

Sitting in between nowhere but just snow around, looking at the distance a guy spoke to a shadow-ish figure behind him "My mom asked me once when I was a kid 'If I'd like to become a hero one day?' (What did you say?) "My answer was... " ============== Every human that lives in this world desires the pleasures it has to provide. It can be sexual, illegal, or just straight-up a crime. These pleasures may differ for every person, but there is one thing everyone likes. That is, recognition... People want recognition to feel superior to others, or to assert dominance. Some just want to be loved by others and that is why they chase it. There is nothing wrong with wanting it as humans are built to seek it naturally. Of course, I too have it. Or had it all. The best parents in the world, the best grades in the country, the best looks you can find. But it all came crashing down since that day, the day I meet him... No, even before that... Yes, the day I started having those dreams..... Those darn nightmares that led me to meet him... The demon from hell. (Are you talking about me?) "Yes" (Who are you talking to?) "To the readers who will be joining us on our adventure" (Who?) "Just shut up–" This demon of mine might seem friendly but he is not. He looks for every opportunity to make use of me because of the deal I have with him. (Anyway... What was your answer to your mother? What did you say?) "Oh yeah. Of course, My answer was... 'I just want to be a reader who can watch the hero from afar. I don't want to be a hero OR a villain, because no matter which path you choose you always end up losing something important to you...." (But are you a reader right now? Look at what you are) "I know I know" !Sigh~! "What have I become?" Join the journey and see how an asura writes his legend in the history of the world. ' GOOD SIN ' Warning: As the story progress, it will get more and more dark and disturbing, so don't read if you're here for a normal mc and a typical story of a harem. The publishing time is 4:30 AM (GMT+8)/ 8:30 PM (GMT)/ AND 4:00 PM in American time and for India, it will be 2:00 AM in the morning. Read the important note for more details. Note: the cover isn't mine, if the owner wants me to remove it tell me. Join the discord server now... https://discord.gg/vqudvs4U

KARMA_7 · Fantasy
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237 Chs


It had already become dawn by the time he held all the pages close to the fire, revealed their contents, compared the proper words within to those on the paragraphs, and repeated the procedure.

While Karma was occupied with his tasks, the demon's main diversion was watching television.

"All Done!"

The demon was so engrossed in the television that he was surprised by Karma's abrupt yelling.

After straining to decode every page, he felt as though he was making progress, but when he realized how 'helpful' the demon had been, he was less than 'glad' about it.

"Are you watching T.V?" He said with a very apparent expression of discontent.

The devil inquired as he turned off the television and approached him. (I'm shocked that you didn't notice.)

He instructed the demon to go closer and showed him everything he had so far discovered, putting his fury aside.

The demon approached and noticed the diary's entire contents spread out on the table.

He also saw that each page had a few words that had been circled in pen.

(What is this?)

He displayed his current work to the monster. "I marked every word that would best fit another term on every page."

A ruler and a blank paper were taken from his possession and presented to the devil. Every vacant page immediately adjacent to the ruler page had a word that matched a word from the paragraph there.

These seemed to meet the questions below. Karma placed the words together in the right order based on their optimal compatibility.

"But that's not all. I used a numeric table to replace the words with the alphabet, which gave me some numbers, but I can't make much of them."

He attempted to mentally compress all the numbers and tried various combinations on them. He was hoping to find some concealed location, a hidden message, or maybe some morse code.

But no matter how many different combinations he attempted, nothing worked. Even with all of his effort, he was only able to solve half of the current numbers.

He started to scratch his head in utter confusion, but it was useless. He kept trying, but it seemed like there was something he could not comprehend.

"I always run into a brick wall, no matter how hard I try. No matter how carefully I examine these data, they are nothing more than a waste of time."

He was gradually losing patience, which was not ideal for him given his current health.

The devil took his time to discover how Karma thinks so he may perhaps take advantage of him in the future as he was banging his head against a wall.

(You haven't discovered anything yet? Do you believe that this diary will be helpful? Isn't this only a diversion from your training, right?)

As he spoke, his palms pounded on the table and his brain lit up. "Yes, this only serves as a diversion. We aren't looking in the appropriate places."

The demon flinched at his abrupt beating as he noticed the human talking to himself, "Again."

There was one item, or more accurately, one thing that was intended for him to miss. That was then.

The diary was shut, and its cover was turned inside out. He made another step toward the object he had missed at the same moment.

"That is it"

The devil questioned because of his assurance while saying this. (What did you find?)

"I felt as though something was missing as I decoded every word in the diary, but I couldn't put my finger on what it was. But I see it now."

He stated while pointing his index finger at the text on the diary's cover. "This is it,"

The devil read what was written after focusing on the words that were being pointed to. (Share your secrets? That's the cover, What of it?)

This was the last piece of the puzzle he was looking for. It has always been on the cover.

"The title on the cover but that's not all,"

He showed the demon two pages of his choice.

He pointed at the ruler page's para and said, "This here written is 'Whisper,' and this here is written is 'Words," before matching the concealed words on the blank page. These two are similar in a certain way.

The devil understood what he was trying to express (I see now what you are trying to say)

Because only words may be whispered to someone, each concealed word on the blank sheet was meant to correspond with a word in the paragraph on the ruler page.

On each blank paper with a ruler, there appeared one matching set of words in a flash. Karma had worked this out, however.

A common element that would link all the pairs to meaning remained undiscovered even after all the pairs on each page had been identified.

Finally, he discovered it. The element that could link them.

"Everything within was only there as a diversion to occupy whoever finds the diary and attempts to open it."

He set the two pages of the diary to the side and pointed to the title. "This is what ties all the partners together since it is a shared characteristic."

Just next to the cover, he arranged the two pages and remarked. We can now match these two with the phrase "Share your secrets" since "secrets" are "words" that you "whisper" to someone, thus there is a pair on these two sheets that has both "words" and "whisper."

He was right when he indicated that those two combinations matched the significance of the title, and this provided him with the clue he needed to decipher the rest of the codes.


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