
Chapter 298: Using <Devour> on a corpse in the Spiritual Realm.

"Look how beautiful they are."

"He looked at me!"

"Of course not, he looked at me!"

"They are a heavenly couple."

"Yes, they certainly are."

"Can we take a picture of them?"

"Don't do that, don't you see that the two are on a romantic date? We mustn't disturb them."

"Yes, you're right, forget what I said..."

Yuki and Theo could hear the murmurs of people, animals, Demi-Humans... It was difficult to ignore since they were looking so intensely at both of them.

Although it is a little uncomfortable to eat like this, Theo and Yuki started talking to each other.

"Theo, your first singing video has already reached 1 billion views. Isn't that incredible?" Yuki smiled as she said.

Theo finished savoring the ice cream that was in his mouth. "Yes, that surprised me a lot when I saw it."

"It's a pity that I had to exclude your name, but it cannot be helped, as it may cause problems in the future." Yuki knew from Theo the risk that she had to leave his name out of the video.