
Gorum, The Unstoppable

Gorum, The Unstoppable was a Brave of the continent Ugdual, with achievements uncountable and strength unapproachable. But the people did not appreciate his demeanor, no matter how much good he did. Follow Gorum down his new path, through dark and into light. [Authors Note] Gorum, The Unstoppable is a spin-off of my first novel, Unfortunately, Reincarnated. Which I unfortunately dropped recently due several narrative mistakes and will reboot in the future. But don't worry, you'll be able to read this easily without the base material, I'll make sure of it. Also, I have a very bad upload schedule and often get writers block or just plain don't have enough time to write. Don't worry though, I won't ever drop the story without warning you all first.

Femboy_Novelist · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Otherworlders (Extra)

"Regarding your inquiry about otherworlders and my time dealing with them, I have a few things to say. First of all, I didn't just 'hunt' otherworlders like dogs. I searched for and monitored them, as did the rest of my division. We only 'hunted' them if they went rogue or otherwise proved to be dangerous to the populace.

As you and the rest of the population know, otherworlders have the potential to either be great heroes or absolute villains. However, it's a little more complicated than that. Otherworlders have their own circumstances and desires just like we do, infact you'd be surprised how many otherworlders are still out there. Living their own lives and whatnot. Not only that but there's quite a few different types of otherworlders.

Obviously there's the otherworlders we summon, Heroes. Although after the demon king incident, they're not really being used the same way they used to be. Anyway, those otherworlders usually were pretty justice oriented and had the second lowest rate of deviancy out of the different types. The most trouble they'd cause was usually via failing their mission or getting sidetracked by their personal sense of justice they carried from their own world. All in all, pretty easy to deal with.

Next, with the lowest rate of deviancy, is otherworlders that reincarnated into the bodies of children. Usually noble children, for some reason. At first these were fairly tricky to spot, but these days it's pretty darn easy. All we have to do is monitor child prodigies, that's pretty much it.

Since it's usually adults that had their consciousness injected into a toddler, they act alot smarter than other kids around them and it gives them away. Fairly fast, I might add. It's not so bad, they usually just end up boosting the economy someway somehow with their 'inventions' that we now know are just rudimentary imitations of already existing products from their homeworld.

Its never easy to explain it to the parents though, that their child is gone, replaced by a strangers mind. Some people didn't mind, usually the nobles. After all, nobles are generally selfish like that in my experience. The parents that care though? Those hurt, bad.

Anyway, the next type of otherworlder, the most troublesome by far, is otherworlders that are born in vessels. New bodies that resemble their previous one, or in some cases are completely different. In my experience they tend to be a bit...well, unstable and unpredictable to a uncomfortable point. It was a flip of the coin as to whether or not they'd end up violent. Some of them were fine stand up folk that'd just prefer to travel around for fun or settle down to 'live a slow life.' Whatever the fuck that meant. The most damage they would ever cause is a little economic tampering or irresponsible adventuring. The real problem were the truly unstable ones.

Crazy bastards who jabber on about how everything is just a 'game' or murderous psychos that go on a rampage when they feel like it. Mass slavery, coups, banditry, theft, the murder of citizens and nobles alike. That's usually what those kinds of otherworlders behave like, erratically and with no real direction besides their impulsive desires.

That type of otherworlder is the worst, especially if the body they are born in isn't human. Otherworlders reincarnated in monster bodies tend to be the most dangerous and unstable of all, obsessed with survival and power more than anything else. Never actually got to put down any of those ones, that was for better warriors. And yes, by better warriors I do mean HIM.

Gorum has likely the highest kill count of otherworlders out of anyone who's had lived if I had to guess. Crazy fucker was relentless whenever he went out on a task, not like he was just running around killing every otherworld he came across or nothing like that. He was just persistent, hyper persistent. Tell you what, scared the hell out of me anytime he got put on the same task as my division.

He would devastate whatever problem were having in a week or less, took prisoners as necessary and obliterated the rest. Literally, sometimes there was no corpse for us to recover because he completely destroyed the body. Can't count the amount of times we were scraping up red gore paste with shovels to bring back as evidence for higher ups.

And yes, I know very well this is the real reason you sent your inquiry. I've read your material before and know damn well what a fangirl you are about the bastard. Well I'll tell you this, the only positive thing about him is his aptitude as a warrior. He's a savage dog to be kept on a leash by the royalty, I've seen him fight and I don't wanna see it again. Now stop with the damn letters!"

-Commander Lordian, Head of the 2nd Royal Otherworldly Inquisition Squad

"Well that wasn't very helpful..." a young female voice said with a sigh as she finished reading the letter. She had hoped that the commander would be more cooperative.

"Maybe he would have been if I was more upfront?" she pondered aloud as she set the letter down and adjusted her glasses.

She'd have to write up the article without mentioning Gorum's work unfortunately, if she did then it would likely get boycotted.

No matter, all she had to do was crank out a few more garbage tabloids, then she could focus on gathering more information for her true story. Her life's goal, what she strove to complete no matter the cost.

She let out a wistful sigh as she got up from her seat and picked up the unfinished book that sat on a side desk, holding it up in the light.

"The Book of Gorum...soon, I'll make my hero's story known no matter what."