
Chapter 98 Lilly (13)

When Lilly woke up, she was met with a pair of cold, emotionless eyes. Remembering what happened before, she subconciously tried to move away.

But when she leaned backwards, she realized her body was tied up to a chair about to fall down.

Just as she and the chair was about to fall, a bronze-skinned arm caught her and set her bacl in place.

"We should lock the chair in place." Said a deep voice behind her.

When Lilly looked infront of her, she still met the cold blue eyes. She gasped in shock, feeling the little bump on her head ache the longer she stared at the blue eyes.

Then, the young woman, who owned the eyes, took a step away from her, to Lilly's relief, before she said. "He is right. Her eyes are light blue, not scarlet red."

The person behind Lilly, walked to her side, allowing Lilly to see a bronze-skinned man with long, messy, pink hair. The man then said. "That seems to be true, but that doesn't change the fact that they look alike."

Then, a green-haired young man appeared from a door saying. "The amount of people looking for us outside is stupidly high."

The green-haired noticed Lilly staring at him, causing him to said. "So, she is awake."

"Yes. But we found out she wasn't the person we were looking for." Said the pink-haired man.

The green-haired stared closely at Lilly before he said. "Like he said, her eyes aren't the same. But her hair is like hers, no one else really has white hair."

"What do we to do her then?"

The blue-eyed woman then said. "Where's Chrys, V? He was with you."

The green-haired man then replied with annoyance in his tone. "He left me alone somewhere along the way. He told me something, but I didn't care enough to listen."

"Let's wait for him then."

"V. Do you know where we can find something to hold this chair down?" Asked the pink-haired man.

Still looking very annoyed, the green-haired man said. "Why are you asking me?! Do I look like a carpenter?!"

Even though the green-haired man was yelling at him, the pink-haired man casually said. "Ah. Nails." Before going up to the green-haired man, grabbing him by the back collar, and dragging hin with him.

"Where do you think you're taking me?! Let go, you big oaf!"

The pink-haired man gave him a cold look before saying. "This is your idea." Before slamming the green-haired man onto the door, opening it in the process.

And just like that, the two young men left the room lound and violent like a storm. While a nervous sweat dripped down on Lilly's forehead, the blue-eyed lady remained calm while holding her blue bow.

And without anymore words from her, the blue-eyed lady also left the room, leaving Lilly all on her own, who then asked herself. "Did they leave just like that? Not even leaving someone to guard me?"

Then, Lilly's mind began running into overdrive. She shook her body violently, causing the chair that she was tied on to fall backwards.

Lilly rolled to her side, eventually gaining foothold. Once she was on her feet, she carried the chair on her back before looking like she realized something.

She looked at the chair on her back, on the ropes the bind herself and the chair together, and her own petite body.

And with an awkward motion, she straightened out her body, causing the chair and the rope to easily slide down her body. She asked herself. "The rope isn't even that tight? Or is it because of how thin I am?"

"No time to think about!" She said to herself before immediately bolting in the opposite direction the other three went towards.

As she ran, she lookes around the place that she was in. Tall slightly crumbling walls, windows unnecessarly high, and loads of rooms to the side.

"Am I... in the old factories? Not good! No one comes here anymore, so I can't call for help." She then looked back, only to see nothing behind her.

As she continued to ran through the halls and rooms, she suddenly felt a feeling of relief. For she saw the thing she wanred infront of her, it was the exit door.

She picked up the speed and ran to the door with a thankful smile. When she reached it, she immediately went for the handle.

Even though it was old and rusty, she managed to turn it. But when she did, it snapped from it's place.

Lilly looked a bit speechless at her luck, she stared down her hand, only to see the handle seemingly emit golden sparks from where it snapped from the door.

Lilly gritted her teeth before throwing the rusty handle out of the way, not bothering to clean the rust in her hand.

She then slammed herself onto the door, but it did not budge one bit. She then said as she held her shoulder. "Ow... Did the door rust in place?"

She took a glance from where she came from, only to see nothing once more. With hope in her eyes, she gave up on that door and ran somewhere else.

But it did not go well for Lilly at all. Everytime she found an exit door, a mishap would occur. Crumbled walls blocking it, missing their handles, doors somehow being kept in place by a mysterious power, and many more unlucky experiences.

Just when Lilly was on her last breath, she felt a gentle gust of wind rubbing against her hair. With new found hope and energy, she followed the wind that eventually guided her to a door that's wide open for Lilly to use.

As Lilly's ragged face formed a smile, her hopes were suddenly cut short when the door slammed shut, presumably by the wind.

Lilly did not give up and tried to open the door. But when she did, it did not move an inch like the tens of doors before it.

After trying to open it for a couple of minutes, kicking it, slamming her body onto it, and throwing stuff at it, but the door did not move.

Lilly sat down beside a wall, now tired, dirty, messy, ragged, and out of breath. The hope in Lilly's eyes slowly left as she her heavy breathing filled the corridors.

But soon after, another noise filled the corridors. Lilly listened very carefully, making sure it wasn't footsteps.

Fortunately, the sounds didn't sound like footsteps, instead it sounds like something heavu was being dragged across the stone floor.

Lilly stood up from the floor, still exhausted from earlier, she looked down the corridor from where the noise was coming from.

But what she saw confused her, for there was nothing there. But soon, her confusion turned into terror. The noise wasn't coming from something that wasn't there, it was coming from the walls. The walls themselves are the cause of the noise for they are being dragged across the floor by an unknown force.

Lilly did not dare inspect the moving walls, but instead just decided to run the other way. She used the remainder of her strength to get away from the moving walls, only to find more of it everywhere.

Lilly felt like the factory was trying to crush her with it's walls because everywhere she went, a wall enclosed towards her.

Her mind was filled with terror, confusion, and a feeling of hopelessness as she continued to run away from the enclosing walls.

With her breathing all messed up, she found something that promised a place to rest. It was a wide open room, free from the moving walls.

As she was about to form a smile, it quickly disappeared when she realized where she was.

In the middle of the room, a chair sat with ropes hanging beside it's feet. On the chair, a young man sat. Dressed in all black, only his face, arms, shirt, and hands not cloaked in the color black.

As the young man's black hair moved the side of his head, caused by the young man tilting his head to the side. Lilly was met with a pair of previosly hidden golden eyes.

Lilly vividly remembered what happened the last time she met those eyes. And like before, she froze in place, losing all energy from her body, as if being turned into a statue.

As their eyes continued to stare at each other, the young man then said. "Oh, I'm sorry. I believe this is yours." As he stood up from the chair before gesturing towards it.

Lilly looked behind, as if making sure she was the one being talked to, only to the moving walls seemingly back in their place.

"Yes, I am talking to you, Lilly." Said the young man.

Hearing her name get called, Lilly felt her heart fall to the ground. While staring down on the ground, only her short white hair protecting her, she began walking towards the chair.

After the young man rearranged the chair back to it's original place, Lilly sat on it with her head hanging low, allowing her hair to block her face.

The young man picked up the rope before asking her. "Do you mind?" To which Lilly just shook her head.

After the young man with the golden eyes finished tying up her legs, arms, and body onto the chair, Lilly felt the rope dig into her skin, causing a slight redness to appear where it met.

As strange rock formation formed on the legs of Lilly's chair, a chair made from pure rock formed in front of her, to which the young man took it's seat.

Now face to face, with only her short, white hair blocking the way, a conversation began between the two.

"Considering your current situation... You can refer to me as Chrys." Said the young man, free from any care for the world around him.


"I know your name is Lilly, but it's still rude not to introduce yourself. Afterall, you seem to have been born in quite a family, Oboete Lilly."

"M-my name is Lilly. Nice to meet you, Chrys."

"Nice to meet you aswell, Lilly."

"Now that the formalities are out of the way, you wouldn't mind answering a few of my questions, are you?"

"N-no. Not at all."

"Now then, for my first question. Is your hair naturally white, or did you dye it?"

"N-no, I was born with this hair color."

"Is that so. Then for the second question, can you confirm your eyes aren't scarlet in color?"

"I-I can confirm."

"Then, do you know someone who do?"


"I'll take that as a yes. Do they also have the same hair color as you perhaps?"


"Do they also have the same body outline like you, and maybe even the same age as you?"


"Do they have the same four petalled pupil like you?"


"Are they perhaps blood related to you?"


"Maybe a sister, or maybe even so far as a twin?"


"You can stay as silent as you want, but I will get what I want no matter what you do."


"From what I gather, a person named Lilia, went missing not too long ago."


"And she fits the YOUR rough description."


"You I ask... where is she, Lilly?"


"Answer me, Lilly."

"I-I do not know her, or where she is."

"Oh, is that so."


"Then, are you saying we jumped to a baseless conclusion?"


"Despite the facts, pointing your direction, that says you two are related."


"Answer me, Lilly."

"I said what I said."

"Hmm... Is that so. So, you are still denying the fact that know her and know where she is?"


"Very well then. It seems what I need to you earlier was not enough." Chrys said before pointing towards Lilly with his finger. And not long after, he began extending it towards her.

Just as his finger was about to touch her head, a voice said. "I think that's enough, Chrys. There's no need to go that far."

Chrys stopped his hand as he looked towards the direction of the voice, only to see the blue-eyed woman approaching them.

"Very well then, Morgan. Lilly, it looks like you'll be staying here for a bit longer." Said Chrys as he stood up from his seat.

And soon after that, the pink-haired man entered the room with the unconcious green-haired man used as bag for a hammer, a bow of nails, and a bunch of wooden planks.

As Morgan reached Chrys' side, a mischievious smile appeared on his face. He then said. "Set, Bush head, perfect timing. Can you two also bring a lot of those handheld bells we saw earlier?"

Lilly then asked herself. "Handheld... bells?"

And bit later, Morgan, Chrys, Set, and the extremely pissed off V left the room. Leaving Lilly all on her own.

But in reality, she was not alone. For she is accompanied by dozens of bells all linked up in a mechanism the made them ring constantly.

As the moonlight lit the room, Lilly's face had a blank stare into nothingness, looking like someone who is trying to stay sane during a round trip torture in hell.