
Gou Zai Xianwu Marries a Wife and Lives Long

Travelling through the fantasy world, after hundreds of years of tossing, Han Li, who is of mediocre aptitude, is ruined. After going down the mountain to marry a wife, he found that the way he opened the fantasy world was wrong. You can rise from lying down, why should you practice hard, fight and kill? Many years later, a long-lived family quietly rose up, with tentacles all over the heavens and worlds, and behind the scenes they controlled the various holy lands and immortal mansions. On this day, Han Li was high in the ninth heaven, looking at the billions of descendants below, telling his glorious history. A fairy emperor came across the border, intending to destroy the Han family, but was killed by Han Li with a snap of his fingers. Immediately, the heavens were shocked, that ancestor Han was so strong!

VutukuriHarish · Fantasy
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110 Chs

I will back off

  Tianxuan Mountain, inner courtyard.

  At this moment, all the inner disciples and core disciples who are still in Tianxuan Mountain gathered in the central square of the inner courtyard, crowded with people, gathering in twos and threes, talking in low voices.

  Many disciples rushed back from training outside or performing missions, wanting to know what happened to Tianxuan Mountain.

  Han Li was also among them, in the middle of the crowd, and didn't want to show his face to cover up his presence.

There are also two or three people around him, all of whom are old friends. Although the friends he made in Tianxuan Mountain broke through to the Sea Breaking Realm before him, they are not as high as him now, and they are all in the third and fourth levels of the Sea Breaking Realm. look.

  Han Li chatted casually with his three friends, and the topic also revolved around what happened in Tianxuan Mountain this time. Everyone was very curious about what was worth such a big move in Tianxuan Mountain.

   Not long after, a figure descended from the sky and landed on the high platform at the front of the square. He stood with his hands behind his back and looked at the people in the audience.


  Qiu Shuilin scolded, and a powerful aura rushed out, covering the audience in an instant, making all the disciples quiet down, and looking at Qiu Shuilin with full attention.

  A look of satisfaction flashed in Qiu Shuilin's eyes, and then he said solemnly: "I don't want to talk nonsense, there is indeed something important to call you back."

   "A few years ago, the White Lotus Sect wreaked havoc in Huozhou and poisoned countless lives. Although it was wiped out, there were indeed remnants of the sect roaming in Qingzhou and Huozhou. Their whereabouts were erratic, and it was difficult to completely eliminate them."

  Han Li frowned slightly when he heard the word Bailianjiao, and quietly retreated behind everyone.

   Sure enough, as he expected, the big move of Tianxuan Mountain this time was related to King Wu'an. Tianxuan Mountain will not deal with the White Lotus Sect without a reason, and it will not be able to deal with it.

   Wusheng Old Mother is the Grand Master of Vientiane, and the entire Tianxuan Mountain is no match if tied together, he doesn't want to die in vain.

   It doesn't matter, I'll back off!

   "In order to completely destroy the White Lotus Sect, Dagan dispatched King Wu'an to guard the three prefectures. Now he has dispatched troops and generals, and will soon carry out the final blow to Wusheng Old Mother." Qiu Shuilin continued.

   "If Wusheng's old mother escapes by chance, no matter which state she escapes to, she needs to be identified as soon as possible. Then I will go back and mobilize the family's power to track it down as much as possible. Once found, I will report it immediately."

   There was an uproar in the square, and there was a turmoil of voices and constant discussions. Many disciples had different expressions on their faces.

   It turned out to be to deal with the White Lotus Sect, no wonder the sect made such a big move.

  Even King Wu'an, the **** of war, is here. It seems that Wu Sheng's mother's death is not far away.

  Wu An Wang made a move, even if Wusheng's old mother escaped by chance, she would be seriously injured. Can you catch a big leak?

   "Brother Han, do we want it?"

  Where Han Li was originally standing, a junior brother surnamed Tu said excitedly, but before he finished speaking, he realized something was wrong, and asked in surprise, "Hey, where is Senior Brother Han?"

  The other two were slightly taken aback. Wasn't Senior Brother Han still beside them just now? When did it disappear?

  Han Li disappeared, and the three of them didn't care too much. They continued to communicate and planned to inform him after the meeting was over.

  After the crowd, Han Li watched the scene silently, savoring Elder Qiu's words, and felt confident.

  Tianxuan Mountain is going to work without any effort.

  The words are high-sounding, if no biological mother escaped by chance, asking everyone to track it down is obviously to mobilize the family power behind these disciples.

  The disciples of Tianxuan Mountain come from the families of various prefectures and counties in Leizhou. If they are mobilized, it will naturally be a great force. In addition, other sects will definitely implement it, so it will not be difficult to track down the traces of Wu Sheng's mother.

  Elder Qiu also said that once he found a trace, he would report it immediately, but he never mentioned rewards. This must be fishing for fish.

  Wu Sheng Lao Mu is an extremely dangerous person. It is extremely risky to trace her, and she will be wiped out easily. If there is no reward, who will contribute?

  The disciples mobilized the family power and tried their best to find the trace of Wu Sheng's old mother. They paid a huge price and were even exterminated, but there was no reward, and no one would do it.

   Tianxuan Mountain's decision coincided with Han Li's thoughts. Even if Tianxuan Mountain asked for an all-out investigation, Han Li would take advantage of it, and it was impossible to really pursue it.

  These disciples of Tianxuan Mountain are very shrewd to be able to cultivate the Sea Pioneering Realm and the Gangyuan Realm. They were a little excited at first, but soon calmed down, tasted the hints in Qiu Shuilin's words, and understood what to do.

  If Wusheng's old mother escapes to Leizhou by chance, they will naturally have to track it down, but they don't need to work hard, just fool around. If they are really lucky, they will definitely report it.

   On the other side, Tianxuan Peak.

  Tianxuan Peak is the main peak of Tianxuan Mountain Range. The head teacher, his relatives, and his disciples all live here. Important buildings such as the Zongmen Hall also stand on this peak.

  On the top of the peak, there are two figures standing here, overlooking the entire Tianxuan Mountain. One of them is the head teacher Gongsun Yun, and the other is his daughter Gongsun Yue.

  Gongsun Yun was silent for a long time, before he said: "Yue'er, go to Daoyu."

   "Not going."

  Gongsun Yue refused without even thinking about it.

  Gongsun Yun looked at his daughter and said in a deep voice, "Don't play tricks, you know you have to go."

   "It's too far away." Gongsunyue looked at him and still refused.

   "The Dagan Dynasty is about to become a place where winds and clouds gather. In the turbulent current, our Tianxuan Mountain is just a small boat, which may capsize at any time and sink to the bottom of the sea. Not even a wave can overturn it."

  Gongsun Yun didn't try to persuade, but instead said, his face was full of bitterness.

   Standing tall is the only way to see far, just like he can overlook Tianxuan Mountain at this moment. As the head teacher of Tianxuan Mountain and the master of Dongxu, he has a keen insight into the changing situation.

  In this violent storm, Tianxuan Mountain was too weak to protect itself. Not to mention Tianxuan Mountain, even the Dagan Dynasty, which has a Martial King at the True Martial Realm, dare to say that it can guarantee that it will not be destroyed?

  As the head of Tianxuan Mountain, he knows many secrets. For example, the founder of Tianxuan Mountain is actually from Daoyu, and he is a disciple of Daoyu Taixuanzong.

   There are also eight major factions in Daoyu, namely Baiyujing, Tianzong, Dizong, Renzong, Taixuanzong, Zhenwujiao, Chunyang Palace and Longhushan.

  Different from Xuanyu, Daoyu is unified and belongs to the entire Taoist sect, while Bai Yujing is the orthodox Taoist sect, the ancestral court.

  The remaining seven Taoist sects are all attached to Bai Yujing in name, but in fact they are all branches separated from Bai Yujing, and have evolved through vicissitudes of life.

   Taixuanzong is very powerful, even stronger than the Dagan Dynasty, and has high requirements for accepting apprentices, but his daughter's qualifications are not low, and it is more than enough to worship Taixuanzong, not to mention that she is barely a disciple of Taixuanzong.

  Seeing her daughter going down the mountain, Gongsun Yun's voice rang in her ears, "Yue'er, you should think about it."

  In any case, he wanted his daughter to get out of this vortex as soon as possible, and it would be safe to go to Daoyu.

  Gongsun Yue paused and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

  Gongsun Yun withdrew his gaze, his spiritual consciousness spread out, and covered the entire Tianxuan Mountain Range.

  Spiritual consciousness in the state of refining gods can cover hundreds of miles at the beginning, and thousands of miles at the peak. When it reaches the void state, the spiritual consciousness will be greatly improved, and it can easily cover thousands of miles. When it reaches its peak, it can cover a radius of 50,000 miles.

  The situation is changing every day, Gongsun Yun will check the sect every day to prevent some accidents from happening.


  When Gongsun Yun's spiritual consciousness swept across the square in the inner courtyard, he happened to see Han Li frowning and backed away, which gave him an insight into his true cultivation.