
Grace: A Naruto Fanfiction (Book 1)

"I'm just the Son of a Hero and Grandson of a God." Just after he was born, he was taken, kidnapped from the village named Konoha. And since then, he was raised by a God that once tamed the Kyuubi with just his eyes alone. "Nothing more," His talent was peerless -they were simply unrivaled. He was expected to continue his grandfather's legacy and complete his master plan. But he was wrong. The boy was not someone who could be thrashed around like a pawn in a grand chess match. "Nothing less." He has one goal and one goal alone. This was such a near impossible feat to attain. But there was only one person who stood right on his path, blocking his path to unify the world through his wits. Uchiha Madara. This is the story of Uchiha-Uzumaki-Namikaze Naruto - The Boy who Graced the Earth. NarutoXFemSasuke I do not own Naruto. I do not own the cover either. I dont own the story/fic! All credits belong to Shaxoss on Wattpad the Original Author who gave me permission to post this story on this Platform.

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Chapter 36: My Pawns


"Interesting! It truly is! A hidden Uchiha hiding all along; I know for sure now — you shall be the back-up plan if the first plan doesn't work out." Naruto narrowed his eyes, trying to piece together what Orochimaru was planning.

Satsuki looked over at Naruto and noticed that his Sharingan was not the normal 3-tomoes.

Those eyes. . . Satsuki thought. She then looked away from gazing into Naruto's eyes even deeper. Satsuki was solely focused on Orochimaru and the current situation.

"What's the plan?" Asked Sakura.

Naruto sighed, knowing the two had not come up with a plan even though Naruto had managed to stall time long enough to where they should have by the time I couldn't stall anymore.

Guess I was wrong. But a plan won't benefit us in the long run. Naruto thought, suddenly switching thoughts to the other side of the spectrum.

"A plan won't be needed," whispered Naruto. Satsuki and Sakura raised an eyebrow at the words that Naruto let escape from his own mouth.

"What do you mean? I thought we needed a plan if we want to defeat this Orochimaru guy." Naruto slightly clicked his tongue, knowing defeating Orochimaru was an impossible task for them at the moment.

"Even though I said that I don't like losing and that all it matters is that I win in the end; that won't always be the case. I — we — don't have the necessary power to defeat this guy."

"So you were bluffing that entire time?"

"No. If I don't win this battle, I'll win in the end." This caused confusion between the two females in the team.

"Isn't that the same thing? I find hardly any difference in what you had just said." Naruto glanced at Sakura for a moment before turning his attention back to the attentive snake.

"You misinterpret what I am saying, Satsuki, Sakura. What I mean is that, while I may lose the battle here, I'll win the war in the end. That's all that matters." Naruto's tone was apathetic; emotionless.

It caused a shiver down their spines.

"Then why are we attempting to fight the snake?" Asked Satsuki, glancing at Orochimaru for a brief moment or two. Naruto looked at Satsuki before giving her an honest answer.

"Because we have no choice. He's smart, I know that for a fact."

"How do you know?"

"Isn't it obvious?"


Before anything else could be said, a snake's tail was slammed right on the bottom of the tree. Orochimaru was trying to tip over the tree that they were currently standing on.

They jumped away, moving right towards the next tree that was in their sight.

You might be wondering on how Naruto knew that Orochimaru was smart even though he had very little information on who and what kind of person Orochimaru was.

And like what Naruto had said, it was a very simple deduction.

For Naruto anyway.

From the moment that they first interacted, Naruto was focused, not on fear, but on observing. All this time, he has been observing the words that rushed out of Orochimaru's mouth.

The first thing he knew that led to this conclusion was on how he got into the Chunin Exams.

Naruto knew it took great skill to infiltrate and disguise themselves as a random genin from another village. This also meant that he knew the ins and outs of the village.

Surely it was obvious due to the reason Orochimaru was a former Konoha shinobi. No, but that was not it. There was something much more than that.

Danzo and Orochimaru are on cahoots. Naruto thought, dodging another swipe of the snake's tail. You might be wondering how he got to this conclusion.

Another simple deduction.

Danzo monitors a lot of things. Not to mention that he was one of the reasons that Itachi massacred the Uchiha Clan. Danzo does not know, but I did some snooping around during the years. Though I do not need to go to detail, but I did find something useful. Naruto thought, throwing a kunai right towards Orochimaru.

He has taken some of the eyes of the dead Uchiha. It's obvious on why he did this; for his own benefit. But why so many eyes? Why not only two? That's not important at all. The real question is: How is he going use 10 Sharingan without backlash? Simple. Hashirama cells. Naruto thought.

Though this is merely a guess, but Orochimaru must have Hashirama cells. There is no way Danzo could have gotten such cells without an outside source. Reason on why I think Orochimaru has Hashirama cells? Call it a geniuses' intuition. Naruto saw Orochimaru use the snake to block the attack.

The old man did say that Orochimaru was a genius. A genius that wanted to know everything in existence. Though it was vague, he must need the Uchiha's eyes to assist him in this conquest for knowledge. By why not take our eyes? Naruto thought.

His knowledge and information about Orochimaru does not move past these lengths. A lot of this info and thoughts were derived from the words of Hiruzen, The Third Hokage.

"We need to find an opening," said Naruto. He got a pair of nods to his sides. They were preparing for the very worst that was going to be thrown at them.

Suddenly, Orochimaru disappeared and appeared right in front of Team 7. While the two teammates were taken aback, Naruto took necessary measures for this.

He's taking action. He thought as a grey skeleton started to form all around him. An arm appeared and tried blocking the powerful force of Orochimaru.

It didn't work.

Naruto was launched back at a fast rate. Satsuki and Sakura appeared right behind him and pulled out a kunai from his holster. But before they could create contact, Orochimaru disappeared.

Just like how predicted. Satsuki and Sakura thought in unison. They immediately turned around with their prediction in mind. Orochimaru appeared right behind them.

"You almost had me there." Orochimaru had a mysterious voice that illuminated everywhere. He disappeared before they made contact. Satsuki clicked her tongue with such annoyance.

Naruto continued to observe as he dusted himself off.

God, this was such a pain to do.

Even though Danzo and him are in cahoots; it doesn't mean Orochimaru will tattletale that I am an Uchiha to Danzo. It's quite clear that he won't. Naruto thought, slowly approaching Satsuki and Sakura from behind.

Orochimaru was playing around with them.

Just from this encounter and the information that I have gathered, it seems like Orochimaru is the type of person who would selfishly not inform his acquaintances of things that will benefit him in the long run. Naruto was standing right beside the other two.

From this alone, we can deduce that he won't say a thing about my heritage to Danzo. I'll exploit this as long as I want to. But i could be wrong about Orochimaru and that he will tell Danzo about this. If that happens, then Naruto was officially done.

Naruto saw the giant snake that stood stand-by suddenly approach them all at a fast rate.

He began to think at a fast rate.

It is safe to assume that the snake summon won't be able to crack the Susano'o easily. That is unless Orochimaru interferes, which is a very likely manner. Naruto looked over at Satsuki and Sakura.

"We have to destroy that snake before we face Orochimaru. But it won't be easy since he will most likely attempt to disrupt our goal to destroy the snake." They nodded, understanding what Naruto was currently telling them.

From the way that old man talked about Orochimaru, it is safe to assume that he used to regard Orochimaru very highly. It then means that Orochimaru is smart and that he is a person that shouldn't be messed without caution. Naruto observed all around them.

They started to run right towards the snake summon that Orochimaru had summon minutes before.

But unfortunately for Orochimaru, I exist in this world. Naruto jumped and the other two followed right behind.

Some may say that was a very arrogant sentence and that he shouldn't be inflating his own ego so very easily. But it seems Naruto disagrees.

As long as I continue to exist, everyone is merely second best. It may sound arrogant for me to say this, but it is merely true. A lot of things that I have done was purely for the purpose of my own benefit. Naruto thought, seeing the movements of Orochimaru.

He reacted quickly by pulling Sakura. Satsuki was just barely able to dodge due to her Sharingan.

For example, I exploited Satsuki's desire to kill her brother and used that to my advantage. I helped her because, in the near future, she will be very useful for my cause. Naruto channeled chakra towards his feet.

Some may say it's cruel, but it is needed. Like what I said before — as long as I win in the end, nothing else matters. But it seems like I have grown an emotional attachment to Satsuki that I can't help but be quite fond of. Naruto wanted to sigh at his own weakness.

I knew the Pervy Sage was watching me when I fought those thugs on that day. I used that to my advantage and got him to introduce himself to me. However, I didn't expect him to bring me to Konoha. Jiraiya bringing him to Konoha was definitely not part of the plan.

Naruto attached himself right on the scales of the snake.

But it seems like it helped in the long run. Being in Konoha means that I could observe them. By observing them, I found out things and stuck my nose into trouble. Naruto mused, amused at his own thinking.

Naruto, Satsuki, and Sakura pulled out a kunai from their own holster and used it to stab the snake.

While it did very little damage, it was still enough for them to stop the snake for a brief moment or two. And that moment or two was all that they needed.

Naruto summoned multiple Shadow Clones from behind.

The said clones then launched all of Team 7 at the top of the snake.

By sticking my nose into trouble, I was able to find more secrets about Konoha. Some of which was the Uchiha Massacre and Danzo's Anbu subdivision. Naruto started to weave multiple hand seals.


That was all that was needed to perform the jutsu.

"Wind Release: Air Bullets" Naruto let out multiple bullets that was created by air. The said air bullets made their way right towards the snake summon.

Naruto made the air bullets very powerful due to the output of chakra that he poured into the jutsu itself.

Danzo is very smart and cunning. But the thing is. . . the smart the individual, the better of a pawn they are. I don't care about ROOT or its own goals. Naruto saw the air bullets pierce through the snake with relative ease.

For now, I'll let Danzo think he has the upper-hand. But when the time comes, I'll show him that everything up until that point was purely in easy mode. A grey aura appeared right around his body.

One arm grew.

The said arm then smashed the snake into utter pieces.

He doesn't know it yet, but I am out of his league. Naruto thought, landing right on top of a tree branch. He slightly groaned, turning off his Mangekyou Sharingan and reverting it back to normal 3-tomoe stage.

He may have lived many times more than me, but I will accomplish many more things than him. Naruto held his guard up as he looked around. He knew it.

His Mangekyou Sharingan was very unneeded.

Like what I said before, people may perceive me and my ways cruel. But I don't care. If it benefits me in the end, I'll sacrifice someone like Danzo for my own gain. Plus, his life is nearly at the end. Naruto saw more movement on the trees.

And as usual, I'll Orochimaru my pawn as well. Do I see Satsuki as my pawn? Somewhat. Not really. I more perceive her as my partner in crime. Though I won't hesitate to use her. Naruto and company just barely managed to dodge Orochimaru's attack.

Sakura is holding us back. It's fine. It doesn't matter because I'll make it work. Naruto and the other two heard Orochimaru do a very cynical laugh to them.

"Kukuku. . . you seem to be having trouble keeping up with me." Naruto and Sakura were suddenly pushed back. Sakura had her eyes widen from this development.

"I'll end this on a high-note." Orochimaru's neck slithered all around like a snake. Naruto and Sakura were too far away to make it in time.

Satsuki was too slow and had fallen prey to Orochimaru's final attack. He had bit her shoulder.

Isn't that considered. . . pedophilia? Naruto questioned. Satsuki screamed in pain. Orochimaru retreated his neck as he saw the 3 swirling tomoes that appeared on shoulder.

"This is my little gift for you. Soon enough, you will seek me for the power that you need to defeat the person you hate the most." Oh, so he does have a plan.

Satsuki fell unconscious.

Orochimaru looked at Naruto and Sakura.

"If this one fails, I'll use you." Orochimaru disappeared, seemingly pleased at the development that had just unfolded right in front of his own eyes.

Naruto appeared right beside the unconscious Satsuki and picked her up. He lightly sighed.

"It seems like we'll have to get the opposing scrolls ourselves. We'll have to monitor Satsuki's health during this time. I have no intention on letting her die. I'll be counting on you." Sakura nodded, knowing that Satsuki was needed to stay alive.

"Let's go," said Naruto.


Naruto and Sakura decided that the spot that they were currently residing in was the best for now. He looked around for any suspicious movement.

There was none.

For now that is.

Naruto internally sighed, knowing that they were in a predicament as of right now. But, he now has many more resources that he can use for future purposes.

Naruto brushed Satsuki's hair to see what was on her shoulder. He gestured for Sakura to come and observe right along with him.

"What's that?" Asked Sakura, observing the 3-tomoes that were on her shoulder. Naruto stayed silent for a moment before shrugging his shoulders together.

"I do not know. But it seems like this mark is crucial for Orochimaru's plan for the future." Sakura nodded, knowing that Naruto was indeed correct about that.

Naruto was delighted. Orochimaru was making it way too easy for Naruto at this point.

He had said that Satsuki would going to eventually search him for the necessary power to kill Itachi. Naruto thought. He could use this to his own advantage.

If Satsuki does decide to turn rogue and lead the village, then she'll have a direct connection to Orochimaru. Then that means I'll have an indirect connection to him. I'll be honest, I thought I'd have to do something much more complex, but this works for me. Naruto had many more plans.

But for this plan to even work, I need Satsuki to actually turn rogue. Naruto averted his gaze from Satsuki and looked all around the Forest of Death that they were currently in.

But it seems like Orochimaru is 100% sure that she will turn rogue. I'll have to have faith in that belief that he currently holds. Naruto thought, tuning back into the real world.

"We need to keep on moving. People are going to be finishing soon; we've been here for about a day now."


Naruto was about to pick up Satsuki, but was interrupted by a shockwave aimed right at them. He managed to calmly avoid the attack, all the while carrying Satsuki.

Sakura managed to dodge on their own.

"Zaku," said Naruto, apathetically looking right towards the 3 Oto-nin right in front of him. Zaku had a smug expression right on his face. Oh? He seems to think he is strong.

Naruto stood and faced the 3 enemy-nins that were out for their heads.

"We have come to kill Uchiha Satsuki." Naruto took a step forward. They were joking, right? There was no way they thought they were going to march in without any consequences.

Maybe I could use them as pawns also. Naruto thought, taking another step forward towards the Dozu, Zaku, and Kin. He pulled out a kunai from his holster.

"Come at me if you would like." Zaku's smug expression turned into an angered one.

"You think you can defeat all 3 of us? Don't kid with us!" Yelled Zaku, obviously displeased at Naruto's response.

"Sorry, but I don't think I would lose to a bunch of no-name ninjas." Naruto's apathetic expression that was on his face never left for even a slight moment or two.

"You're confident in your abilities? So are we." Dosu, Zaku, and Kin jumped into the air, preparing for an attack right towards Naruto. But it seems he had no intention of faltering whatsoever.

Naruto observed their every movement.

"I see, so that's how you want to play it. I can do that also." Naruto summoned a Shadow Clone right beside him. In an instant, Naruto was in the air.

His dangerous and expressionless eyes looked at the 3 Oto-nin.

They were looking into the eyes of a devil.

Naruto started to weave hand seals at a very phenomenal and fast rate. They widened their eyes at the speed that Naruto actually managed to pull.

Snake → Ram → Monkey → Boar → Horse → Tiger

Naruto inhaled. He was going to do the Uchiha's signature jutsu once more without a moment of hesitation.

"Fire Release: Great FireBall Jutsu." Naruto exhaled as a large fireball honed itself right towards the 3 troubling Oto-nins that didn't know when to stop.

The 3 jumped away just in time before they actually got hit by such an attack.

An explosion occurred all around them. Pieces of debris that was once part of the ground shattered and flew all around them with such ferocity.

"You're fast," said Naruto. "But not fast enough."

More fireballs were shot right towards them at a quick speed. Naruto's clones did their own respective fireball jutsus that guaranteed them to be knocked away.

"AGHH!" They yelled in pain.

They weren't fast enough.

They will never be fast enough.

Naruto's Shadow Clones dispersed into a cloud of smoke. The impact of the fireballs created even more flying debris. Dosu, Zaku, and Kin winced in pain.

"This guy is fucking crazy!" Yelled Kin.

Naruto looked back. He nodded at Sakura, seeing as she was doing a good job taking care of Satsuki. As the smoke that was once illuminating their surroundings disappeared; Naruto appeared from the smoke, walking right towards them.

"I'll win this one-sided massacre because. . ." Naruto paused before appearing right behind them.

"All I ever do is. . . win."
