
grand interpretation

what's happens when you give an opportunity to a jobless man? what happened when you give authority to an underdog, what happens when you give power to someone who hates the world? again I'll ask: What is the definition of a Violator? a person, government, etc. that goes against or refuses to obey a law, an agreement, etc. that's who I am.....

OceanStar · Fantasy
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43 Chs

chapter 10(outing with sir emz, leaving the barony)

"don't worry sis....I'm alright " Amon spoke while letting go of his sister

'just look at you trying to act all tough and strong' she thought but a dimming mood has return to an healthy state

"okay,I know you are strong...you are the second strongest man I know "Maria spoke softly


back to the main pov:

amon first went to the study at the library to meet with emz

"sir emz....I won't be able to attend today's class'' Amon spoke after greeting

''oh,I see....I heard what happened,you should know it's not your fault," emz spoke with comforting tune

"I think nothing of it... maybe it's the noradrenaline effect pressing in but I'm truly alright" Amon spoke casually about the topic

"okay..."emz replied, after thinking for a second or two he added

"I will be going on a exploration tomorrow and was thinking of taking you with me...I will inform your parents by evening today" he spoke calmly

"aren't you going to ask if I am interested first before making such decision though?" Amon ask while walking slowly and steadily towards the exit turning back only to ask the question

"I already know your reply and thoughts on the matter without you telling me" emz spoke with a calm smile

the next day emz,Amon,and Silvia

went on the exploration

Maria begged to follow them but emz refused,no matter how much she tried to beg

they were escorted by 5 guard

"okay...let get going it's best if we can return by tomorrow morning,and that would be considered early at latest we would return by evening ,you have my word" emz spoke with his usual calmness

after walking to the gate entrance

spoke with a slight trace of confusion "where are the horses or are we taking a carriage,if so where is it?"

"you don't have to worry about that,young master" spoke the leader of the 5 man squad who go by the name of eslot

"we would be taking flaying extop guided by pigeon Griffins" eslot added

extops, the flying car like machine's Amon saw when he first came to their main house

as of waiting to make an entrance

three fly extops landed before them at the front of the extop where pigeon griffin's Sandled to them like horses even though the extop can fly on their own

the reason why they're pigeon Griffith here,it's because of their abilities to sense direction even in places technology can't because of unstable space

some try hards have even tried to breed pigeons griffins to find the lost lands but to no avail

back to the present moment,emz,amon and Silvia entered the middle one where as the guards enter the other two

inside the extop was more like a small containable room than a transporter,having sofa's and a table, with beautiful brown rugs made from unknown material

the is also a small square space where one can keep their luggage,with window by the side of both left and right a small screen which displays the front and back of the extop

the drivers started the engine and instructed the pigeon griffin to move

they took of at mooning 08:21

heading north towards the

Mystic Falls Of Itia

Silvia suddenly started talking for the first time since they got on the extop,as she only felt safe around people she knew,which are Amon and his tutor emz

''mystic falls of itia is rumored to be the resting place of the gnomes 3rd prince from time of the 4th Grand war of the golddrake continent (the berserk of the golddrake),people say him felling in battle was the reason the gnome empire fell apart" Silvia stated

amons interest was pique as he had not really heard the story and legend of the mystic falls yet

"oh... seems like you are also in the knows of the legends..but it also seems that our young master here those not have the slightest clue of it's glorious myth" emz joked

"enough,with the mocking ,what I'm must interested in is hearing the story" Amon said with interests because better than anyone he knows that stories hold some sort of truth in them.....

"okay, okay, something you rush to much..ahem...this is how the legend go;

according to the legends he was the 2nd greatest machinist of his time, able to create sky slayers (giant robots which can be piloted) and bio armor to support physicalist and operate them to their finest forms,he was the lover of the demi-giantess itia and the most beloved of the gnome prince's"

after speaking this far emz stop adding a little seriousness in his face he continued

"but to remain peaceful forever was not fates plan for them, as the 4th grand war arrived and he fell in battle while protecting his lover who was pregnant with his child by then

legend has it that the demi-giantess

mourn her husband continues, crying endlessly which is what forms the mystic falls of itia,the end" after he finishes speaking he returned to his normal expression

"is there any truth to the legend after all the 4th continental war was like seventeen thousand years if not more..... some one must have discovered a clue or the burial site if not the battle field itself " Amon ask