
Chapter 432: The memories that were once sealed.

'Phew~' Theo looking through his status and saw that the phoenix lineage began to appear on the lineage page.

_ _ _

Golden Fox: 495,650,498 Lineage Cells.

Bestial King Level 2.

Phoenix Level 1.

_ _ _

'Levels? I didn't have that in the Bestial King lineage. And I'm almost reaching 500 million cells in my "Golden Fox" lineage.'

Theo didn't have time to think about it too much, Jka and the girls were staring in his direction. He thought about asking Rya later and went to them.

"Theo, what was that now?" Zaika with her sweet voice was the first to ask.

"In short, I created a new lineage, now I also have phoenix lineage..." Theo explained briefly about the essence of blood and how he had diluted it and thanks to that he created a new lineage but also talked about the risks, so he had to dilute it in several buckets.

"If we all have phoenix lineage." Ariana said with a smile: "Aren't we going to become a Phoenix Clan?"