
Chapter 402: Are you, Theo?!

Even before Theo took action. Meref was already on alert. Something that none of his subjects noticed, was that the shadow below him split in two, while one continued with him, the other entered the ground and went to the underground of this gray planet.

'I hope I'm wrong...' Meref thought as he tapped his fingers in a rhythmic fashion on the armband of the throne.

It was then... that a strange event started!



"I will avenge my mother's death!"

"Son of a bitch!"

It was surreal, Meref rose from the throne and looked at his subordinates killing himself and could not describe the disbelief he was feeling.

"Stop!" He shouted, but to no avail. It was as if everyone had become deaf.





Explosions came from everywhere, whether inside the mansion or outside.

Meref I try to wake up the demons that were being controlled to kill themselves but to no avail. It was something more powerful than him.