
Gorgeous revenge

MATURE CONTENT: i fell in love with the tycoon son. But after I found out the evil deeds he and his family has done to my family and other family. I decided to quit the relationship. Then the tycoon son raped me. And I had my son. I went to the family to report the issue and let them give my son the right he deserves. They rejected him. And even tried to have him killed. After the bad things they did to my family and me. It's now my turn for pay back. Luckily i have got my trump card. Their second son. Who is adopted. It's now my turn to play the games. And i know this game and how its played. 'Son it's now your turn'

Clyenemo · Urban
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60 Chs

Business proposal

Inside a big room. Few groups of men stood listening to the people who they might employ. Amongst this group of men was Lucas as the head of the company and ken as the vice president. Kaise as the model of the company. They were among other men who hold important positions in the company. Some of them were their partners while others were important staffs of theirs.

They all clap at the conclusion of a candidate.

'That was good, although I hope there is another way or idea of yours that will beneficial the company than what you just brought. But you did good, you did good'. Lucas said as he too clapped his hand. The last person was called into the room. Lucas sat down as he looked ready to hear another proposal from another candidate . But who came entering next broke his composure.

'Aurtur'. Kaise said looking shocked. Lucas gave a deadly gaze. Telling her to keep shut and not act as if they were unaware. No one was expecting him to be here, he was not the kind to get involved with the family business. Especially when they said he shouldn't. But to their surprise, he was here. Aurtur smiled at their reaction. Lucas stared at him displeased. But he retained his composure. He didn't want his board members to know that he was unaware. Aurtur went towards the front and stood before the board members. Facing specially at his father.

'Good day gentle men and lady '. Hr said smiling at Kaise. 'Am Aurtur Royal, am a candidate and I want to share my proposal with you. From my research on Royal beauty corporation. I have found out Royal beauty have been having a rough patch for a year and half now. And I thought if a way to eradicate the problem. Listen gentle men. How about rather than increasing your prize, you make the beauty of Royal beauty for all. Men and women. Starting from the Royal beauty fashion way , it should have a combination of both men, women and children. This creates attention. Especially for children this is because children beauty are dazzling. '. Aurtur paused as a man from the board asked.

'We have done it before, it was a disaster. '.

'Well, then you all thought making children model in your fashion way is the only key. It is not. How about we create a game. That is inside our product there is a kind of game. It can be find the letters to make Royal beauty. Or anything. In this way people will buy more especially children because they live gifts, games and presents. This will make people buy our products more. Especially when we tag a meaningful and reasonable prize on the gift column.'

'Then people will be buying our products for a game and because it's good or bad as the case may be. And secondly it will increase cost for the company'. Ken said intimidatingly. Everyone seem to like the question also.

'Well, I also thought of that and I realised that most company are so interested in what other companies are doing, they don't come up with their own ideas. Now, when people buy our product for the game. They have no choice but to use the product because they do not want to waste their money especially when they realise that they may not win. So they are forced to use it and when they do and see it to be so good, they will buy more and soon they will buy not because of the game but because of the perfect performance of our product.'

'About the game, it will too risky, have you seen the economic situation of the country. People are not interested in beauty but food and surviving.' Ken as he sat back on his sit waiting to hear Aurtur's reply.

'Well, I have an idea. When the company starts having a bit of a down fall. We can increase our price.'

'And that Is the one thing consumers hate. Increment. If we do that we lose everything '. Ken said hitting his hand on the desk trying to emphasize on his words. Lucas starred at Aurtur. He was waiting for his reply. Same with everyone.

'That is were we are wrong. Consumers hate when you increase and your quality and quantity reduce. And secondly when we are increasing, when add a little to our product quality and quantity.'.

'That's stupidity, we want to increase the price of our product because the prices of the raw materials needed to make them have increased. But you want us to increase both the product quality and quantity and also the price.,that's stupidity '. Kaise said raising her voice a bit.

'What I was saying was not about over increasing the product quality and quantity. I said a bit'.

'How do you mean'. Lucas asked looking at him with annoyance written over his face.

'What I mean is for example, if 2kg was our product quantity we increase it a bit to 2.5kg. This way we have increased our product. When consumers see this they get attracted to it'.

'Then how do you propose we sell this 2.5kg when we already sell our products for maybe 200 when it was the 2kg . For example '.

'We then sell.our product for 300. This way we get our cost prize and our bonus if more. What I mean is, definitely in the 200 our prodit was maybe 50. But now we increase it to 300 and the price for the little quantity we added is 50. There we have a 100 as our profit. In that way we have both increased our price and the we have been able to attract our customers and new customers also. Because when they see the quantity increased, they will think it is a bigger product of the old one and therefore they will buy regardless of the price'. Aurtur paused as he looked around. Everyone was quiet. He continued.