
grand interpretation

what's happens when you give an opportunity to a jobless man? what happened when you give authority to an underdog, what happens when you give power to someone who hates the world? again I'll ask: What is the definition of a Violator? a person, government, etc. that goes against or refuses to obey a law, an agreement, etc. that's who I am.....

OceanStar · Fantasy
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43 Chs

chapter 20(hidden card's and blind spot)

"how thee art knoweth I be here,O great being" a heroic voice sounded from the altar

"hohoho... the etiquette of the ancient....act of complimentary.....but first,who might you be?" emz spoke up

"I am no one,nor am I going to be anyone but a failed chief who has caused the downfall of his self and people, blames and hatred be onto my name...I am the one tied to the cursed name Colo Xoha from Colo house of the Cocolola tribe"the voice spoke in a voice tainted with mockery and loathing

"ho-oh? you are the one called

{The Abominable One} by the remnant of the cocolola tribesmen?'' emz spoke with interest

"such a damnation would be I" the altar or Colo Xoha spoke

"and also same dumbshit stupid enough to trust some unknown ass motherfucker"amon asked awakening an characteristics from his former life

"..yes"he answered with a slight pause

"alright... tell me why shouldn't we send you to join the rest of your tribe's men,which you have sent towards their early grave's"emz asked

"it's not as you think.....he didn't tell me it would end up like this,he only told me it would take a little portion of their blood essence and mana to strengthen my self,and after using it three times it would strengthen my body and mind to an untold level ,making me as strong,if not stronger than the swamp lizard" the so-called abominable one said with bitterness

but the next moment he changed his tune,this time holding a vast amount of hatred and anger

"but I never thought that he was so evil and vile as to plot against me... turning me into a machine of massacre..... killing almost all my tribes men and leaving the hideout defenseless...."

but before he could continue speaking amon asked a question

"wait...wait....wait a minute,don't you guys have a shaman?why didn't he stop the altar?"

the voice replied in a slightly vexed voice"the old shaman could not stop the altar....as the shaman who made it was much stronger than the old and dieing shaman of the cocolola tribe.... during the struggle at fighting the me who had lost control and gone into a frenzied state of mind"

"so.....to sum it up.....what you are trying to say is it's not your fault?" amon asked

"I do not hide from the blame, as all of it was my hand work and I deserve blame for it,but.... " the altar said

"I have been stuck in this place for over thousands of years,I believe I have paid my price in full,I don't believe I deserve death"the altar added

the sounding of it sounded crazy but logical by lawful standards and if it was in amon's old world he would have been freed as he had serve more than a lifetime in there

"sir emz, you got everything you need?" Amon asked

"yes...I believe you also have.....so what do you think?"emz answer and asked

"well it seems [LOGICAL] to me and it's [HIS] people, sacrificing all [YOUR] people to increase [YOUR] own power is only [NATURAL] in one's path of [POWER],it's not [OUR] place to [JUDGE]"amon an

"alright then....let's go...let's forget about the dagger as well, understand?"emz asked


the all reapplied

when the turned around to leave ,the altar suddenly spoke up, saying"please ease your haste...O... great being "

without stopping emz ask casually"why should I?"

"this lowly me has an offer which may interest you....even if it may have no use to you, I am surely certain it would prove great use to your little friend's" the formerly heroic voice started having a form of proposal, and a slight taint of undetectable tempting

"oh? and what would that be?"emz ask slowing his steps slightly but not stopping his advancement

"this lowly one has a map to an ancient semi-lord's crypt and a small array of transportation towards the location....this lowly one once used this same things to trade for the building of the altar with the dark shaman but the shaman disappeared before I could even give him his reward.....this lowly one is prepared to give this to you" the altar spoke after a short bust of fast thinking

"an ancient semi-lord?, a being called ancient in your time period, should be around the time of the 3rd if not 2nd wars? right "emz asked

"I am not sure my self,I think it should be around the 2nd but mostly it point towards the 3rd"the altar commented on the question

"alright...I think this would be helpful for one of you, but you still haven't told us which profession it's for?" emz asked with a strange expression

"I don't know either " the altar answered

" but the main question is,"emz paused for a split second and looked at the altar as if seeing through it's very core,it's soul and spirit


the altar pov

whenever it's starting getting use to the flow of questions and the atmosphere

that weak, ordinary, skinny yet important looking brat would start asking questions,and his questions always seem ordinary and simple in most times

'he doesn't even have a scent of energy,but seeing how they treat him he's probably nobility from the out world' the altar plotted