
Chapter 439: Second Stage of the Forge Tournament - Part 2.

The person who just spoke was Bruce, Prince of the Fisher Empire. Host Afonso was patient and asked him, "Mr. Bruce, why do you say it is unfair?"

"Hahaha. How is it not unfair?" Bruce burst out in a laugh full of mockery, "He has more than double the points compared to any other participant and can buy the best quality items to forge and still have points left. If that is not unfair, what is then?"

"A talent difference," Theo interjected suddenly.

"... What?" Bruce returned his look to Theo and was speechless.

"In addition to being insane, are you deaf?" Theo said, without any desire to argue with this idiot.

"Bastard! Are you calling me demented?! Do you think I'm afraid of you?" Bruce had completely lost his logical reasoning. He was not used to being insulted; everyone in his age group always treated him with the greatest respect. And seeing someone younger, more talented, and stronger than himself disrespecting him created anguish and envy just looking at Theo.