
Grace: A Naruto Fanfiction (Book 1)

"I'm just the Son of a Hero and Grandson of a God." Just after he was born, he was taken, kidnapped from the village named Konoha. And since then, he was raised by a God that once tamed the Kyuubi with just his eyes alone. "Nothing more," His talent was peerless -they were simply unrivaled. He was expected to continue his grandfather's legacy and complete his master plan. But he was wrong. The boy was not someone who could be thrashed around like a pawn in a grand chess match. "Nothing less." He has one goal and one goal alone. This was such a near impossible feat to attain. But there was only one person who stood right on his path, blocking his path to unify the world through his wits. Uchiha Madara. This is the story of Uchiha-Uzumaki-Namikaze Naruto - The Boy who Graced the Earth. NarutoXFemSasuke I do not own Naruto. I do not own the cover either. I dont own the story/fic! All credits belong to Shaxoss on Wattpad the Original Author who gave me permission to post this story on this Platform.

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Chapter 21: Hatake Kakashi


Naruto looked at their sensei, slightly narrowing his eyes at his forehead proctor. That hidden eye; I heard that he has Obito's other Sharingan. A gift Madara said. Nice. Naruto thought, observing their new and current sensei.

"Meet me on the roof in 5 minutes or less," said Kakashi, slowly walking out of the class. The 3 looked at each other and nodded. Naruto and Satsuki got out of their seat and followed right behind.

But as soon as they entered the hall, they noticed that Kakashi was not there walking in the halls of the academy.

I see. . . he used shunshin to get his way to the top of the academy. Naruto thought, walking towards the stairs that led up to the next floor. Sakura sighed, knowing that there were going to be a few more floors after.

"How many floors do we have to walk up?" Asked Sakura, getting a look from Satsuki.

"Tch, around 2 more floors until we reach the top of the academy building." Sakura nodded, lightly smiling to Satsuki for her very kind gesture that she appreciated.

"Thank you, Satsuki-san." Shhe just sighed at the suffix 'san', but it seems like Satsuki had no intention of ordering her to stop adding that suffix right after he name.

They walked up another floor. They were almost to their destination.

One more floor. Thought Naruto, walking up the last floor together with his brand new team right beside him. As they walked up the final stairs, they saw a door.

It was a door that was going to lead them to the roof of the academy. Satsuki pushed the door open, wondering what they were going to be doing now that they are genin of Konoha.

As they entered the rooftop of the academy they saw Kakashi, leaning on a railing with a orange book in-between his fingertips. Naruto gained a sudden unamused facial expression.

He's a pervert? It seems like he's not an extreme one like that pervy sage, though. Naruto thought, seeing Kakashi gesture them to sit on the bench-like thing right in front of them.

They obliged and sat where they had been ordered to by Kakashi.

"Good. You 3 are quite the good listeners." Kakashi had made his lone open eye turn into a eye-smile that made him look quite weird. Satsuki gave him a scowl in return.

"Now, I would like for you all to introduce yourselves to your teammates and to me." Kakashi looked at them, waiting for the first person to step up and do it first.

"Sensei? Can you do it first? I would just like a demonstration." Kakashi nodded, slightly sighing. Oh, he had no intention of revealing anything to them.

"Ah, well, my name is Hatake Kakashi. I have likes and dislikes. I have some hobbies that. . . you don't need to know until you're older. My dream? I don't seem to have one." Kakashi looked at them like nothing happened at all.

He only told us his name! What the hell?! Sakura and her inner-self internally yelled simultaneously. Kakashi pointed at Sakura; whom, was sitting in the middle of the 3.

"You next, pinky," said Kakashi, getting Sakura to rage internally from within. But it seems she managed to hold herself from bursting and talked normally.

"My name is Haruno Sakura. My likes? Being healthy. My dislikes? Ino-pig. My dream? Hahah. . . I don't know." Naruto noticed that Sakura completely skipped or forgot about listing her hobbies.

"Next, emo," Kakashi pointed his index finger towards Satsuki. She glared at him, making him eye-smile in return. Satsuki grunted, annoyed at Kakashi for whatever he's doing.

"Hn. My name is Uchiha Satsuki. My likes? I don't have many, but one of my likes is quite obvious to see and is quite clear to know. My dislikes? Fanboys and people who hold me down. Hobbies? Figure it out yourself. Dreams? What I have is no dream. . . because I'll make ita reality. I want to kill a certain someone and rebuild my clan." Oh, yeah, she went full brood mode.

"That's a lot of sex, Satsuki." She snapped her head towards Naruto, glaring at him with her fierce eyes. Kakashi was amused, letting out a quiet perverted giggle.

Guess Naruto was a necessity to keep her calm. Kakashi nodded and turned towards their final and last member of the team. He pointed towards Naruto, wanting his introduction.

"You, emo V.2," said Kakashi, gaining a look from Naruto that had a blank loo to it. After a few seconds, Naruto sighed and started to do his introduction.

I might find out what he likes and dislikes and hobby. Though it depends if he dodges the question. Satsuki thought, wanting to learn more about the blond and black weirdo.

"My name is is: Ahihcu Naruto. My likes? Being smart, training, and training with Satsuki. My dislikes? Umm. . . I don't know — not having my apartment clean. My hobbies? I guess. . . I don't know actually — training, I guess. My dream? Ah, that, I know very well." Naruto ws getting tired of giving out too much information.

"I want to achieve something. But — just like Satsuki — I, too, will make it a reality and not just a simple fantasy. Though that said dream shall remain a secret." Satsuki narrowed her eyes right at Naruto, wondering what his dream could possibly be.

Could he be wanting to become Hokage? No, he doesn't seem like the type of person to want to be Hokage. Though he might be in another world or something along those lines. Satsuki thought, getting her eyes back towards Kakashi once more. He had an eye-smile directed at them all,

"Well, tomorrow I would like for all of us to be at the Team 7 Training Ground. If you don't know where that is, then you should know that it's on the borders of the village." They nodded, seemingly getting what he was saying.

But they would have to actually ask for directions if they don't know which side the grounds are on. Kakashi glanced at each one of them before he broke the news to them.

'Tomorrow morning, we will be doing a survival exercise." Sakura raised an eyebrow.

"But sensei, we have already done survival exercises in the academy, though. On the most part, that's how we got here in the first place." Kakashi didn't respond at first and just giggled a bit in a very weird and creepy way.

"This survival exercise is not just your normal exercise," said Kakashi, pulling out his icha-icha book that was in a pouch right behind him.

"This exercise is very crucial for you all." This immediately got them to tense just a bit. "This is because this test is what will decided if you become genin or not." Naruto cursed internally, knowing something like this would happen.

I didn't thoroughly research on what happens after we quote-on-quote 'graduate from the academy'. This seems to be the thing that I didn't see when finding things about things after graduation. Naruto thought, glancing at his other teammates and then right back at Kakashi.

"The graduation exam is what determines the potential candidates that could may or may not become genin. But this survival exercise is what will determine if you will become a genin or not." Naruto narrowed his eyes at Kakashi, wanting to know more about this topic.

"Out of the 27 graduates in this class, there will only be a total of 9 out of those 27 that will pass this exercise or test if you want to call it that. That means the minimum percentage that you 3 will pass is only a whopping 33 percent. And of course, the chances of failing is over 66 percent." The 3 tensed up even more after hearing such a thing.

"Well, this team meeting is now over. Get back to your homes and rest for the day. And don't forget. . . to not eat your breakfast tomorrow or something bad will if you do." Kakashi slowly walked away from them and used the doors that lead them up to the roof to go back inside.

After a couple of moments, Naruto stood up and followed the footsteps of Kakashi.

"I personally would rather eat, but you can do you," said Naruto, opening the door. He soon entered to the other side and walk down the flights of stairs that led him down to the first floor of the academy.

I'll sleep for the day. Naruto thought, making his way outside of the academy and towards the direction of his apartment complex.


Naruto snapped his eyes open, looking around as he woke up at around 3 AM in the morning. Yeah, he had to get an early start for the day. He looked around and saw that his apartment was as tidy as yesterday morning.

Though it does seem like some things weren't as tidy when I came back home. Naruto thought, entering the shower and washing up for the upcoming day that was ahead of him.

When he came from yesterday, Naruto had noticed that somethings were not in their original state. But in layman's terms, this means that someone had moved his things.

He already had a sneaking suspicion on who the person was. . . or people.

It must be the old man or Kakashi. Naruto thought, letting the water wash over his body. Some of the objects were moved a few centimeters or a full inch. You might be questioning how he knew this?

It's because he was Uchiha-fucking-Naruto.

Naruto slowly got out of the water after cleansing himself. But in all seriousness, Naruto knows where each object is supposed to be at because he has spent hours upon hours organizing his things/necessities that he has remembered where everything is supposed to be like the back of his hand.

Naruto dried himself and got himself a new pair of clothes that he was going to wear for the day. He looked at the clock and saw the current time.

3:35 AM, huh? Naruto thought, getting his other necessities that he was going to have to potentially use for the survival exercise that was supposed to be later in the morning.

Naruto prepared himself a cup ramen that he ate while walking through the empty streets of Konoha. After some walking, Naruto had finally arrived at the training ground that they were supposed to be at.

Got here at around an hour or two. Naruto thought, stretching his limbs out in the empty field that they were supposed to be at currently.

He went and sat on a tree branch that was nearest to him. Naruto sighed, watching as the moon's light shined on his face, reflecting his azure eyes that resembled his father's own eyes.

I wonder, did father every have the Sharingan? No, Madara had said that the doujutsu had been locked dormant in his blood. But why wasn't the blood not locked dormant for me? Naruto thought, thinking as he used this to walk over the time.

After an hour and a half, the first signs of human life showed up.

This broke his thoughts and looked further ahead to see who the person was. Oh, it was the most obvious and probable person that could have came.

As expected, Satsuki is up and early. Naruto thought, jumping down to the ground and walked up towards her.

"You're here early," said Naruto, commenting on how she arrived at 5 in the morning. She scoffed, eyes gazing at him. "You're one to talk," remarked Satsuki, walking past Naruto and sitting down on the tree.

"Did you eat?" Asked Satsuki, looking at Naruto as he walked towards her. Naruto nodded at her,

"Yes, I did eat."

"Kakashi-sensei told us not to eat," said Satsuki, furrowing her eyebrows at Naruto with a questionable gaze locked right on Naruto's head.

"I really don't care. I'll eat if I want to." Satsuki grunted, annoyed at the response that he had given her. "Did you eat?" Asked Naruto, sitting down right next to Satsuki.

"Of course, why wouldn't I?" She gave Naruto a look like if it was an obvious answer. Naruto just shrugged, ignoring her words that barely did anything to Naruto's psyche.

The two continued to talk with one another until they saw the next person arrive.

"Good morning," said Sakura, yawning as he drowsily walked towards the two. She looked at the two, seeing that they were already here. "When you did you two arrive?" She asked, wondering how long they have been waiting.

"2 hours/1 hour."

"Oh,so you two woke up pretty early." They nodded, knowing that they did wake up early by her kind of standards. Though this was quite normal for them to do.

They were to sometimes wake up very early to train with each other. And as always, Naruto always won the spars that they always do when they they train.

It was amusing to see Satsuki in a sour mood right after.

Sakura sat down right next to Satsuki and waited right alongside them. But they didn't know how long Kakashi was going to take to get here. And arrival late yesterday was not a good reference for them.

It took him 3 hours to get to us. Naruto thought, knowing this would probably take some time and that they would have to wait for another few hours or so.

And as expected, Kakashi wasn't here after an hour of Sakura's arrival. They then waited for him for another hour. They still didn't see him during that time.

And when it was just over 3 hours of waiting, Kakashi appeared, an eye-smile appearing on his face as he walked into the Team 7 Training Ground.

"You're late!" Yelled Sakura, annoyed at the amount of time that they all had to wait for him. Kakashi just chuckled in a very sheepish manner.

"Haha. . . sorry, a black cat crossed the road, so I had to take another route. You know, black cats are a symbol of bad luck. I couldn't risk it at all." He added another sheepish laugh at the end.


The other 2 stood up and walked towards Kakashi alongside Sakura. There was a moment of suspense that was looming throughout the air.

"Anyway, I would just like to explain the rules." They all nodded, knowing that rules was a common need in survival exercises. But the real question was:

What were the rules that were going to be enforced?

"The rules are that there are actually no rules." Satsuki and Sakura dead-panned at that sentence. "Then why the hell did you say there were rules in the first place?" Asked Satsuki, annoyed at what he was saying.

Kakashi completely ignored her.

"Anyway, your goal for this exercise is to take these bells away from me. I have a clock set to stop at noon; at 12 PM. If you take these bells away from me, you pass. It's as simple as that." The bells clanged due to Kakashi swooshing them.

"But, sensei! There are only 2 bells." Sakura was confused and so was Satsuki. Naruto was just narrowing his eyes, analyzing the goal of this test. More information was about to be revealed.

"Ah, correct. The two people that manage to get these two bells will pass this survival exercise and become genin." The two immediately became tense, while Naruto just kept on analyzing the current situation.

"Then what happens to the remaining team member?"

Kakashi eyes-smiled.

"They get sent back to the academy." The two widened their eyes. Naruto slightly gritted his teeth, trying to figure out if there was a hidden message to this all.

"Like I said, you all have until noon to take the bells away from me. And also, come at me with intent to kill. If you don't, you won't get the bells no matter how hard you try." Sakura raised an eyebrow at him.

"What if we hurt you?"

"There is no reason to worry about such a thing," said Naruto, slowly maneuvering his hand towards his holster. His eyes were ready for battle to begin.

"He's a jonin. While there isn't much difference between us and a chunin, there is a huge gap between both genin, chunin to jonin. There's no reason to think that we will even hurt him." Naruto pulled out a kunai and threw it at Kakashi.

They weren't aimed at Kakashi's head, but they were being aimed at the bells.

But before the kunai could pierce through and attach itself to the thread, Kakashi disappeared, a huge log just replacing him out of thin air. Naruto narrowed his eyes.

Substitution Jutsu.

They all heard something rustle the bushes. "Mah, mah. I didn't even say start yet and you're already trying to kill me." They turned their eyes at Kakashi. Naruto narrowed his eyes.

"We don't wait to battle in a real fight between ninjas."

"Hm, correct. But this is a survival exercise, not a actual fight between enemies." Kakashi was being laid-back and relax throughout the whole conversation.

"Anyway, shall we begin?" They all nodded, readying themselves to fight Kakashi.

