
grand interpretation

what's happens when you give an opportunity to a jobless man? what happened when you give authority to an underdog, what happens when you give power to someone who hates the world? again I'll ask: What is the definition of a Violator? a person, government, etc. that goes against or refuses to obey a law, an agreement, etc. that's who I am.....

OceanStar · Fantasy
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43 Chs

chapter 3(birthday party and library)

"waaah.....my baby is all grown up now...honey is he going to leave me now...are all those little girls going to steal me son's love from his mama," enslym spoke with the must dramatic of tunes

elden had already gotten used to his wife's strange ass interest in being a drama queen

and so has everyone around

well except this two nutjubs

"fear not my lady I will protect young master from all those wolf like girls" Silvia started confidently

"yeah,don't worry mom I will look out for little amon" said a girl with pitch black hair and green eyes

this is maria who is 6 years old now she is two years older than Silvia and has started attending private tutoring with her maid Annabel who we all call Anna

'I feel embarrassed everytime they do this.....how am I supposed to get married if you keep this up..... okay enough of that,let's put the plan into action....I must act spoiled as much as possible;

"mwamwa,pwapwa I wun bwooks"amon started with the must spoil yet serious look he could mustar....yet

...yet to everyone present he looked cute....

"aww....my little angel want book's you want to be like your sister, Silvia and Anna,yes" his mother ask affectionately

amon's eye's spark because he saw hope"yews pwease"

"okay,on your third birthday you would immediately start learning from a tutor....is that okay with you my dear?" his father ask while signaling his wife

as if understanding her husband

she added "how about I read you bedtime stories from now on?" she lovingly asked

amon sensing something a miss decided not to push it and wait for his third birthday



at night in the masters bedroom

on the king-sized bed

elden and enslym were holding each other close to themselves

after what seemed like hours

elden spoke with some struggle

"dear....do you think.....it's alright..-"

as if having telepathy she responded very quickly

"yes it's the right decision...if we give him books too early he would grow bored of them before the appropriate age where he would understand them"

they both kept silent after wards....if others was to know that this two beings where having headaches over source a small topic the world be surprised


a year and 7 months later

Amon was almost three and from the stories told by his mother and gossip and other sources of information

Amon had gathered minimum amount of information

Amon did nothing more with his time other than

eat, sleep,shit, listen to gossip, listen to stories,run around the manor and it's surroundings

argue with his sister and Silvia

''at the age of 5 you would go for energy core testing,at that age you can finally think of a profession part which you want to take"Maria said as she lecture amon who was listening attentively

"so ....big sister what are the list of profession one can choose from?"

"aww....you even understand list.... cough...ahem...I was just about to get there...there are different types of professional with different abilities and skill set....we have martial artist who use technique and energy to strengthen themselves,mage who use that same energy for attack, beast tamer who train beast and use them to battle, summoners who summon being from other dimension or plains for battle, Aura users who mainly use aura, warlock etc and more when you get to the academy you would understand more and learn more of their different and similarities"Maria started with the most mature look she could muster

"what profession are you big sis..?"

amon asked with interest

"oh me.....am of warlock's category" she said with a smile

"warlock's mostly use weapons but we also know magic....we are kind of similar to magic swordsman which are a mix class of mage's and swordsmen"Maria started while thinking nothing of it

"but our different are '1, magic swordsman can use any typeof element while warlock's can only use the element which there are must gifted with .....but there is an exemption to this rule as some people a born gifted with two,like me I was born slightly more gifted than the normal gifted people, my elements are ice element and light elements,then the second different that I know would be warlocks have a higher damage output because of more consecration of fewer elements on their bodies"maria started calmly

"what an interesting world...." amon murmured

"then what about mom and dad?" amon asked with interest

"mom and dad?moms just a normal person and dad is a Baron.....I'm not sure their have any fighting history...but our grandfather is..."maria was cut short by a voice calling her from outside the door

"my lady,the master seeks your presence" a maid said from outside the room

"okay coming.....Anna let's go, brother I have to go let's continue another time, okay?"maria ask as she and Anne left the room

"okay..."Amon started with a smile

in his mind

' I hate you cliffhanger-kun'he screamed as he was getting valuable infor
