
Chapter 9

"You hate me," he spoke with a cold but calm tone.

"Yes, your highness."

"You loath me," he continued, as if he was amused.

"I do."

"Hmm, why?"

"Because you see me as a toy, as a pawn."

His breathing got heavier.

She continued. "I know I am but a slave to your majesty. But I still would die for my dignity."

She turned around slowly.

Her eyes fell on his chest.

"Hmm, is that why you are dressed like that? Isn't that how everyone sees you? Nothing but a beautiful body? A doll?"

She raised her eyes, meeting his cold darker ones.

"That is true, but that is not the reason I am dressed as such."

"Oh, enlighten me."

Her eyes grew confident. "I think you know, your highness."

His eyes grew colder, menacing. "Do I need to say it twice?"

She looked away in a hurry, taking a deep breath. "I am dressed like this to make your highness eat your words, to finally make use of this advantage of mine. And to take off that look on your face."

"What look?" He inclined his head a bit.

"The one where everything seems to be going your way. Where you know everything but act like you don't."

"Then what? you want me to be honest about my true self with you?"

"Truthfully I don't know. Ever since I came here I only heard great stories about you. The man who slaughtered a legendary beast. The man who gave up on the throne for his family and the peace of the kingdom. The one who's trying to free the kingdom from the corrupted nobles. The amazing and all so powerful first prince."

He didn't say a word.

"Yet, from everyone's mouths, while there was so much respect for you, as much as they revered you, they feared you. The cruel prince."

He leaned in closer.

She raised her eyes to see him.

"This long, speech of yours, better end on a good note," he said with a light smile then got back.

She shook, but she kept meeting his eyes.

"I, think the same of you. Even though I hate you, for putting me and my family in such a state. But I can understand, that we have shown discourtesy in making your majesty wait, a whole day before coming. But I still can't take this hatred off my chest." She held her heart.

He didn't react, merely staring at her.

"As you already noticed this face and body, let people only see me as a doll, while some kept doing their best to push their eyes away from me to remain faithful to their partners. But it was different with you."

"You stared. You, watched every bit of me. Even when I wear such revealing clothes. Even while I danced so earnestly in the most seductive ways I know. You never cared. You, were never fazed."

"And I am sure, that even if I undress in front of you right now. You wouldn't even bat an eye."

Her eyes became serious. "Yes, I want you to be truthful with me. And yes my blood may be a beautiful sight. And I am sure you are not attracted to men. Why. Just Why? Am I not beautiful enough? I am sure there aren't a dozen of me even in the capital with the reaction of your men so wh-"

"HAHAHAHAHAA..." The prince, unable to control himself held his stomach, walking a bit away from her while he laughed hysterically.

She got embarrassed all of a sudden, noticing her mouth started spouting nonsense as they stared at his dark and calm eyes. She shut her mouth, staring at him.

"Really, hah," he caught his breath. "I never saw someone so confident in their looks, while hating the attention it gives them, now want that attention from me."

"I, don't want that attention from you."

"Oh, yet you are asking why I am not giving it to you."

"It seems like you already know how I feel about this."

"Yeah, you have always been treated like a doll and seen as an object. Then there comes the only man who doesn't view you that way, isn't fazed by your beauty or body but only thinks of what else you do, like how you dance beautifully."

She looked away.

He started approaching her. "Feeling as if everything you were anxious about was just your own overthinking. The prince, his men, falling for you, throwing themselves over you, using your statue of a slave. They would if there was no prince. But I am here. And your face doesn't work on me. Now your mind is in turmoil, wondering why that is happening. I caught your attention."


He kept talking not minding her, standing in front of her.

"Made you think about me all night, huh? Merely by not giving you the attention you always had."

Laila's eyes widened. She raised her eyes to look at him as if she realized.

"Now you are running to have mine," he said with a light smile.

"You," she spoke softly under her breath. But he could hear her being so close. "You did all this on purpose. You. You, bast-"

He suddenly raised his hand, giving her a flick with his finger on her forehead. "You think too much." His smile disappeared. His presence was suffocating.

The same prince who stood in front of his men.

His eyes got back their chilly breath. "I don't care."

"You truly, are so naive. And I want to know, why do you think it's normal for you to disrespect me like that."

His fingers wrapped on her neck. His other hand was on the wall on top of her head, inclining his head, staring at her coldly.

"I, I am sorry, your majesty." Her eyes started trembling. She forgot for a moment that he was the cruel prince. This is the second time she disrespected him.

She closed her eyes and shivered.

He let go of her and walked a bit ahead, "That attitude might get you killed someday."

He turned a seat and sat in front of her.

"You are beautiful, that much is a fact. Whether I have eyes or not. You shouldn't depend on others' views of you. I understand your uneasiness, being that you have always been surrounded by predators. People who have always been judging you by your appearance."

"But haven't you been doing the same? Judging them based on their bewitched reactions to you. I am sure you could at least count a handful of people, who, while finding you the most beautiful still wish the best for you."

Laila's eyes stared in surprise.

"Yes your beauty is the one, or maybe one of the reasons giving them all these expectations on how you truly are, I get the same as a prince. But that doesn't stop me from being who I am. From doing what I do, whether it aligns with these so-called expectations or not. I am me. But I also need to answer the responsibility as a ruler, as a leader."

"You don't. That merely has to do with your character. I guess by the end it comes down to your overthinking, maybe created by some bad past experiences that made you have that view of the world."

"Well, I talked a lot. But I still had to show you this."

He stood up. "Because of this blind view of yours, you are easy to manipulate. You are, naive."

"But I still admire your courage, where you stand up for yourself when worse comes to worst. Also in finally deciding to stop hiding behind everyone's picture of you, and deciding to live how you want, even if it means using all of these advantages to your side, even if it's on me."

"You are an exceptional dancer, of matching beauty too. I would like to ask you to dance in front of the king as one of the gifts I am willing to prepare for him."

"And, I am sure you got other hobbies but even if you don't it doesn't matter. Nor does it lessen your value as a person. Don't lose that faith you have in yourself." He patted her head.

Flicked her forehead again suddenly. "Even for a fierce personality, lose that filthy language. It doesn't suit you. Another expectation, advice, whatever is on your shoulder. But remember, you choose what to do with it. But just know if you don't the third time I am cutting your throat."

He walked back to his couch, sitting on the table to drink his wine.

"Have, all of this been your plan?" She asked as she stared at his back.

"I am not a god."

She stood there in silence for a moment. "I shall, take your advice to heart and stop cursing."

She continued after a moment. "But can I ask?"

"Hmm?" He didn't turn.

"Am I, the most beautiful woman you met? This is not because of my overt-"

"I know," he remained quiet after that.

She started fidgeting.

He stood up slowly with a sigh, drank the last bit of wine in his glass, and placed it on the table.

He turned and walked up to her.

For some reason, she couldn't meet his eyes, for they weren't threatening nor terrifying.

Along the way, he tore a piece of silk and soft curtain along the walls, barehanded.

He stood before her, then wrapped it around her.

She was looking down, embarrassed realizing everything she was trying to do was stupid, then held it tightly around her.

"You are," his calm voice rang in her ear.