
Grace: A Naruto Fanfiction (Book 1)

"I'm just the Son of a Hero and Grandson of a God." Just after he was born, he was taken, kidnapped from the village named Konoha. And since then, he was raised by a God that once tamed the Kyuubi with just his eyes alone. "Nothing more," His talent was peerless -they were simply unrivaled. He was expected to continue his grandfather's legacy and complete his master plan. But he was wrong. The boy was not someone who could be thrashed around like a pawn in a grand chess match. "Nothing less." He has one goal and one goal alone. This was such a near impossible feat to attain. But there was only one person who stood right on his path, blocking his path to unify the world through his wits. Uchiha Madara. This is the story of Uchiha-Uzumaki-Namikaze Naruto - The Boy who Graced the Earth. NarutoXFemSasuke I do not own Naruto. I do not own the cover either. I dont own the story/fic! All credits belong to Shaxoss on Wattpad the Original Author who gave me permission to post this story on this Platform.

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Chapter 35: As Long As I Win


Naruto sat there, silent to what Ibiki was currently saying. To be truthful, Naruto did not know this would have happened.

I'm just not a coward like most of these people. Naruto thought, thinking back on the amount of genin that were kicked out of the Chunin Exams.

Sudden noise then interrupted Naruto's internal thinking.

"What? What do you mean by that?" Asked a random genin. Naruto looked back, seeing the hardened expression in the genin's face as he asked that question.

Naruto turned back around; hearing Ibiki's grunt at such a question being asked.

"You'll just have to figure it out yourself," said Ibiki, causing Naruto to internally narrow his eyes at Ibiki's words. Though Naruto did not act on this, he did think about it.

What could that mean?

Does he think we will be able to find the true meaning of his words?

Or is he saying we should figure it out ourselves because he doesn't believe we can do that?

Numerous thoughts wandered all around his mind as he thought about the words that had just been told to them. God, he was being weird about it.

I'm probably overthinking about this all. Naruto thought, looking down back towards the paper that had all the answers to the written exam embedded right onto it.

"But, some of you might be wondering that some people have been able to fly through the written test." A few people immediately then raised their hand up in the air.

I see; my theory was correct. Naruto thought, now knowing that the thought of undercover chunin being implanted into the written test was right all along.

"They are chunin that have been implanted to. . . Help you all. In a way." Before anything else could be said, the window that was on their left was shattered in pieces.

Ibiki sighed, knowing who this person was.

An adult lady appeared right in front of them. She was wearing a light jacket right over her fishnet shirt. Some of the boys widened their eyes eyes, noticing one thing about her.

Breast. Big ones. Oh. . . Uh. Naruto looked back, noticing the amount of red faces that were appearing left and right. Naruto feared for their state after this.

Their performance in the second test will surely affect them due to the probability of them daydreaming. What a shame. Naruto thought, knowing a whole lot of them were going to fail.

But this shall benefit Naruto and the others; less competition will be useful in the end of the day.

"I am the proctor for the second test — Mitarashi Anko!" She had a devilish grin plastered on her face. Oh, yeah, the second test will surely be much harder than written one that they just had.

"You're here early," said ibiki, sighing as he looked at the broken and shattered pieces of glass on the floor right beside them all. Anko just ignored him and stayed attention to the genin in front of her.

"There seems to be a lot of them still here. You've grown soft." Ibiki light scoffed by being called quote-on-quote 'soft'. Please, he was everything but soft.

"But don't worry; I'll cut the numbers in half." This made multiple people quietly gulf at such a statement being made by her. They all had to be wary of her presence.

"Good. Now, follow me!" She jumped out of the window.


Naruto stood right next to Satsuki and Sakura. They all had arrived at a huge forest on the outskirts of Konoha. Naruto heard stories about this particular place.

Said to be a scary place.

Anko looked back towards with her dangerous and deadly eyes. A puff of smoke appeared right on the palm of her hand.

A stack of papers was the only thing that was left as the smoke dissipate. Naruto slightly narrowed his at the sight right in front of him. What is the purpose of those papers?

"Before I begin explaining the instructions of the second test, I would like for you all to sign this." She smiled gleefully, giving the stack of papers to the person closest.

That person was Kabuto.

"You might be wondering why you have to sign a paper. Well, as you can see, these papers are consent forms." Naruto skimmed through the contents of the paper.

He looked around and noticed the sudden change in the atmosphere.

Everyone saw what it had said. Seems like people are afraid. Good, I can use that to my — no — our advantage. Naruto thought, looking back to his team and saw that they too were tense.

Hm. This could serve a problem in the long run. Naruto thought, knowing that them slowly becoming more and more afraid could certainly pose a problem in the long run.

Naruto then paid attention to Anko once more.

"I would rather not take responsibility for your inadequate abilities. These are so I can avoid taking the blame." Everyone was quiet, some seemingly scared of potentially dying in the forest right in front of them.

"Now, let me begin explaining. This is the Forest of Death." Anko pointed right towards the forest that they were all standing right in front of.

"You will soon learn why it has such a name," said Anko, slowly pulling out 2 items from the trench-coat that she was currently wearing. There were 2 scrolls that were revealed.

"There is currently 26 teams in total that have passed the first test; the written test." One of the scrolls was black and the other was white. They held a lot of importance.

"13 teams will have the Earth Scroll and the other half will have the Heaven's Scroll." People started to slowly nod at the words that were rushing right out of Anko's mouth.

"The purpose of the second test is to collect the opposing scroll. If you have the Earth Scroll, you must attain the Heaven Scroll." Anko brought the two scrolls up to her face, giving them a cheeky grin in return.

"You know what that means?" Yes, they do know what that means.

"You all will have to fight amongst yourselves to attain the rivaling scroll." Many of the genin participants/contestants gulped down the lump that was on their throat.

"You all have 5 days to complete this test, any later than that will lead to disqualification." The assistant sentinels or something of that sorts appeared right in front of them and had Earth and Heaven Scrolls within their grasps.

"Wait! What about food?!" Yelled Choji, questioning what he was going to do if he had no food to eat during the said 5 days.

Anko gave him pitying smile.

"You will have to hunt for the food that you need," said Anko, getting a silent gulp arise from Choji's throat. God, he should've had more chips to his disposal.

"Hunting for food is a necessity that you will need to survive in the future. If you see an opportunity to get food and save it for later, take it without a doubt." Many people nodded.

"Alright! Now you will all randomly be given a scroll to your team. Make sure you protect it with your life." Naruto slightly widened his eyes at the last few words before returning back to his normal stoic state.

Protect it with your life. Naruto thought as him and the other two got escorted to one of the many sides of the Forest of Death. One of the chunin sentinels gave them their designated scroll.

Earth Scroll. Naruto thought, snatching the scroll that was given to them.

He looked towards Satsuki and Sakura.

"There is a very high chance that we will be one of the groups that are going to be targeted." They nodded, knowing what Naruto was saying was absolutely true.

"Makes sense."


Our team will be one of the teams that be blocking the paths to many of the teams on becoming chunin. And we will stay that way. Naruto thought, turning back around and facing the gate in front of them.

"Get ready."

"We know."

"We know."

Naruto nodded, readying himself for the hell that was about to unfold. The 3 genin waited for the second test to start. This was going to take some time to finish.

They all suddenly heard the booming voice of Anko from afar.

"Get ready!" Naruto had his feet firmly placed right on the ground,

"Set!" He could feel Satsuki and Sakura tensely get ready right behind him.

"Go!" Anko yelled, giving them the ok to run. They all saw the gate right in front of them open almost immediately after. Naruto looked back at the two and nodded.

"Let's go." The 3 rushed right into the Forest of Death.


"God, this is such a drag," said Shikamaru, following right behind his other teammates. He heard a scoff from the only female in the team that he was in.

"Everything is a drag to you." Shikamaru sighed at Ino's remark.

Troublesome blondes. He thought, shaking his head right after. Why did he have to be stuck to the most unskillful team that could have been made in the entire academy.

"What do you think we should do?" Ino asked, looking around with her body subconsciously clenching due to her being afraid of the unknown that was right that she was currently in right now.

Choji had an immediate suggestion.

"We should get food! Supplies! Things!" While this was actually a pretty good idea to do at the current situation that they were all currently stuck in, it seems someone disagree.

"It's too troublesome for me to do that." Ino gritted her teeth, wanting to punch Shikamaru and his laziness.

"Can't you see that we're in a life and death situation?! We should do his suggestion and find supplies and food." Shikamaru sighed, knowing that the majority vote had won and that he had lost.

"Fine. But before that," Shikamaru pointed towards the side, "We should avoid the people that are coming; they are quite loud."


"Yosh! I can't wait to fight some people!" Shouted Lee, feeling the adrenaline from within his body rise up and course all throughout his body.

"I agree. But I do prefer if we handle this efficiently." Lee and Tenten nodded, knowing that was still the best course of action that will benefit them in the long run.

I want fight you, Naruto-san, Satsuki-san. Thought Lee, feeling a wide grin break out.


Kiba, Shino, and Hinata stood all around each other. As of right now, they were forming a plan that they shall take to secure an easy scroll for themselves.

"Should we lay a trap?" Asked Kiba, putting two fingers right on his chin to think about a possible plan that they could actually take. Shino and Hinata were silent for a moment or two.

"That would be the most logical way to do things."

"I-I think so too."

But what if the team that come by notices the trap and destroys it? It could be a risky thing to do. But then again, everything that you are doing in the Forest of Death is indeed risky.

"What do you propose that we should do?" Asked Kiba, not knowing how to make an efficient trap for incoming enemies. Would a simple ambush work?

Definitely not. Haha.

"I think w-we should u-use Shino-kun's bugs," said Hinata, stammering/stuttering as she made this suggestion to them. Kiba and Shino nodded at Hinata, thinking that it was pretty good plan.

It truly was.


"Who is going to hold the scroll?" Asked Naruto, taking out the scroll that he had hidden in the pouch that he had right on the waist of his body.

"I think you should hold it," said Sakura as she walked right beside the other two.

Satsuki nodded in agreement.

"I agree with Sakura; you should hold the Earht Scroll for the team. You're too observant for your own good. Not many people will be able to make it past your observation skills without you noticing," Naruto shrugged, putting the Earth Scrol right back inside his pouch.

"I guess you do make a fair point." Naruto slightly sighed, darting his eyes left and right as he walked alongside his two other teammates; Satsuki and Sakura.

There was a wave of displeasure that washed over his body.

Hm? What is this feeling? The feeling that something bad is going to happen. Naruto thought, increasing the speed that his eyes were moving from one side to another.

He was tense.


It was obvious now — he should've known much earlier ago. Their assailants were here.

"Satsuki, Sakura," called out Naruto, abruptly stopping in their tracks. The two also abruptly stopped in their tracks. He gritted his teeth for a moment or two.

"Someone is here." A sudden gigantic rush of power surged through all around them. Shit, who could this person be? Naruto stayed silent, looking all around them.

He caught movement within the trees.

"Fuck, keep your guard up." Satsuki and Sakura nodded, seeing the expression on Naruto's face and knowing that this situation was quite the serious case.

Naruto took a slight step forward.

"Come on out," said Naruto, ordering the person that was moving all around the trees that surrounded them to essentially show and reveal themselves.

That obviously didn't work.

Instead, a giant smoke appeared out of nowhere. The smoke disappeared out of existence and revealed a gigantic-size snake that was slim and long.

The air around them was distorted, having to have the trio to use their forms to block away the shockwave that came right along with the snake right in front of them.

"What the actual fuck?"

"What is that thing?"


They were all pushed away as the snake made its way right towards Team 7 in a quick and silent manner. The wind grew even more violent, shifting in power every moment that pasts.

"We're going to get separated to different sides!" Yelled Naruto as he was thrown away from Satsuki and Sakura. The last two were also thrown away to different sides.

Fuck, this isn't good for us at all. Naruto thought as his back hit the bark of the tree trunk. He gritted his teeth, not knowing who the hell this person was.

"Who the hell uses a Snake Summon?" Naruto questioned. To be truthful, Madara barely told Naruto about anyone in this world. Even when he got to Konoha, he was uninterested in learning its people and rogue-nin that came from time to time.

Naruto looked towards the direction of Satsuki and Sakura.

They were ok. . . somewhat.

"Kukuku. . . It seems to me that you 3 are quite scared." Naruto narrowed his eyes as he looked right up on the top of the giant snake that randomly appeared earlier.

A man stood right on top of the snake. He wasn't there before, but he was now. God, they were in such a troublesome situation that needed to be fixed as quickly as possible.

The man was a Kusa-nin; he doubts it.

Don't get me wrong, Madara has told me that Kusagakure can make exceptional ninjas but what are the chances of that happening? Naruto thought, no longer narrowing his eyes at the person that they were facing.

Naruto pushed his hand into his holster and pulled out in a quick and silent speed. Without a moment of hesitation, Naruto threw the kunai right towards the Kusa-nin.

"Oh? You're quite the feisty individual," said the Kusa-nin, easily deflecting the kunai that went straight towards him. This person certainly grinds Naruto's gears.

He looked towards Satsuki and Sakura.

We need a plan. Naruto thought, suddenly making a break for it. He needed to regroup with Satsuki and Sakura so they could formulate a coherent plant that they could execute.

Without a plan, they are as good as dead.

The Kusa-nin noticed this and had an amused expression plastered right on his face. Naruto saw the Snake's tail suddenly move. It was being aimed right towards him.

Give me a damn break. Naruto mused, attaching himself on a tree. He glanced right over at Satsuki and Sakura with his eyes. The two immediately know what to do.

They needed to form a distraction.

The two hesitantly pulled out a kunai from the holster on their thighs and fearfully threw it towards the Kusa-nin that stood on top of the snake.

"You two too? What a surprise." Naruto noticed the way the man spoke; it was like a snake. It certainly suited his character. He was a lunatic indeed.

"Good, they are forming a distraction for me," said Naruto, muttering these words silently. He jumped from the tree that he was on and moved on right on the next tree.

But it seems like the whole distraction plan was a no-go.

Naruto felt the wind rush. He looked to the side of him and saw the Kusa-nin and the snake make their way towards him. He summoned a Shadow Clone out of pure instincts.

The said clone then threw Naruto towards the ground.

He then suddenly appeared right behind Satsuki and Sakura.

"Get your damn acts together. He's strong, that's why you're scared. But we're all going to die if we don't formulate a damn plan." Naruto pushed the two of them to the side, him following right behind them.

Them being scared is holding us back. Naruto thought.

"Hurry the hell up. I can't babysit you two forever, you know." Naruto gritted his teeth. He did not like the fact that they could potentially be losing to this fake-genin.

"I can only distract him until you two know how to think coherently." Naruto then started to weave a set of hand seals at a very quick rate.

Snake → Ram → Monkey → Boar → Horse → Tiger

Naruto inhaled. "Fire Release: Great FireBall Jutsu". Naruto then exhaled to let out a huge fireball that honed itself right towards the Kusa-nin in question. But the snake had another plan and used its tail to block the said fireball.

"Kukuku. . . you really are amusing. I might take you instead." Naruto scoffed, summoning dozen of Shadow Clones all around them. Take him instead? Weirdo.

"You annoy me." They all did the same fire jutsu once more.

Snake → Ram → Monkey → Boar → Horse → Tiger

The clones and himself inhaled. "Fire Release: Great FireBall Jutsu". His clones and him then exhaled to let out another fireball. This all happened while the Kusa-nin was looking at him with interest.

"Oh? You're not even winded at all after summoning so many Shadow Clones." Smoke appeared all around as the til of the snake once again blocked all the fireballs that came his way.

Once the smoke cleared, the Kusa-nin slightly narrowed his eyes as he saw that Naruto was no longer there. The Kusa-nin then felt a sharp and immediate pain rise from his cheek.

"You managed to get through and cut me with a puny kunai." Naruto narrowed, noticing on how the skin of the Kusa-nin was peeling right off.

The Kusa-nin brought his hand on his face and slowly peeling his skin.

Naruto saw the pure-pale skin that the Kusa-nin had; it was indeed a very weird sight to see. Seriously, someone peeling off their skin and revealing that it was just a facade?

"Kukuku. . . I didn't think you were this powerful. But you must be strong if you and Satsuki over there tied for Rookie of the Year." Naruto narrowed his eyes at those words.

Where did he learn that information? He's a Kusa-nin — wait — is he even a Kusa-nin? Naruto thought, readying himself for an upcoming battle that could take quite some time.

This guy was quite the dangerous fellow.

The man right in front of him had pure ash-white skin that rivaled the color of snow. Quite funny actually — Naruto hates snow and Naruto hates the man that he was currently battling.

"My name is Orochimaru. You interest me, Naruto-kun." He name is Orochimaru. You interest me, Naruto-kun." He narrowed his eyes at the name Orochimaru'. Where did he know that name before.

Orochimaru. . . the old man once mentioned him before, but did not delve deep into the topic at all. Naruto thought as he got into his stance once more.

"I would like to give you a spot in my legion

Naruto-kun." He scoffed in response

"i do not care about your legion or something along those lines. I do things on my own." Naruto was then thrown back at an incredible speed

Shit. Naruto hit the bark of a tree once more.

"What a shame, you really did have potential You're simply just wasting it by aligning yourself with Konoha. Follow my footsteps by becoming a rogue and joining my ranks." Naruto grunted hating the feeling of the contacts being misplaced.

These contacts are such a nuisance. Naruto thought, not caring on how dirty his finger was now. He used this time to take the contacts off. He threw them on the ground.

Naruto stood up, feeling the pain from getting hit by the Orochi-lunatic right in front of him. He did not like the feeling of losing, he never did.

Naruto jumped right up and attached himself to the tree that his back had hit. He then once again jumped and appeared right on top of a tree branch.

Yes, he liked the sight of this. Him, Uchiha Naruto, looking right down on his opponent with the condescending eyes of his.

"I don't care who you are, Orochimaru. I don't care about you, your ranks, or the offer that you are offering me." Naruto huffed as he kept on looking down.

"You are nothing but a nuisance in my path. You nold no true importance but a way to measure myself." A slight smirk broke out of Orochimaru's face.

"A way to measure yourself?"

"I don't like losing - never did. I may say I don't really care, but I do. Because losing means I am weak. Being weak means that I am inadequate. Being inadequate means that I have no control."

Naruto pulled out a kunai from his holster.

"As long as I win in the end, that's what matters."

Naruto's Mangekyou Sharingan flared to life as Satsuki and Sakura appeared right beside him.
