
grand interpretation

what's happens when you give an opportunity to a jobless man? what happened when you give authority to an underdog, what happens when you give power to someone who hates the world? again I'll ask: What is the definition of a Violator? a person, government, etc. that goes against or refuses to obey a law, an agreement, etc. that's who I am.....

OceanStar · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
43 Chs

chapter 37 (unending hords of masma creature's,arrey heart main vein->a means of survival)

seeing the creatures eslot buffed his sword with fire magic and moved towards the creatures.... directly slashing two of them in pieces.. jumping over to the nearest one and stomping on it so hard it head exploded

veg did what he was best at.. releasing a storm of arrows towards the creature's.... luckily for him this time this creatures have eyes so his ability could work wonders on them ,no wanting to be outdone the assassin releases his threads once more....this times they acted as weapons and not mere tool's for maneuver

their speeds and unpredictability help them to directly pierce into the creatures....after the successfully pierced into their targets the assassin cross his hands and swung them apart at fast Speed, directly tearing the creature's apart

'such amazing teamwork!!' Silvia thought while she was following at the very core of the formation, suddenly a creature in the form of a serpent with front limbs came from the shadows at the side of a tree they were passing by..... catching her off guard...it's speed was unpredictable.

when it was almost reaching her neck, a giant Warhammer flew by hitting it's head causing it to explode..yet the Warhammer's speed did not reduce slightly instead it kept going at its usual speed it killed over 7 more of them while clearing the surrounding giving eslot breathing space to relax and organize his breathing

Silvia turned around giving a grateful look towards vervok,who simply shrugged it off while bashing a par of the masma creature's to death.. carrying monslun on his back the entire time

Silvia heard gun shots and looked towards it's source only to discover amon with the face he puts on whenever his demolishing her at chess...pure and absolute seriousness.

as if sensing her gaze turned towards her his expression shifting naturally from cold-seriousness to a warm and friendly smile...all while still shooting the creatures to death

they never stopped moving,but instead increased their pace every time they killed a the creature's

Silvia looking at them, she thought to herself

' everyone is fighting...young master isn't resting nor relaxing and waiting for all of use to safely reach so we can go home...I...must become someone young master can rely on'

her entire energy shifted once more becoming similar to when she first used her personal ability

raising her right hand and stretching it forth, dots of red light started appearing in the surrounding numbering in the hundreds..this dot started rushing towards Silvia's outwardly stretched arm, forming tin streaks of light and gathering into a sphere in her right hand

when the spheres size reached the size slightly bigger then a basketball, she started compressing the sphere until it was the size of a small marble

she started closing her hand on the small marble of light....the light was covered in her hands like water being pressed in humans palm ... light started leaking from her palm

it grew so bright that before those present could grasp what was happening it's had already turned into a sword of red light in Silvia's hands

raising it up slightly,she incanted in low but firm voice

the form of speech which the world love's a listen and respond to the most

"bless my blade..increase its force... fortify it's durability....flame magic–blessed flames–"

as soon as she casted it,a raging flame generated from the red sword of light

Amon who was busy massacring the masma creatures from safe distance upon hearing Silvia incantation,looked over in surprise as that was a spell at the high levels of the mid tier

'she's truly a monster....well at least she is MY little monster' amon though

as of filling it wasn't enough,she completely activated {PURPLE} not just leaving it at the state of automatic defensive reflexes which her body performed by it's instinct of survival

the sword immediately turn purple even the flames turned purple as a result from her ability..

she went into a frenzy of killing completely demolishing the monster made from the masma

she instantly when to the very top of the chart at people who have the most kills

........YET........This creatures never reduced in numbers,

this creature which kept coming in more numbers and seems completely unending, infact they seemed to be becoming more advanced the more you kill them,some have even started trading more than 4 blows before death...unlike the first time when the only deliver a single blow or two before being sent to the underworld

when amon felt things getting worst

he said to them all

" retreat...I'm about to throw out a bomb.... it all depends on thus for use to see if they are truly infinite or this arrey is just deceiving us"

the others didn't think or as before retreating along the way the had completely accepted,amon as their leader...no disrespect meant to eslot

amon threw three explosion at the the hord of masma creatures...you can easily guess how bright and loud it became afterwards



sounds of explosion


the sounds of creatures cries never seized

you could easily hear their agony...well that is if you aren't def by then from the sounds of the explosion's

amon and the other circled the explosion and continued on the the parts which they where originally following

when suddenly amon asked them to turn back and start going back to the location they where original at

although they didn't understand why they complied without much words

while going back amon kept looking at the trees along the road,then he said

"this is not the road we came from."

Silvia and the others looked confused at the sudden statement

it's was so confusing to them that

veg who was the most outgoing one in the group ask a question which was on everybody's minds

yet they refused to ask Amon

"young master...are you Perhaps alright?" he asked while gesturing towards his own head

"you ask if I have gone mad?" amon asked while looking calmly at veg..then suddenly he bust into a feat of wild laughter... causing more fear from the other who started looking at him with worry

after laughing for a short time Amon look at the other's with a villainous smile and said with a bold and fact preaching tune

"pressures like this aren't enough to make me abandon my sanity" he said

the other fell into silence as the words continuously echoes in their ears and mind's

after a couple of seconds eslot asked while, looking around for ambush

"so what's the reason you said what you said..about us not following this road"

"yeah..we all clearly can tell this is the road we passed" vorvek said, putting his Warhammer which he retrieve while retreating down

"I understand how you all feel and I also feel the same....but" looking at all those present with a serious expression unfitting of his childlike face

"while I was shooting at the creature's, every once in a while I would miss, right?" Amon asked

""yeah,that's right"" vervok and veg answer at the same time

"alright...this was what was happening.. when we first entered the forest dark region's we always get that feeling of walking around in a circle,right?" Amon asked

"yes... you're right" the assassin who hasn't been talking much spoke up this time

"so while we were fighting I started missing at every 3rd shot or 5th shot, hitting deferent tree's always...this action weren't accidental but results of well calculated aiming" Amon spoke with a casual tune

"so... what your trying to say is you were marking this trees along the way with your bullets?" veg said while him and the the other were looking at amon like a complete monstrosity

' isn'the only 5? how come he is able to calculate and plan for things that even I who is ten's of yeats older than him could even consider '

veg though

'what incredible foresight!!!!!' eslot thought while looking at Amon

"alright let's think of how to get out of here before those creatures discover our trace's" Amon said

as soon as he said that a black houseweaver,flew and mountedon a Boulder at a corner of a crocked tree,it's action seemed natural to the other's as it was normal for animals to move in forest and this parts are where dark houseweavers inhabit the most, so no one laid much attention to it instead they started discussing how to escape

even if one was to observe closely the only suspicious behavior it displayed was 'co' ing while hitting the lower half of the boulder, Amon jumped down from the assassin's back then started walking towards the boulder, trying his best not to startle the bird...but that was for naughts as the bird upon discovering it's inability to pierce the rock flew away without looking back

Amon ran towards the boulder after the bird flew away,with the others quietly following him

when Amon reach,he bent over slightly and touched the rock,nocked it and circled around it like he was searching for something

then he suddenly started laughing

"hahahahaha....great ,this is just great" Amon said

"what's great young master?" Silvia asked

"everything... Silvia Stand here,sir eslot you stand 7 yard's to left, at exactly that spot behind the tree which has half it's side brown while it's other side green" Amon gave out instructions

the other looked at him confused and with suspicion->(of insanity that is)

"you see I just discovered...no that's wrong.....that BIRD just showed us the heart of the arrey's main vein" Amon said looking at the others

after a second or two he discovered that they don't understand what it means,he facepalm and continues speaking

"if sir eslot stab his sword down into that trees trunk and Silvia destroy that boulder together .....the formation would permanently stop working,except someone comes to create artificial energy veins for the arrey heart...it world be disabled"

"""alright""" everyone cheered

but Amon wasn't done yet, instantly pouring cold water at them

"but, it's not about damaging the veins...it's about running fast enough to escape the eruption of raw and unrefined natural energy...you all should know how deadly it is to be in contact with RAUNE right?" Amon asked with a serious expression

(notes:RAUNE has similar effects as radiation but has more lethality

after explaining the entire process for them every got into place

vervok carry monslun on his back, ovec carrying amon, Silvia and eslot where in place,while the other got into position

"alright then let's--" before amon could complete his words they heard the creatures approaching fast and in massive numbers

"NOW!!!" Amon shouted anxiously

Silvia and eslot stroke at once instantly damaging a small portion of both the rock and tree

'hard....!!!' slot thought

"young master...we damaged it but it's not completely destroyed....the natural material is very solid" Silvia stated

" that's natural...they are being nourished by the natural energy continuously, it's only natural they are hard as solid it self" Amon said

"but that's not important now get into formation and let's leave immediately" Amon said looking at the creature's which had already made their way towards them

but the creature stopped all of a sudden....

then they all split their mouths open into six different directions with dark liquid flowing from the ripped jaws, their bodies swelled slightly as they inhale a massive amount of air

"RUN...RUN.....!!!" Amon ordered with a look of desperation

their throats started vibrating.....


the beginning of despair


the creature's started screeching at high pitch

the combination of the sound's intertwined and created a force wave in form of a straight line, which travelled at the normal speed of sound....

vervok move in place professionally and with experience.


the sound waves not only blasted him away but also made him vomit blood from all possible exits in his body,the hands which he used hold the shield bust into a bloody mess, even his chest was cracked

the tree's behind him were flattened by the shared impact,the force was so devastating that the shield knight, who's strength was strong enough to throw away the alpha of the crocodile without buff...

didn't get up again.....and could probably be considered Dead

"move.... keep moving.." amon gritted his teeths and said with shot eyes while looking away...no one could possibly see his current expression yet it's was easy for Silvia who has been with him since he was little to understand

she was the first to start moving,eslot followed after her...veg didn't even think twice before,he start moving with monslun who was given to him by the now gone vervok

' although the formation is broken we can still make it ' Amon thought while shooting at the creature's which where running after them

must of the creature suddenly exploded after using the sound attack on vervok, leaving behind few around the numbers of 5-6 hundred

"we'll have to split up.....I and ovec will follow the,left...we will turn around the brefge trees..." amon ordered with a serious expression

(note:brefge trees have a similar outer appearance as Banga trees..but their fruits are more of congregation of strawberry)

""" understood young master""" they reply while Silvia quietly and worriedly looked at Amon

sensing her gaze,the gaze of the one who has always watched over him since he was little,the one who's heart is always filled with love,care, affection and worry for him..

the one who's place is equal to that of family to Amon

his only confidant

turning and facing her,he smiled with the sweetest smile he could muster, although you could say he wasn't the most cutest or beautiful of his age

to Silvia he was the most handsome,no one else could compare

he said with a soft and gentle voice, filled with untold words

"Silvia...go with sir eslot he will protect you and guild you to the safest path...." turning to the squad captain with his voice and tune completely changing he said

"sir eslot,I entrust Silvia safety to you...let no harm come to her, protect her as you would protect myself.... protect her as you would protect the most valuable thing to you...for to another she is" amon said with his eyes turning red

Silvia broke out in tears

"why are you crying...don't forget you are my only true protector...you must be strong" Amon said with his lovely smile

"sir eslot follow the right path ahead..the main try check you will discover the main stream body...they is a saying that evil spirit and demonic things can't pass the main stream of the mystic falls,so that's my be your means of escape" amon Stated

"if so why don't we all just go there then?" Silvia said after pulling herself together

amon reloaded his gun and pointed at the back

"because of that"

looking behind the all witness something crazy..

the creatures suddenly started running into each other and climbing one another

after more than 7 come together they would merge and turn into giant eldritch creatures with features of the ones which merged to make them

" they can't reproduce infinitely like before as we have destroyed their source of production...so they started merging...i think that's how it is right?" Silvia asked while looking at Amon for confirmation

"yes you are correct....but it seems they are not merely moving by instinct...but are being manipulated by someone or something with higher intelligence" Amon said

" it could be the demon knight " Silvia said

"could be..."

'but I doubt it's him after all...his putting all his efforts and thoughts into fighting the swamp lizard...who seems to have a sort of power up' Amon though

"alright move out" amon said

""""alrighty young master"""" they all replied

should I be making all the chapters this long or as short as the first ones?

please I need serious review and opinions on this....I haven't done this before

OceanStarcreators' thoughts