
Gorum, The Unstoppable

Gorum, The Unstoppable was a Brave of the continent Ugdual, with achievements uncountable and strength unapproachable. But the people did not appreciate his demeanor, no matter how much good he did. Follow Gorum down his new path, through dark and into light. [Authors Note] Gorum, The Unstoppable is a spin-off of my first novel, Unfortunately, Reincarnated. Which I unfortunately dropped recently due several narrative mistakes and will reboot in the future. But don't worry, you'll be able to read this easily without the base material, I'll make sure of it. Also, I have a very bad upload schedule and often get writers block or just plain don't have enough time to write. Don't worry though, I won't ever drop the story without warning you all first.

Femboy_Novelist · Fantasy
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34 Chs


Equipment was important, very important. That was something Gorum had etched into his soul from the very beginning of his military service. What you took into battle with you could be the nail in your coffin if you weren't smart about it. Which is why letting these morons walk around dressed like they are is the height of stupidity.

They needed new equipment, namely armor. As far as he could tell their weapons were fine for the strength they were at, but their armor was rubbish. Most of them just had regular clothes, one of them was basically naked and the only one actually wearing anything remotely resembling armor was wearing some perverse art piece. How anyone could be convinced that a bit of metal on a skirt and a half cuirass that curved around their breast, was suitable armor, he'd never know.

First off, some clothing article having metal strips on it doesn't make it armor. Actual armor needed to protect, not dazzle. Yes, some shiny metal on a skirt looks good but it didn't protect a damn thing. Real battle skirts were usually tough leather weaves with chainmail on top or underneath them. after that, flexible plating could be applied. Although Gorum didn't like the idea of a battle skirt altogether...

The second problem here being her chestplate, it too, was rubbish. First off it was too small and didn't protect the top of her breasts nor did it protect her back at all. It might aswell just be a small metal apron. Second off, a chest piece that had carved outlines for breasts was a death sentence. Breast plates for women did have to be designed differently due to their chests, but they should never accent their chest.

It was relatively fine as a design to defend against blades, as long as it was good enough metal the blade wouldn't get good enough damage to cause a problem. The problem came with blunt weapons, blunt force trauma had to be dispersed. A chest piece with a single, large jutting hill that could encompass both breasts was significantly safer. If a blunt instrument hit that type of breast plate, the force would be dispersed off to the sides. However if the type Olivia was wearing was hit, the force would disperse off the accented breasts and hit her dead center in the chest.

Although she was initially offended when Gorum told her that she was wearing garbage after he explained all of that to her, she backed down and agreed to wear proper armor. Gorum had a feeling she'd try to find a loophole though...

As for the Amazon, he didn't think it necessary to explain why wearing no clothes was bad idea, but apparently...

"Nah, not for me." Lana said dismissively, picking her teeth.

"Excuse me?" Gorum said, rasing an eyebrow at her from beneath his helmet.

"Amazons don't wear armor genius. Our muscles protect us, going all the way back to the original Amazon queen. Her muscles were so thick enemy attacks bounced right off her." Lana said, lecturing Gorum on the historical importance to her being damn near naked.

"I see, then attacks bounce off your skin? Blunt force is useless and blades don't cut your flesh?" Gorum asked as he stared at the Amazon from across the table.

"Well-" Lana started.

"Because judging by some of your scars that is not the case." Gorum added on, starting to take on an authoritative tone.

"You are not the first Amazon Queen, you are not immune to the attacks of your enemies. If you die or are injured halfway through a battle because you were too arrogant to wear armor, then what?" Gorum carried on.

"B-But-" Lana started to protest, quickly getting cut off again by Gorum.

"No buts. You wear armor, and you don't jeopardize the Hero's mission because you were stupid enough to think yourself invincible." Gorum said, stomping his foot underneath the table. Inadvertently causing the entire tavern (and surrounding area) to tremble.

Unable to argue any further, Lana simply bit her lip and quieted down. Leaving an awkward silence in the air until Ceidi broke it.

"S-So, before we go monster slaying, we'll buy new equipment?" she asked the table.


"Couldn't hurt to get new vambraces..."

"I do need new staff, actually."

"As long as I get to kill monsters I don't care!"

"Excellent! But uh...well, we need to asess our collective funds since new gear doesn't just fall from the sky..." Ceidi said, trailing off a little as she retrieved some parchment and something that resembled a fountain pen.

Somehow, the party wasn't very well off financially despite being so important. The only ones with any money on hand were the princess, Evan and Naina. Lana had no clothes, so no pockets to hold money. Elves didn't use money in this world apparently unless they were doing a deal with another race, and Keidi and Ceidi only had some pocket money from their adoptive father. Which means the only other person that might have money was...

"Gorum...do you have any money? I mean- I don't mean to insult your wealth at all! That armor clearly isn't cheap, but I don't see any sort of coin pouch on you..." Keidi said, eyeing up Gorum. His bulky, ornate golden armor glistening for all to see.

"I don't need a coin pouch, I just use spatial magic for storage." he said. Spatial magic was pretty difficult for him to learn, it was very...vague in it's fundamental principles. It took all his brain power just to unlock the second tier spatial magic spells.

"Spatial Magic!?" both Naina and the princess blurted in surprise.

"Yes, spatial magic, but don't think I'm some sort of master at it. It took me a year to get to the second tier." Gorum said, wanting to shut down their excitement as he remembered the horrible time he had that year.

However, his efforts seemed to be in vain as the princess started mumbling something to herself with her head in her hands. Naina had a worse reaction though, considering she had started foaming at the mouth and fell out of her seat. Gorum had a feeling he was about to get another headache, very soon.