
Chapter 14


Remembering her past wasn't the easiest, was it worth it? she was so confused, if she hadn't met that lady maybe things would be different, maybe she would be a nurse like she wanted to be, maybe meet her mother, maybe be married, but it was too late, she was a killer, there was no going back now, but looking at the lifeless body of Angela, she hoped everything could change, maybe it could if she came clean? hmph! she was just bringing death upon herself, she looked over at Jones who was patting the dog, there was still some good things she got in this life, she met her husband, has a daughter, she was an accomplished lady.

"Let's keep the dog" she said with a smile. "Of course I was thinking just that" Jones replied as he headed to Angela's body, to clean up the mess, the moment his hand touched her cold body, he frowned, he immediately remembered the events that occurred a few hours ago.


*Ding Dong* the doorbell rung, Angela dropped Bojie on the floor, she wiped her tear stained face and went to peek at who was at the door, she looked through the hole and saw a lady with face cap holding a pizza, "the pizza lady" she said as she opened the door, what welcomed her was a hard punch, she immediately fell down flat, Bojie began to bark at the intruders, she lay unmoving trying to get herself, she was so dizzy, she could feel the taste of blood leaving her nose, she couldn't feel her nose again, Bojie was barking like crazy.

Until he was kicked by Jones, he fell harshly on the floor and began whimpering.

"Set the camera" Jen said to her husband and he nodded, setting the camera, she placed the pizza on the dining table heading to where Angela was, already trying to get up, she watched her not saying anything, "should I call Annie now?" Jones asked.

"Annie?" Angela said, as she sat on the floor supporting herself with a stool, she placed a hand on her broken nose, she felt it was Jones that punched her, as Jen couldn't have that kind of powerful impact. "Annie" she called again, she had not heard that name for so long, it was wierd and suspicious.

"You remember your twin sister don't you?" Jen asked. "Who are you and what do you want?" she asked on the floor, the camera was facing her and Jones was working on an iPad, "your sister has something to talk to you about" Jen said as she sat on the sofa, Jones placed the iPad before Angela as she stared straight at it, before long, she saw a lady who was staring at her from the other and of the screen.

"Annie?" she said in a questioning tone, surprise evident on her bruised face, "Sister" Annie replied with a smile, "long time no see" she said, "Annie where have you been? you... what'd all this? did you send these people?" she asked with worry, "I wanted to talk to you since you'll leave the earth soon, I mean it's been so long, how many years?" Annie asked with a smile, "what's going on? I'm so confused" she said, "don't worry I'll explain it all dear" Annie said.

"You know I always loved you, you were my big sister, oh how I miss those days" Annie said with a condescending smile, Angela was quiet, "but what happened everybody loved Angela more, dad never loved me and why was that? because mon died because of me! it's not my fault, it's not... but did he care? no! he loved only you, he didn't care about me! if you weren't born he would have no choice but to love me, and you instead of trying to get dad to love me, you pretended to care!" Annie yelled through the screen, her voice sounding like raging thunder.

Angela had a calm look not saying a word, "oh don't look at me with that look" Annie said standing up from the chair she sat, wishing she was there physically, "what do you want me to do? scream like a witch the way you do or what?" Angela asked, Annie's face darkened, "Jen give her a good slap" she ordered, Jen looked unwilling, but she stood up, walked to her and slapped her, Angela's face turned the other way, blood falling out of her mouth, she looked back up and glared at Annie who frowned with irritation.

"You say I didn't love you, I had a lot of rows with dad because of you, he didn't love you and I said I wouldn't love him, if he didn't love you, you're ungrateful, that's why you dared to kill dad, and why? because he neglected you, you've turn dark, all my life I lived for you, I gave everything I had to you and what did you do at the end? you stained your hands me Dad's blood!" Angela said in a cold tone making Annie frown, she darted her gaze to Jen and Jones who were somewhat looking at Angela with sympathy, she was engulfed with hate and jealousy.

"Angela it's been years and you've still got that talent to turn the tables on people, you loved me and you let me stay home school while you made friends, you took the guy I liked, everything I had my eyes on you took away from me, so what did I do? I took your own family from you!" Annie said following it with a wicked laughter, Angela's face fell flatly tears leaving her eyes.

"You killed my husband? you witch!" she yelled as she cried her eyes out, "how did you even get out of jail, you had a life sentence!" Angela asked. "I met my husband who was the head of an undercover organization and he set me free, I still kept tabs on you, the heavens truly are wicked, they gave a demon like you all the good things and left me with nothing, your husband was all over you and mine was too busy, you had a set of twins and I lost my son, which is why I took him away!" Annie yelled laughing sinisterly.

"What do you mean by that? what are you saying? you took who?" Angela was confused hoping that what she was thinking, wasn't the actual truth, but it looked like it.

"I took your son William away, and now he's my son, he doesn't know you, you should be happy I kept him alive " Annie said with a smile.

Angela smiled, which made Annie confused, Jen and Jones as well, "you have my William with you?" she asked, "yes sister, and why are you smiling?" she asked angrily. "Thank you, thank you so much, you have no idea what I've had to go through thinking my son is dead and I'm sure he's tall...he should be in college by now.... he should have a girlfriend... I hope he's an athlete...he is..

"Shut up!" Annie screamed from the other end of the screen hating how happy her sister was, "you naive little thing, your son is far from what you hope for, he's a killer machine, heartless and cold blooded, he kills people and will soon succeed me, he is head strong just like me, he might be your son by blood, but trust me he is mine by his way of life, *sigh* he is just too head strong, until now I had him in my grasp, I controlled him, but now he's gone independent, he loves me but makes his own decisions, he has power, authorities, and until now I've wanted to let you live with you crying everyday for the loss of your children, but lucky for you, your misery is soon to come to an end, I won't let him find you and leave me, he's my son and mine alone" Annie said.

"You devil" Angela cursed with hatred showing in her eyes, she didn't look calm again, but like a wounded tiger, she thought her sister had given him a good life, but she treated him like a thing, made him become an animal that goes around killing people, she wouldn't forgive that.