
Chapter 10

Her brown eyes were stuck on his.

It took her a brief moment to blush and shy away from his gaze.

But she suddenly felt a cold breeze blowing on her soft skin.

It was shivering, and a bad feeling held its grip on her heart.

She was confused.

Her senses suddenly became sharp.

She could even hear her breathing, her heartbeat raising.

Her eyes ran across the lightened room.

For her to come to a realization.

The figure of the dark man in front of her was dark even with all the lights.

Even with all the bright jewelry he wore.

From the side of her eyes.

It was pitch dark.

As if it was a black shadow, not a man.

She didn't dare raise her eyes.

She didn't dare make a sound.

She quietened and gradually softened her breaths.

A quiet and terrifying silence filled the room.

He suddenly spoke, "Did you dance like this, in front of anyone?"

She stuttered, "N-No, I-I n-never did..."

"So this was your first time?"

"Y-ys," she couldn't pronounce it properly so she just nodded trembling.

"Did you, dress like this, in front of anyone?"

She could feel his voice growing harsher.

She felt fear.

She closed her eyes and nodded no.

Her eyes remained closed.

She started breathing hastily.

Shaking, afraid.

"Leave," he spoke coldly.

She could hear his footsteps leaving towards the couch.

She remained there confused.

They were just having a normal conversation.

What went wrong?

In the middle of her thoughts, she was reminded of what Aaliyah told her.

The curse.

Maybe that's what it was.

Suddenly as she was deep in thought.

"LEAVE!" CRACKS, with a sound of glass shattering.

Laila shook, terrified, and ran outside in a hurry.

She honestly didn't understand.

But if it was truly the curse taking over him.

Then she had to run away.

She had to get away.

She went into the dressing room, and finally was able to catch her breath as she laid on the door.

But soon, a shivering sensation touched her neck.

She slowly opened her eyes, as if she was afraid to make any sudden movements.

She took her back from the door, gently walking ahead trying not to make any sound.

She walked so far as to reach the other side of the room, where the mirror was.

She swallowed her breath, and paused for a moment.

She remained silent, slowly turned her head.

As quietly as she could.

Her heart started beating faster as fear englobed it.

As fear took a chokehold of her neck.

Her eyes finally fell on the door.

And there she saw it.

A vile golden aura leaking from the door gaps.

Laila closed her mouth with her palm, afraid to let out a sound.

The room darkened.

Her vision blurred.

Her heartbeat was so loud as if it was beating right next to her ear.

Her pulse quickened.

Her breaths became heavy.

Her eyes, were clenched shut as she was trying not to look at the door.

Laila, passed out on the floor.


Kaysan drank his glass in a breath.

He threw it.

His hand was placed on the wine bottle.

Suddenly his other hand held his mouth as he coughed blood.

His eyes grew cold and the vile aura bursted from his body.

His dark eyes stared at the medicine by his side.

His bloody hand staggered to get to it.

He raised it shaking and brought it to the wine.

He coughed blood again making him pause for a moment.

Raised the medicine again and poured all of it.

He hurriedly raised the wine and poured it into his mouth, while a bit of it fell on the ground.

With each gulp, the vile energy calmed down.

And so did he.

He finished by cleaning his face with his arm.

His eyes' sclera was red and filled with little bloody veins, as if they were eating off his dark iris.

He looked at the door where Laila left.

He could still feel her breathing behind the door.

With her pulse and breath, she was probably unconscious.

He stopped his energy from spreading to his surroundings and stood up.

He opened the door, looking at her quiet and calm expression as if she was sleeping.

His hand placed on his face as he sighed.

Because of the poison taking over him he even thought of doing unspeakable things.

His eyes at the end couldn't leave her body.

He was lucky he wrapped the silk around her as soon as he felt it coming.

It only took him to have a look at her gorgeous collarbone.

Only a mere sight.

For him to grow bloodthirsty.

If she had answered yes.

If she had answered yes to someone seeing her dance this seductively.

If she had, answered yes to someone seeing her with such clothes.

And if she had lied while he was hearing her heartbeat.

He would have done the unthinkable.

He sighed again reminded by the scene and walked up to her.

His eyes were slowly turning white again.

He turned her over as it was an uncomfortable situation for her, and reached for Ahmed with his energy.

"Bring Aaliyah with you," he spoke with a tired and coarse voice.


"Ah!" She screamed as she woke up.

She looked around in a hurry only to find herself in an extravagant room.

Her hand went straight to her clothes which felt unfamiliar to her touch at first.\

Her eyes turned hurriedly only to find herself wearing comfier wearing.

She held her bedsheets and looked below hastily.

"Hm," she sighed a bit.

There was no blood to be seen, nor was she feeling any pain.

She curled herself on top of the bed.

Not knowing where she was, who changed her clothes or brought her here.

She put her arms around her legs where she laid her head.

Trying to catch her breath.

She was trying, to set her mind straight after all that happened.

Everything was going well, but that vile energy still had here left with nightmares and horrors.

She shivered in her place.