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God_Of_Brutality · Movies
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210 Chs

Chapter 128: Mutants Vs The World Part 3

11:02 PM, Leviathan Floating Mega City.

Inside the tallest and largest building of the Mega City, the members of Leviathan were gathered in a lavish modern lounge while looking at a gigantic screen mounted on the wall.

On the the screen was a news channel delivering a late night special broadcast.

"We interrupt your programming to bring you this late night breaking news. The terrorist organization known as the brotherhood of mutants launched an attack on Xavier's School For Gifted Youngsters. What exactly transpired is unknown but from the looks of it, a terrifying ability was at play as everything within a 2 kilometer radius of the school was destroyed."

"How many lives were lost remains unclear, but the devastation is plenty clear. The office president has released a statement saying the people should not panic as the threat of the brotherhood of mutants will be delt with soon."

Many of the members present in the lounge didn't really seem to care about the brotherhood of mutants or what they had done. Instead all eyes turned to Arias who was just standing by the door with his arms crossed.

"Say Boss? Isn't this good news. With the attention on the brotherhood, we can quietly recruit even more people and train them better without having to worry about annoying disturbances." Slade pointed out with a smile on his face. Arias simply showed a small smile at this and nodded at head.

"He's already aware of that. Infact, it seems planned, it's so simple yet so meticulous. It's like tipping the first domino and watching the rest fall on their own without any effort from you." Loki explained and cause everyone to once again look at the smiling Arias.

'Truly a frightening being, He doesn't belong to any pantheon I know off so I highly doubt he's a God, he isn't a mutant, higher beings see mortals only as tools so that can't be it either. Just what is he and how far does his power stretch...' The ever curious Loki couldn't help but think this to himself.

Ever since joining Leviathan, he's contemplated a great many ways in which he could take it over but each and every one ends before he can even start. The more he learnt about Arias's power the more hopeless his plan looked.

'The gap is just far too large...' Loki let out a depressed sigh and leaned his head back on the sofa and went silent.

"Raven, Kara, come with me." Arias didn't comment on the statement Loki had mentioned but instead called for his disciples and left without uttering another word with them in two.

"Why does he always take those two? I'm far more intelligent and could be even more useful if I became a Goddess." Caitlyn complained with her arms slightly crossed.

"First of all, I doubt they are many people willing to worship an ice box. Secondly just like me when I first joined Leviathan, you're not important and are expendable. The organization is just going to keep growing and soon you won't even be allowed to stay in the main building if you stay weak." Slade's blunt honesty caused some members to lower their heads and think carefully.

Caitlyn and Ivy simply gave each glances and left the lounge while Rose looked at where Raven and Kara had sat and wore a complex expression. She was the same age as Kara and only a year younger than Raven, yet the gap between them was immense.


Later that very night, Dr. Veritas was working late at night as usual when a message alerting her that someone was at the door resounded on her computer.

"*sigh* Who could possibly want to bother me at this hour." Dr. Veritas muttered in an irritated tone.

As she opened the door however, the person in front of her was one she least expected.

"Natasha?" Dr. Veritas spoke out in a slightly confused tone.

"Dr. Veritas. Listen I have a favor to ask..."

Dr. Veritas seemed a little unsure but she gestured Natasha to enter her lab either way and heard her out.

"So to summarize, you want me to help you awaken your meta-gene and help you reach your bodies peak capabilities? Of course such a task is easy but the problem lies in why. I understand you want to be helpful to Arias but I can't carry out such a project without his permission." Dr. Veritas maintained her usual strict like tone when speaking despite her feeling sympathetic for Natasha.

"I'll allow it." A voice suddenly echoed in the room causing both Natasha and Dr. Veritas to show looks of surprise. It was the familiar lovely feminine voice that carried as much weight as Arias's own if not more.

"I take it her permission works just as well? Look, I'm not trying to get ahead of anyone, but I can't be of use as I am now. Maybe with my meta-gene activated I can change that." Natasha expressed in a serious tone causing Dr. Veritas to just sigh and nod her head.

"Fine, we'll meet this time in the lab everyday for an entire month starting tomorrow. Oh and for the record, Arias also doesn't only value power, otherwise Harley and I would have been useless long ago." Dr. Veritas expressed with a small smile on her face before turning and walking away to continue her work.

