
Chapter 400: Things that are better to forget forever.

Flashback of Cleopatra's memories.

Once upon a time, there was a girl born out of a relationship between a man and a spider. Her name was Cleopatra, she was born different from many of her species, she was neither human nor spider. It was half-and-half, half the spider's body down and upper half-human.

Shortly after her birth, she saw her met her mother for just a week before being killed by her human father who lived with her and her brothers. There were a total of 5 siblings, 3 males, and two females counting on her, but only Cleopatra was born in this "abnormal" way.

Her father "took care" of them even bought supplements with the money he earned from selling his mother's remains. Because she was so abnormal, she was always treated worse among the five brothers. But that all changed when her father cut off one of her spider legs and another was born not long after.