
Grace: A Naruto Fanfiction (Book 1)

"I'm just the Son of a Hero and Grandson of a God." Just after he was born, he was taken, kidnapped from the village named Konoha. And since then, he was raised by a God that once tamed the Kyuubi with just his eyes alone. "Nothing more," His talent was peerless -they were simply unrivaled. He was expected to continue his grandfather's legacy and complete his master plan. But he was wrong. The boy was not someone who could be thrashed around like a pawn in a grand chess match. "Nothing less." He has one goal and one goal alone. This was such a near impossible feat to attain. But there was only one person who stood right on his path, blocking his path to unify the world through his wits. Uchiha Madara. This is the story of Uchiha-Uzumaki-Namikaze Naruto - The Boy who Graced the Earth. NarutoXFemSasuke I do not own Naruto. I do not own the cover either. I dont own the story/fic! All credits belong to Shaxoss on Wattpad the Original Author who gave me permission to post this story on this Platform.

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Chapter 20: Team Selection


Naruto slowly opened his eyes, the sun shining right on his beautiful azure eyes.

What time is it? Naruto thought, sitting up and looking at his alarm that was right beside him. He lazily squinted his eyes at the alarm, seeing what the time was.

Naruto sighed, disappointed in himself.

It's 8:10 AM. I'm going to be late If I don't hurry up. Naruto thought, jumping right out of bed as he looked around his room. Oh, it was a mess. Naruto internally cursed himself.

Should I clean up? Maybe. Naruto was pondering whether or not he should clean around today. He always tried to be as tidy as possible when the time needs him to be.

Naruto looked at the alarm and saw that it just changed to 8:11. Naruto sighed, walking over to his cup ramen and picking it up and putting right back at the shelf where it belongs.

He looked around and saw his clothes that were all over the place. Naruto, with an annoyed look, picked up his pace and gracefully organized and tidied up his whole apartment room.

After quite some time, Naruto was finally done with the devilish task of cleaning his apartment room. And it really only took Naruto around. . .

7 minutes to clean. God, I'm bad at cleaning. Naruto thought, quickly picking out a normal attire to use for the entire day. He looked at the door and window that was near him.

Door or window?

On some days, Naruto would use the door to be a 'respectful' person. But Naruto is far from a respectful person. Naruto ran towards the window and jumped right out of it. His hair flowed through the air as he dropped towards the ground unharmed.

Now to the academy. Naruto thought, looking right towards the direction of the academy with his sharp and deadly eyes.

He bursted towards it.


Naruto soon caught sight of the academy. It was pretty easy to find if you were to ask Naruto — it was quite close to his apartment complex.

He huffed as he got even closer to the academy that he will soon be leaving to become a genin of Konoha. Though he was already a ROOT Anbu; that shouldn't count, right?

Naruto looked up and down.

He pondered if he should use the door or the window. Naruto slightly gritted his teeth in annoyance and channeled chakra towards his feet. He jumped and attached himself to the wall.

He would have just normally entered using the door that was supposed to be the entrance of the academy, but today is not that kind of day, is it? No, most definitely not.

In second thought, he found a much more optimal way to appear in class. Naruto slowly disappeared in a swirl of leaves that took his place. He reappeared right in his seat like nothing had just happened.

Naruto looked around, noticing that no one had seen what he had just pulled. Everyone was just so busy talking to each other. Naruto nodded himself, seemingly satisfied at this development.

Though it seems he did miss the eyes of Satsuki's; whom grunted at that technique.

Cool. I'll have to get him to teach me it. Satsuki thought, looking at the front of the class with her usual non-flustered face. Naruto looked around as Iruka walked into the classroom.

"Hello, everyone."

"Hello, Iruka-sensei!" A lot of the class shouted with excitement. Iruka smiled right back at them with such content and happiness for them all.

"As I said a few days ago, I would like to congratulate you all once again on graduating the ninja academy." The class beamed at him, thanking him for his service.

"While it does sadden me that you all are growing up and becoming a genin; it's necessary for your development as both a ninja and a person. Thank you all for learning under me for the past 6 years. Hope to see you all again in the future." Many were once again shedding a lone tear.

Just kidding, some people were just sad.

Naruto was internally relieved that he was just barely on time for the assigning of the teams. He didn't care who he worked with; just can't be Yu. He's tired of the amount of berating he likes doing to others.

Satsuki was probably the most preferred one that Naruto would probably want to team up with. The chances of that happening is quite slim to none. Though, it could happen.

"Anyway, I would just like to now start on calling out your new teammates that you will be working with under a jonin-sensei." A lot of people nodded, wanting their desires to be with Satsuki to be absolutely fulfilled.

"Team 1 shall consist of: Taha Asa, Ura Shoru, and. . ." Many were hoping and wishing that the last person was not them; especially Yu,whom wanted to be teammates with Satsuki.

"Yoni Yu."

Oh, shit. He was going to be outraged. "What! There's no way!" Yu clenched his head, disbelieving at the words that he had just been told at this current moment.

This is rigged! Rigged. Rigged. Rigged. Yu thought, repeating the word 'rigged' at a very constant and rapid rate. Satsuki was his goddess! His only true love — this was supposed to be the story of his love life!

The journey of his hardships throughout time and him getting the girl at the end of his journey!

Sadly, this is not one of those stories. No, it's most definitely not one of those stories at all. "Hahah! How does it feel Yu?" Kiba was laughing his ass off looking at Yu's very unfortunate situation.

Yu glared at him, though he stayed silent at the very infuriating words. His life was now torn apart just from this change in events. Oh, he was absolutely fucked. Not by another human but by. . .


Iruka ignored Yu's breakdown and continued to list off the names of the rest of the team. He looked down right on his list, nodding his head at the team that he was about to call.

"Team 7 is quite the overwhelming team. I have high hopes for you in the future." People immediately tensed up, wondering what this so-called 'overwhelming' team consist of.

"Team 7 shall consist of the following people: Haruno Sakura, Uchiha Satsuki, and. . ." Many people widened their eyes at Satsuki's name, hoping it was them to be on their list.

Their mouths watered, thinking about such a thing.

"Ahihcu Naruto. Your sensei is Hatake Kakashi." A lot of the class stopped and pivoted their heads towards Naruto's unamused face. They glared right at Naruto, infuriated at this result.

Why? Why must life hate them and love Naruto so much?

Naruto just sat there, feeling the glares from the fanboys. Satsuki, too, looked at Naruto with a small and apparent smirk right on her face like usual.

Though, she kind of wondered, why did the Hokage put the two of them in the same team? Was there a specific reason for this choice? Most definitely. There is no way he had no motive at all.


"Hokage-sama, don't you think this team is too overwhelming? I thought we were supposed to be balancing all the teams out?" A man with a forehead proctor covering his left eye asked.

Hiruzen had his smoke pipe in his mouth. He took it out, letting a plume of smoke escape from inside of his mouth. He looked at the man.

"You are correct Kakashi about that," said Hiruzen, getting a raised eyebrow from the man named: Kakashi. "Then why put the two together? They could potentially overshadow their third teammate." Hiruzen sighed, nodding his head at that.

"There is quite a few reasons why I put them together."

"And they were?" Asked Kakashi, curious at what Hiruzen was going to say. He took a small pause to create suspense and to stall for himself to find the correct words.

"From the amount of years that I have known Naruto, I have learned many things about him as a person; same goes for Satsuki." Kakashi nodded, not expecting where this conversation was going.

"What do you know about him, Kakashi?"

"I don't know much about him. Though you did tell me that Jiraiya-sama and you suspect that he's sensei's son." Hiruzen nodded, remembering about the time he had told him about this theory.

"We're not 100 percent sure on this theory of ours, but it seems Jiraiya is very insistent that Naruto is the son of Minato." Kakashi nodding, somewhat getting where Jiraiya was coming from.

"But enough of that. One of the few reasons why I think Naruto and Satsuki should be placed on the same team is because of a simple and relative reason." Kakashi raised an eyebrow, curious at what Hiruzen was trying to say.

"And that reason is?"

"Naruto and Satsuki. . . those two share a bond and are quite extremely close. I've actually spied on the two of them from time to time and saw that they train together quite often." Kakashi widened his lone eyes for a split second.

"Satsuki doesn't interact with other much," said Kakashi, getting a nod from Hiruzen himself.

"That is correct, Kakashi. Though, when it comes to Naruto, it's much more different than the rest. He was the only one in the whole class to give Satsuki a run for her money. Those two are very close with each other." Kakashi slightly nodded.

"Are they dating perhaps?"

"No, it seems that they are not. Though it seems Satsuki is feeling something for the boy; it's not guaranteed, though." Kakashi nodded, knowing that a relationship in the team could potentially backfire.

"They share a deep bond and it's quite clear that the two are fond of each other's company."

"I see, that reason is quite reasonable. Their teamwork should be impeccable to say the least. Though, I do worry about the consequences." Hiruzen nodded, knowing where Kakashi was coming from.

"You pose a valid point."

"But I must ask, what is the other reason that you are talking about?" Asked Kakashi, wondering on what the other reason that Hiruzen had. He sighed, looking at Kakashi with his two old eyes.

"This reason is only a speculation that I have came up with." Hiruzen had silencing seals all around the room so people wouldn't have the nerve to try and eavesdrop their conversation.

Kakashi noticed this.

It must be serious. Kakashi thought, observing what was currently happening. "As I said, overtime I have observed Naruto; he also did the same thing." This bit of information was going to be quite the controversial one for sure.

"But the second reason on why I think Naruto and Satsuki should be on the same team is because of one simple speculation that I would like to be confirmed." Kakashi nodded, listening to this very serious conversation.

"This simple speculation could cause an outrage if it's true."

"What is it?"

Hiruzen inhaled and exhaled, knowing that this information is going to be very valuable in both the current present and the future. His eyes pierced at Kakashi.

"I have reason to believe that Naruto is an Uchiha."


"Team 8 shall consist of: Inuzuka Kiba, Aburame Shino, and Hyuga Hinata. Your sensei is Yuhi Kurenai." Kiba had a grin, looking forward to passing alongside his current team that he was placed on.

"Cool~! I never heard them talk, but cool~!"

It was now time for the next team to be called. "Team 9 is still in circulation, so we'll be skipping that team and move on to the next and last team." Iruka looked at the next 3 people in the list.

"The last team which is team 10 consist of: Nara Shikamaru, Akimichi Choji, and Yamanaka Ino. Your sense is Sarutobi Asuma." The only girl in the group, Ino, groaned with displeasure.

"Why do I have to be stuck with these two?" She glared at Shikamaru and Choji. Iruka slightly chuckled in amusement.

"It's because our dad's know each other have good history as a trio known otherwise know as the: Ino-Shika-Cho." Shikamaru laid his head back on the table with a sigh.

"Yeah, it was expected." Choji was eating his chips, the crumbles falling on the floor after each chip he took a bite right off. He continued on munching on his chips.

"Well, that;s it for today. Your senseis shall be here after a few minutes. I was glad to be your sensei for the time you have served inside of the academy. It was a pleasure working with you all. Thank you." Iruka smiled at them as he left the room to do his break.

Soon enough, the first team's sensei had appeared from the door.

"Team 1? Come with me." Asa, Shoru, and Yu got up from their seats and walked towards the door, following right behind their sensei. Yu did not leave the room without a glare at Naruto.

Satsuki got up from her seat as soon as Yu left the room and jumped towards the seat that was right next to Naruto. He looked at her, confused on why she even did that.

"Why are you here? Your fanboys are glaring at me." Naruto looked at back at the front and saw the fanboys of Satsuki glaring at him once again. Satsuki stayed silent for a few seconds.

"We're a team now, so let's get acquainted."

"But we already know each other. There is no reason for us to be introducing ourselves once again." Satsuki gave him a wack to the leg with her own leg.

"Tch, this is just an excuse for me to sit right next to you." Naruto shrugged, not caring at the reason she was using. Satsuki continued to sit right next to Naruto in silence.

"I want you to teach me that technique." Naruto raised an eyebrow, looking right towards Satsuki.

"What technique?" Asked Naruto, seemingly confused at the words that came right out of Satsuki's mouth. She looked at Naruto, giving him a 'knowing' look.

"The technique where you just randomly appear in a swirl of leaves or something." Naruto finally got what Satsuki was trying to tell him. He gained a new look at Satsuki.

"Oh, the shunshin?"

"Yes, whatever the hell that is, I want you to teach me it." Naruto internally sighed at his predicament. He continued to gaze at Satsuki with his piercing, beautiful azure eyes.

"Sure, I don't really care. Just ask me later," said Naruto, getting a nod from yours truly. "Hn, sure. At the same place?" Naruto nodded back at her, looking at the class in front of them.

Over time, the people that used to fill the classroom slowly started to empty out. Naruto saw Kiba, Shino, and Hinata get called by their jonin sensei, Yuhi Kurenai.

The next team was the team that had Shikamaru, Choji, and Ino. They were picked up by Sarutobi Asuma. Naruto noted how Asuma had the knack for smoking just like Hiruzen.

Soon after, they were the only team left hanging.

"Where the hell is our sensei?" Questioned Sakura, annoyed at the tardiness of Kakashi. Naruto narrowed his eyes at the table right in front of him.

Hatake Kakashi. If I remember correctly, he should be the teammate of Obito and father. Does the Hokage know? Probably. He has been observing me since the beginning of my time here. Naruto thought, thinking about the possibilities of this thought actually happening.

There is probably over a 60 percent chance that this thought is true. He probably even knows that Danzo is still operating ROOT. But the real question is: If he did find out about me being and Uchiha/son of the Fourth Hokage, then when did he figure it out? There was one probable clue that he could use.

Did the Hokage perhaps find out that my surname is actually just the word 'Uchiha' backwards? Probably. It was an obvious clue that I have left behind since the day I have taken the name of Ahihcu Naruto. It was only a matter of time before someone figured it out. Naruto thought, thinking even more.

"Naruto? Naruto?" He heard someone call his name out. Naruto looked around and saw Sakura standing right in front of Naruto and Satsuki.

"Oh, what?" Asked Naruto, wondering what she wanted.

"So. . . I've noticed that Satsuki-san and you have. . . become quite close?" Naruto nodded, knowing where this conversation was going towards. "So I'm wondering. . . are you two potentially. . . da-?!" Sakura was cut off with Naruto shaking his head at her.

"No, we are not dating at all. We just hold a very 'professional friendship'." Satsuki nodded right after that, showing that she agrees with Naruto's words.

"That's right, Naruto and I are just friends or 'professional friends'. Nothing more and nothing less." Naruto nodded at Satsuki's words. Though, Naruto did notice something.

Satsuki's words somewhat lacked conviction.

But before they all could continue, the door slid right open, indicating that their sensei was here. Their heads and eyes snapped towards the door and saw their sensei.

The man had their forehead proctor right over his left-eye. His lone eye turned right up, giving them an eye-smile. "Good morning, everyone." The 3 nodded at those words.

"My first impressions of you all are. . ." There was a slight pause so Kakashi could create suspense.]

"Is that you all are boring."
