
World introduction (must read)

1.Plane 0 and the three worlds:

Plane 0 is basically the name given by Existence to the space that contains the 3 demi-worlds that will be merged into one complete world: yeriel, earth and the underground.

Yeriel is your typical medieval world where you can find elves, orcs, goblins...

The underground is a world of everlasting darkness and chaos where sanity is just a foreign concept. Finally earth is earth.

I tried to balance the "power starting point" for the three worlds as much as i could something like: earth = technology, Yeriel = magic (quite weak the spells are as strong as minor fireball at most) and fighting experience, underground = strong body and physique, good perception.

2.The power system

Existence basically take all the experience of your life, a little handful of affinity and natural talent and a lot of luck and give you a trait. You can think of the traits as systems. A bunch of them. Lemme explain little boy i know you're having a mental breakdown but wait a sec!! For exemple our mc Meyren had the trait called Again in his past life and before his death it looked like that :

[Meyren, Human]

Attribute points: Str T5 (34/160) Dex T6 (19/320)

Vit T5 (27/160) Energy T4 (76/80) Sense T4 (3/80)

Special Attribute points: 1 Mirage mist Attribute point (5 Dex T6 attribute point)

Trait _Change_

You can return 2 years before the Grand Change after your death.

You still don't understand what i meant? Well it's understandable and in fact i will now explain why our mc is so upset about his seemingly OP trait. Let's take a random fire affinity trait:

[Random, Something]

Random Attribute point..

Trait _Fire affinity_

You have an affinity with fire and can store fire energy in your body and transform it into attribute point or into fire affinity point or simply stock it into the fire energy pool.

Fire affinity point: X (X being a random number that can be 14.5 or 100000 it doesn't matter)

Fire energy pool: Y (Y being a random value)

Attribute Point Exchange: Z (Z being a random value of fire energy) = One T1 Attribute point

Basically the trait can give special ability to the user and can even help him acquire attribute point easily.

3.Attribute points:

The Attribute point are basically the most important factor in a fight, there is no hope or use in fighting someone of a higher tier unless you want to die a prematured death or if your trait is way too op (foreshadow.jpg). To get Attribute points you have only five choice: Get them from your trait, Attribute orb that can drop from the monsters created by Existence, Training, Sacrifice or Ritual.

The tier system is quite easy to understand. Ten T1 Attribute point = One T2 attribute point. And it goes like that until infinity and each tier need double the Atrribute point from the previous one to be completed.

This is pretty much all what you need to know to understand the story. Enjoy!

(p.s: To avoid confusion the race in the status screen is the 'main race' of the person, a halfling elf could be [Random, Elf] or [Random, Human] i have the power to, so i can do what i want!! (heehee)

I will begin to publish chapters frequently after the end of my test. After all, i'm still a young handso... well maybe not handsome but i still have to study nonetheless. Let's meet the 21 of this month with at least 5 chapters!! Well yeah it's not that good but at least i'm trying! Cheers!

OnyxDreamcreators' thoughts