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God_Of_Brutality · Movies
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210 Chs

Chapter 158: A Guide To Corruption Part 2

After leaving the pocket cell, Arias returned to the celebrations taking place in the lounge. Upon arriving Àpeiro came to his side and locked arms with him before showing him a small smirk. "Rude of you to break away and do work during a celebration." She commented with narrowed eyes but received only a shrug from Arias.

"I did say I would converse with all my guests now didn't I." He replied with a minor smirk but Àpeiro couldn't argue. Instead she simply began walking with him forward while watching everyone mingle and chat.

"They all look rather happy don't you think?" She asked and caused Aria's eyes to wander the room, seeing the smiles and hearing the laughs of his subordinates. "I suppose so." He said only this before leading Àpeiro away from the crowd so they could also enjoy each other's presence.


But not without a lingering shadow observing their every move with narrowed eyes and a pout. 'Nobody loves me!'

The event soon reached it's climax and soon everyone began to say their goodbyes and leave, Arias included. Àpeiro didn't want to linger around with what she considered non important individuals any more than she should do immediately the event ended she and Arias left with Nearíthea in toll.

Inside their room as Àpeiro came from the bathroom after preparing a risqué outfit, she found her daughter her beaten her to the prize she sought that night.

On the bed was Arias who was still awake stroking the head of Nearíthea who gripped onto him like a vice despite fast asleep.

*sigh* "My, what ever shall I do with this one." Àpeiro walked over and showed her a loving smile while Arias simply mused at the scenario. "You can always teleport her elsewhere." Arias bluntly suggested and almost immediately the grip Nearíthea had on him tightened even more which brought a chuckle out of Àpeiro.

"What terrifying instincts, I suppose she can have you tonight. She's certainly been dreaming of this far too long, goodnight my precious." She muttered before leaning in to kiss Nearíthea on the forehead, after which she turned to Arias. "And goodnight to you… my everything." She said softly before sharing a deep kiss with him.

The next morning Nearíthea woke up to horrifying seen. "Ahh!" She yelled at the top of her lungs causing Àpeiro who was beside her reading to sigh and turn towards her. "What is it dear?"

"Where's daddy?!" She asked with urgency as Arias had long woken up and left. "Off to carry out his duties dear, now be a good girl and get ready to resume training." Nearíthea could only pout and cling to Aria's pillow with teary eyes. 'Nobody loves me!'

Meanwhile Arias was casually making his way to the lounge where he found some people already gathered.

"Welcome boss, here to join us for some breakfast? Cooked it myself." Slade said with grin as he saw Arias enter.

Aside from him the members of the task force were present along with the former x men and brotherhood members.

"Umm, not to sound ungrateful but I get a salad, there's too much meat on my plate." Rogue hesitantly raised her hand and brought up this point to which Slade shook his head while sighing regrettably.

"Sorry, due to a certain someone, vegetables have human rights here." Slade pointed out while subtly glancing at Ivy.

"Plants are living creatures Slade, they have feelings too." Ivy replied with complete seriousness while Slade just shrugged. "Fine, I'll fry you up some sunlight with roasted soil and a glass of water. Dammit as if the lgbtq movement wasn't weird enough, now I'm apparently a murderer for eating veggies." Slade replied and soon sparked a heated debate with Ivy.

"Where are the others?" Arias ignored their bickering as it had become far too common. Billy instead turned to him and explained his inquiry. "Hmm, Raven and Kara are out along with Rose but the Maximoff twins, Laura and Gwen are still resting. Harley, Dr. V and Miss Romanov are in the labs." Billy updated and got a nod from Arias who prepared to leave.

"Gwen isn't resting, she just likes to sleep. Come on billy show me around." At that moment miles walked over and added before turning to Billy.

Given their age difference was minuscule it was only natural for the two to get along. Miles didn't have many people who could be completely free around because he kept his superpowers a secret but now it was different.

Here he wasn't some weirdo but instead just normal and that feeling was rather nice. In the end he made a quick friend who talk about video games, struggles and any other things of interest. This was also good for Billy so Arias just gave the two a nod and left to go see the others.

He began by going to Gwen's assigned room and knocking on the door.

"Come in••" he heard a weary voice of approval before the door opened automatically.

Inside he found Gwen wrapped under her sheets. "Ugh… lemme sleep miles. Just come back after an hour and fifteen minutes." She asked in a drowsy voice causing Arias to raise a brow. "That's quite the specific number." He said casually but his voice startled Gwen into unwrapping her sheets.

"Huh? Wait is there specific time we're supposed to wake up? I really didn't know." Gwen immediately thought Arias being here was because she missed something akin to roll call. Arias shook his head at this and just glanced at the half naked girl oddly. "No there's no such thing, I just came to ask how you're finding your stay here. Also…" Arias paused and pointed to her chest which was bared as she slept in nothing but surprisingly very girly panties.

"Fuck! Kill me now…" The usually free spirited girl felt great embarrassment and quickly covered herself up. "Righ, I suppose I'll just check on you later then." Arias said with slight amusement in his voice as he prepared to leave.
