
Gou Zai Xianwu Marries a Wife and Lives Long

Travelling through the fantasy world, after hundreds of years of tossing, Han Li, who is of mediocre aptitude, is ruined. After going down the mountain to marry a wife, he found that the way he opened the fantasy world was wrong. You can rise from lying down, why should you practice hard, fight and kill? Many years later, a long-lived family quietly rose up, with tentacles all over the heavens and worlds, and behind the scenes they controlled the various holy lands and immortal mansions. On this day, Han Li was high in the ninth heaven, looking at the billions of descendants below, telling his glorious history. A fairy emperor came across the border, intending to destroy the Han family, but was killed by Han Li with a snap of his fingers. Immediately, the heavens were shocked, that ancestor Han was so strong!

VutukuriHarish · Fantasy
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110 Chs


   "This kid."

  A smile appeared on Gongsun Yun's face.

  It is a good thing that Tianxuan Mountain has one more talented person to make, but it is a pity that the timing of this person's appearance is not right. If it had been a hundred years earlier, Tianxuan Mountain would not have had a second grandmaster.

  The situation is unpredictable now, but there is not so much time for geniuses to grow.

  The Inner Court meeting ended, and many disciples dispersed. Han Li originally wanted to return to Lingjun City. His goal of coming to Tianxuan Mountain had been completed, but Qiu Shuilin suddenly appeared and said that the head teacher wanted to see him.

  Feeling Qiu Shuilin's meaningful smile, Han Li's scalp felt a little numb, and his heart skipped a beat. Why did the head teacher suddenly summon him?

  Since entering Tianxuan Mountain, he has only seen the head teacher two or three times from afar, but now he is summoned alone. He will never meet him for no reason. He must have discovered something.

  Han Li quickly calmed down, and found that there was nothing to worry about. Apart from hiding his cultivation, he didn't do anything to offend Tianxuan Mountain.

  Qiu Shuilin's spiritual consciousness has been observing Han Li secretly, and secretly nodded at Han Li's performance, but felt a little pity.

  When he returned to the sect, he had the idea of ​​taking Han Li as his apprentice, just wanting to observe and observe, but he didn't expect Han Li to hide so deeply that he was snatched away by the elder brother in charge.

  Han Li intentionally concealed his cultivation. He, a real person in the late stage of the God Refining Realm, didn't notice any abnormalities. If the brother in charge hadn't told him, he would have always thought that Han Li was at the fifth level of the Sea Breaking Realm.

  Gang Yuan Realm peak, this level of cultivation is enough to rank first among all the disciples of Tianxuan Mountain today.

  Qiu Shuilin has read Han Li's information records, eighth grade aptitude, failed to break through the sea opening and went down the mountain, and only broke through the sea opening near the deadline.

  If the information is true, then Han Li broke through from the first stage of Pioneering Realm to the peak of Gangyuan Realm in less than twenty years. This speed of cultivation is really shocking.

   I don't know if Han Li made a mistake in his previous aptitude test, or if he got some great opportunity later, his cultivation aptitude improved a lot.

  Qiu Shuilin doesn't have any greed, but it's a pity that he can't take in a good apprentice. Han Li is already at the peak of the Gangyuan Realm and will be promoted to the God Refining Realm at any time.

   After sending Han Li to the Xuantian Hall, Qiu Shuilin left and went to the inner courtyard hall. He felt that it was time to enlighten Jiang Cheng.

  Letting Jiang Cheng decadent for decades, he still hasn't seen through the love disaster. If this continues, there is little hope of being promoted to the realm of refining gods in the future.

  In Xuantian Palace.

  Han Li walked in, and saw a figure standing in the deepest part, dressed in a purple jade robe, with a tall and straight body and an extraordinary demeanor, with his hands behind his back facing him.

   "Meet the head teacher."

  Han Li clasped his hands and said, with expressions of panic, surprise, excitement, and doubt on purpose on his face.


  When Gongsun Yun's indifferent voice came, Han Li's heart skipped a beat again. What does the teacher mean?

  At this time, Gongsun Yun turned around, looked at Han Li with a half-smile, and said, "Are you pretending to be in front of me?"

   Sure enough, the sixth child saw through it.

  Han Li sighed secretly in his heart, he didn't know where he showed his flaws, and let the head teacher stare at him.

  He practiced a secret method with a hidden cultivation level. With his cultivation at the peak of the Gangyuan Realm, it is almost impossible to see through it in the God Refining Realm. At the early stage of the Hollow Realm, he would not be able to see through it unless he looked carefully. Only the masters in the middle stage of the Hollow Realm and above can see through it at a glance.

   "Headmaster Wisdom Eye."

  Having seen through his cultivation, Han Li simply stopped pretending and said with a smile.

  The teacher's performance didn't seem like he would do anything to him, Han Li felt relieved.

  Gongsun Yun was very satisfied with Han Li's performance, and said: "In fact, you have pretended so well that you almost fooled me."

  After discovering Han Li, Gongsun Yun checked the records about Han Li in the sect.

  The last time Han Li returned to Tianxuan Mountain, he had just broken through the Sea Opening Realm, and Gongsun Yun's spiritual consciousness had also swept over Han Li, but he didn't care. At that time, even though Han Li had hidden his cultivation, he was still at the Sea Pioneering Realm.

   It's just that this time Han Li returned to the mountain and became the peak of the Gangyuan Realm, which is too conspicuous. With his late-stage cultivation of the Hollow Realm, he can see through it at a glance. This kind of cultivation makes Gongsun Yun very concerned.

   Even counting the hidden power of Tianxuan Mountain, the peak of the Gangyuan Realm can be ranked in the top ten.

  Looking at Gongsun Yun's expression, with a smile on his face, Han Li knew he was telling lies, almost? Almost a billion points!

   "I don't know why the head teacher called his disciples?"

  Han Li straight to the point, secretly vigilant in his heart, although the headmaster looks nice to speak, but who knows if it is a disguise?

  He doesn't know much about the headmaster of Tianxuan Mountain. The outside world says that the headmaster of Tianxuan Mountain is a gentleman with a jade face. He is chivalrous, fair in dealing with things, and has a good reputation.

  There are many secrets about him. If the headmaster is different from what the outside world says, knowing any of them may attack and kill him, so we have to guard against it.

  In a short period of time, Han Li had already made a plan. Once the situation was wrong, he would immediately activate the body furnace to resist the blow from the head teacher, and then fly backwards by taking advantage of the situation, immediately hijacking an important person and threatening to save his life.

  Gongsun Yun has been observing Han Li, taking all his reactions into his eyes, smiling, not taking it seriously, he really has no bad intentions for Han Li.

  No matter what opportunities Han Li had, or any secrets, they were all his own. If Han Li didn't tell, he wouldn't force him to ask.

  Although Han Li concealed his cultivation, he did not do anything harmful to Tianxuan Mountain, and he seldom came back.

  Gongsun Yun could tell that Han Li didn't seem to want to stay in the sect. If it wasn't for summoning all the inner sect and core disciples back this time, Han Li might have stayed in the small place of Lingjun City.

   "I called you here because I want to accept you as a disciple. I wonder if you would like it?"

  Gongsun Yun looked at Han Li with burning eyes, a look of anticipation flashed in his eyes, and he hoped that Han Li would agree.

  Under his training, Han Li is expected to be promoted to the Dongxu Realm in fifty years, so that the future Tianxuan Mountain will also have another pillar.

  If Han Li didn't want to, he wouldn't force it, let Han Li go, anyway, Grandmaster Dongxu wouldn't be able to play a big role in this storm.

  Hearing the words, Han Li was silent and didn't answer immediately, and Gongsun Yun didn't urge him, giving him time to make a decision.

  To be honest, as a representative figure who can kill everyone when lying down, Tianxuan Mountain does not help Han Li much. If the golden finger is activated through time travel, he may not necessarily join the sect.

   But now, the situation is unpredictable. After all, his cultivation base is not high, and he has not yet grown up. The protection of a master of the void is still useful.

  After thinking about it, Han Li asked, "If I become a teacher, will the sect or the head teacher force me to do something?"

  If you want to force him to do something, for example, you must stay in the sect, you must concentrate on cultivation, you must not be greedy for women, or give him a chance to fight or something, Han Li will never agree.

   "Everything is voluntary." Gongsun Yun shook his head.

  He saw very clearly that it was impossible for people like Han Li to be tied together forcefully. The best way was to give favors and invest in advance.

   "The apprentice has seen the master."

   Without further hesitation, Han Li greeted Dao again, his tone becoming respectful.

   This is the first time in his life to learn from a teacher, and it may also be the last time.