
grand interpretation

what's happens when you give an opportunity to a jobless man? what happened when you give authority to an underdog, what happens when you give power to someone who hates the world? again I'll ask: What is the definition of a Violator? a person, government, etc. that goes against or refuses to obey a law, an agreement, etc. that's who I am.....

OceanStar · Fantasy
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43 Chs

chapter 11(sky pirates attack and slave traders)

emz look at the interest in the young boys eyes

only at times like this can one find childlike behavior from this boy

'what a interesting little guy' emz though

"not even the slightest clue has been discovered,the last three times people discovered something were all false alarm,those being

about eight thousand years ago,but later proven to be fabricated discovery,the second time was around one thousand five hundred years ago when someone discovered junked part of a machine but turned out to be from another machine from eleven thousand years ago,and the last time the clues where destroyed by a group of unknown people,if my memory is correct it is around five hundred years ago "emz stated

"destroying the clue?!.... wait,who discovered the clues???" emz asked

"the gnomes,a young gnome student out on ancestry exploration to be exact,after all the mystic falls is a historical ground for them" emz added

Suddenly the extop screen light up


[sir emz,young master we are under attack by skypirates, we advise you to stay inside]

<~~~ >(turned off)

turning to Silvia who was in emotional state because of the story of the mystic falls

"Silvia stay, here the sky pirates are attacking, we must be prepared for the worst case scenario" Amon said with serious look

"calm down,you are too tense...you have no idea but the guards of the slaen barony is one of the best in the empire,you can even say they are on par with those of some Earl's and marquesses" emz said

"but there are only five of them....from what I know,sky pirates move in a minimum number of 30 people and maximum of 50 par ship, sometimes and 30-40% of them are Martial artists, magic practitioner and Aura user unlike their slonj pirate counterpart, after all must of them are former profession before poverty and situation turn them to criminal's" amon did the math and estimate the outcome

"you talk too much, sometimes just watch and listen "emz Sayed while pointing at the screen

Amon and Silvia turned around to look at the screen

at the front of the extop and griffin carrier where three flying ship's power by crude energy,

(note: crude energy is a form of energy which is produced by gathering energy waste produced from other energy into liquid forms,it's highly unstable and is banned by every legal power)

on the very front ship's derk stood two men, a tall man with a huge stator red hair and pale skin,his posture and composition does not give the impression of someone who Rob's,kills, kidnaps,and commits all sorts of crimes just for the sake of money

yet,this person with such a Handsome and heroic composure was a thief,murderer,kidnapper and criminal of all lawful presence of society

and the other man was of another race entirely,having the height equal to that of or maybe even greater than the red hair man,with brick red skin, a single black horn, black Bard long enough to reach his chest , wearing a black armored robe, by his Left hand side is a pair of swords,on the sword hilt of both swords,were single eye looking like insects eyes, compound and complex

in the extop, emz spoke with interest "oh...it's a bredradic,it been years since I saw one....this is a primitive race which don't go by a general or central point of power like kings and emperor,instead use the chief system of governing like the ogre,you can even say they are a cousin of the ogre,and that would be fact"

Amon nodded and noted it in his mind

at the pirate ship,

clearing his throat,the red haired man spoke with a loud voice into sound amplifier

"surround them, capture the noble's,cripple the guards, kill them if needed"

afterwards he turned of the device

turning around and looking at the other man

the other man nodded

The sky began to darken

with clouds, as if wanting to

join in on the commotion!

The derk of ship

were filled with people in

uniforms of skyblue with a winged whale insignia at the back, making the atmosphere extremely


suddenly a shipmate screamed came out

from the communication device hang on the red hair's shoulder"sir someone jumped into the third crew ship"

"ahhh...help use, sir he has started massacre use.....help his looking this,waahhhhhhh---"

at the same time looking at the ship from his point of view he saw two knights in black armor massacring his crew mates

blood,death, crying and begging all over the place

"I thought you said this is going to be a long easy target like the other" the red head spoke

"how many people's Aura did I tell you I felt ?" the other man asked

"8....why are you asking this question right now?my men are dying" the red head roared

"can 8 people normal people massacre a group in the two hundred's "the man ask with a strang tune

"no...." the red head reply while calming down

"good.... good that you can think rational at times like this,this is why I like doing business with smart people " he was taking out his swords while he spoke

and so was the red head,