even the reasons are his own thoughts" elden replied

turning around she ask "do you have no interest in chemistry child?" she ask with hope for a child as bright as this she would gladly pass on all her


"nothing more ma" amon spoke with a sweet smile

all the tutors kept quiet till a dark skinned slightly muscular man spoke

"interestingly every subject you just mentioned are the ones I offered..,is this fate''he spoke with a relaxed smile

Amon look at the tutor,he had dark hair which wasn't long but wasn't short either with a calm looking face,and a dependable frame

you would never believe he was a tutor if he did not wear the tutoring badge, as he looked more like a upright knight

"oh....you are Sir emz...my father sent you right?"

"yes...yes he did....now on to the main topic"emz spoke with a calm voice

"okay.... ladies and gentlemen....it's seems ,we might have wasted your time...I will leave the rest to you and my parents"Amon said and left with Silvia

the room got rowdy afterwards