
Chapter 313: Kuro, Kin, and Roiyaruse.

A strong explosion occurred just when Theo left his divine sea. It was as if he had become a nuclear bomb, destroying everything around him. Prismatic rings formed ascending to the heavens, composing a ringed rainbow.

Even Yuki and the girls had to take distance from him. Colossal pressure then expanded, pressing everything around it. The area Theo was turned into a large orb about ten meters deep in the ground.

Asymmetrical balance made different types of elements to manifest in Theo's body, making extremely dangerous to approach him at the moment.

The disbelief in Mizuki's expression was the most difficult to describe. She didn't even know if she could last an hour fighting Theo if he managed to control all that power. It was very unreal to have such power so soon. He just went to the Spiritual Realm. but Mizuki's eyes could not be mistaken in that viewing.