
Chapter 15

"Show her" Annie said, Jones knew what she was talking about, he brought another tab and handed it over to Angela, she collected it and when she watched the video that was playing, tears started falling out of her eyes, she couldn't watch it again as she threw the iPad away, tears falling out of her eyes.

Jen looked away to clean her tears, she felt like stopping all this, but once Annie had made her very aware that Cassidy was her leverage on her, how could she a mother, watch another mother see the video of her daughter getting raped, she would probably go nuts if she was the one, she quietly, stood up and shot Angela, from the back of her head, the bullet made an hole and Angela fell down immediately, she couldn't do anything, than to end the suffering of this mother.

"Jennifer216!" Annie yelled from the other end of the screen, "screw you" Jennifer said as she shot at the iPad, Jones immediately hugged his wife as she slumped on the floor, tears falling out of her eyes, "she had to watch her daughter getting raped, I'm so sorry Angela, I'm very sorry" she said.

Jones came out of his memory lane, he threw Angela's lifeless body into the ocean and got back into the car, he saw Jen looking outside the car, lost in her thought, he smiled and squeezed her hand, she turned and looked at him and returned the smile, "just imagined if it was out Cass" she said depressingly, "never it can never be her, we'll protect her and she can also protect herself" Jones said, "I understand" Jen said as she closed her eyes.


It was already Night time and the whole Asis squad were around a table ready to have dinner, Golgotha wasn't there, he felt he couldn't eat with servants. "So when are we going to start our training?" Abbey asked as he wore a nylon in his hand, ready to take a chicken lap, "should be next tomorrow as tomorrow is Sunday, we all know that master Roshi is a crazy Buddhist" Cinderella replied, "thank goodness" Natasha said with a smile as she ate with glee.

Golgotha sat in the dungeon, with the three Chinese bastards in his front, they were unrecognizable, they had been beaten blue back, yet they refused to reveal anything, "I am not here to ask you any questions or torture you, I'm aware you raped the lady, but that's okay, the simple punishment is what I am here to tell you" he said.

"Every woman in each family of yours will be raped till a pregnancy report which shows positive is available, and for you three, you will lose your manhood, and be sent to Atlantica to work as fisherman, you will fish in ice" Golgotha said, the three were shocked to stupor, as they watched him leave, soon they were men in black who dragged them away into a van, they knew it was the end of them.

Asis Headquarters

*Slap* "Annie!" Jones yelled, he was furious beyond resolve, "how dare you call me by my name you son of a bitch?" Annie asked with anger. "Don't you dare raise your hand at my wife, remember we know all your dirty secrets" Jones threatened as he moved his fingers on Jen's throbbing cheek, she didn't say anything, only stared at Annie eyeball to eyeball.

"You don't even try threaten me, I have your daughter at the my palm!, if you want to leave then go, for all I care, you won't last long, you have eradicated all threats for me, so you are useless now" she said, "your a devil" Jones said, "oh please you aren't any different" Annie said, "if you dare push me to the wall, your nephew will find out the truth" Jones said threateningly, he wasn't a troublesome person, but he could go crazy seeing something happening to his wife and their daughter.

"Never call him my nephew" Annie said with a wierd voice, making the man feel uncomfortable, he was older than her, but she had more authority, and she had used the authority now making him feel uncomfortable, it wasn't fear, it was just disgust for what the woman could do to keep her secret safe, he knew she was mad, very mad.

"We are going on vacation" Jones announced, "you can go, you've done well and you deserve it" she said with gratefulness, Jones held Jen as they left her office, looking back with anger.

How they wished they could leave, but they couldn't, every Asis agents in the world had an Asis chip that tracked where they went and if there was any suspicion with their movement a click of a button would make them explode wherever they were, so no Asis agents in his or her right mind would dare to try escape, it was only when they terminated their contract they would be free of the chip, the only contract termination was death, order than when Golgotha let Ella leave with only being hypnotized into forgetting everything about Asis or her life in the Asis organization.

Annie watched the couple leave, the moment they stepped out, she couldn't help but smile, she would never let them know their worth to her, to her, they were her best agents, they had done all her dirty work for her, she didn't want to lose them, but at the same time she knew if they knew their worth to her, they'd see it as an opportunity to get back at her for everything she had done to them until now, she moved her hand to the telephone on her large table, she dialed a number.

"Who's this?" came Jen's voice. "It's Annie I've never used the phone to.. "what do you want?" Jen asked not letting her finish, she hoped she wouldn't cancel their vacation, "I'll ignore that rude remark, you and Jones can have another baby if you like" she said and hung up.

The phone fell out of Jen's hand, Jones who was parking some of their clothes, rushed to her, worriedly, one could tell how much he loved his wife, "babe? what's wrong?" he asked worriedly. Jen almost burst out in tears, "Annie...Annie said we could have another baby" she said with tears falling out of her eyes, "she did" Jones said not sounding happy, "yes" Jen replied, "isn't it to late? you've reached menopause I guess" he said. "no honey I haven't, I can still have a baby, let's have a baby, let's have a son" Jen said happily, "no more condoms that is, we gonna come back from our vacation with a baby in your womb" Jones said as he kissed his wife lovingly.