
Gorgeous revenge

MATURE CONTENT: i fell in love with the tycoon son. But after I found out the evil deeds he and his family has done to my family and other family. I decided to quit the relationship. Then the tycoon son raped me. And I had my son. I went to the family to report the issue and let them give my son the right he deserves. They rejected him. And even tried to have him killed. After the bad things they did to my family and me. It's now my turn for pay back. Luckily i have got my trump card. Their second son. Who is adopted. It's now my turn to play the games. And i know this game and how its played. 'Son it's now your turn'

Clyenemo · Urban
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60 Chs

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'Also to increase our customers, we need to be transparent. That is if we say the product is purely organic. Let it be organic. No artificial. If we are not transparent, our competitors we take advantage of that and ruin our name. So therefore be truthful, if we want to add a drop of artificial product then say it. Don't hide it because if we do and this chemicals start affecting our consumers negatively. The government we find out content of our products and bring us down. But if it is written then there will be no problem, so what do you say gentle men. That was my proposal'.

Everyone looked at him. Aurtur looked at them in the same way. After a few seconds has ticked. The board members stood up. They were all applauding his good proposal. The proposal was surprisingly good and wonderful. The applaud continued. The only ones who were not applauding were the Royals who stood there looking at Aurtur with a bit of disappointment. They just stood not suprised that his proposal was good.

'You said you were a Royal right Aurtur '. A man amidst the board asked Aurtur.

'Yes,sir. Lucas Royal is my father'. Aurtur said smiling brightly.

The man looked at Lucas suprised. Lucas Starr back at him with a blank expression.

'Lucas , you had such a business thinking man in your family and you did not bring him to the company. You should have brought him a bit earlier. Maybe the companies problems presently will not be existing. He so good. Why did you let him have to come in like a normal candidate when you are his father. He could have just joined the board'. The man said placing his hands on Aurtur's shoulder.

Everyone starred at Lucas obviously waiting for an explanation. Lucas dropped his shoulders and answered.

'I wanted my son here to prove to the board that he is good. I want him to build his career and not just get promoted just because he is my son'.

'That's very good, a good father you are'. The man smiled as he looked at Aurtur.

'Very good son, you did a good job.me and the board have decided that you are the one. You are in boy'. The man let go of his shoulders. Everyone clapped their hands. This was a good news. Aurtur smiled at the news. But not everyone was happy at this happy news. Because the Royals did not find this as a happy news