
Golden Dawn (Naruto X Justice League)

There are now two versions of this story since I decided to reboot it. The new version will start different and Naruto in this would be different. The plot points from the previous version will also take place but more plot would be added in between. This time I will try better with the characters since most of them didn't have any screen time. The new version is called Emperor of Mankind -------------------------------- One life had come to an end but the regrets of the past live on. Witness Naruto adjusting to a new life without regrets in a world filled with hidden dangers and opportunities. Disclaimer: I don't own anything.

EternalBliss4U · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
112 Chs

Chapter 20

Space was filled with action but earth wasn't falling behind as well since humans tend to go crazy sometimes and this was a time of craziness.

People decided to screw the rules and enjoy their final moments forcing many heroes to take care of the situation but even then there was too much to cover for such a small force and damage would to life and infrastructure was inevitable but with a spell from Zatanna all humans around the globe were commanded to go to rest.

With the situation inside handled, Zatanna went back to focusing on the assault by the abomination in the sky.

It was tiring work as she was forced to block so many attacks while her spells were barely doing anything to the machine because of a lack of focus and its anti-magic properties.


Zatanna heard Naruto's voice and saw him standing behind her in a combat stance.

"What are you doing here?"

"I have been with you since we met last time. I guess even with all that power you can have some weakness."

"Hehe, are you dissing me?"

"Of course not but you really need to be careful since we have an invisible foe." Naruto replied with a smile and focused on his senses since his eyes couldn't see the attacker but he could feel the life force telling him that the foe was fine

"Can you take care of it or do you need help?"

"I don't know but this thing is definitely very strong. I hit it with a surprise attack and it didn't break." Naruto replied and felt his danger sense ringing, forcing his body to react

Chakra hand extended from his cloak to stop the sonic canon before it hit his body and Naruto used his other hand to capture the leg of the enemy from behind.

The enemy being Black Beetle was surprised by the unknown element to this task and had to improvise since there was no data on this foe.

With his leg captured, Black was dragged back and smashed into the ground of the park they occupied since Zatanna didn't want any buildings near her when she was busy handling this job.

The attack didn't cause any damage to Black but give Naruto another chance to attack and a large Rasenshuriken was slammed into the downed opponent.

Naruto expected the enemy to survive this attack but was shocked by what he saw, the enemy flew through his attack and slammed into him.

Dragging him for miles as his body made a track across the ground and slammed him into the nearby building before blasting him with a laser.

"I think this is guy too much for me." Naruto stood beside Zatanna and told his observation as Black Beetle only destroyed a newly made clone while the original clone had changed places with him at the final moment

"From the interaction with him, I can see the resemblance with Blue Beetle and this guy can also counter my energy. So be careful and take care of him while I will handle the defense for the time being."

Zatanna nodded as she saw Naruto fly into the sky making more clones that flashed across the battlefield destroying all missiles.

From her estimates, she only had 1 minute to handle the problem or she would be forced back into a defensive position since Naruto's clones will disappear.

'Never thought I would be forced to get his help so early.' Zatanna thought as she focused on the surrounding

"Come here you wretch, I can't have you foiling my good name with a bad performance. I got to show the new recruit some good magic." Zatanna muttered as a magical diagram spread and she could finally see her foe but he disappeared again as the diagram was disturbed

'So he can affect magic as well. I need to take care of instantly or he might end up killing me.' Zatanna realized the danger wasn't something to scoff at since whatever force was moving in the dark, it moved with certainty

Avoiding the laser by going intangible, Zatanna quickly chanted the magic to erase his body and released a magical shockwave.

Black Beetle received the warning from the system and quickly moved to counter it giving Zatanna the chance to use her second spell.

She caused space to implode in his location causing a massive shockwave but it seems the enemy escaped at the last moment.

'Well he isn't messing with anyone any time soon.' Zatanna thought with a charming smile as she went back to protecting earth as Naruto finished his last stand

Her estimates being right on, Black Beetle was warped to the base with massive damage to his system that the suit had shut down for emergency repairs.

But the cost of protecting the world so openly was the loss of privacy as everyone and their mother could finally see the new addition to the heroes.

Naruto was being analyzed and studied as he took action during this crisis.


Inside Warworld, the team moved with caution but was forced to scatter into smaller groups by the security inside.

Donna moved along the way with Flash heading directly for their target, Mongul while Nightwing and his team headed for the power core.

Every moment inside was dangerous as lasers and other kinds of traps tried to stop them in the way. All these dangers made her feelings surge and Donna felt alive as she thrived in this death game.

Charging through all obstacles Donna and Flash arrived in the control room but they weren't the only ones as Superboy and Megan also arrived at the same time.

"Follow my lead" Donna commanded as she charged at her opponent

"The Earth under the Reach's thumb is too dangerous for my long-term plans. It must be destroyed. And frankly, if you understood what you were in for with the Reach, you'd thank me for putting you out of your collective misery, now." Mongul muttered in a calm tone as he wasn't impressed by the attack force

"That's for us to decide." Flash replied as he sped around the man and hit him many times to realize that his skin was too hard

"Is that all you got?" Mongul shook his head in disdain as energy wave was released from his body forcing the attack force to retreat

Donna blocked the wave with her shield and gave them the opportunity to attack.

Superboy flew close to Mongul and released a focused heat blast but the man caught Connor by the head.

"Little Kryptonian. So proud of your powers. Did you truly believe yours was the only race to come from a world with a red sun?" Mongul muttered with a smirk as he put pressure on his head

"LET HIM GO" MM screamed as she released a psychic attack on him but found it not working

MM didn't even think as she flew into Mongul trying to phase through him and break his arm.

"Such a pointless charade" Mongul said so gently but his actions were anything but cruel as he sent MM flying with a single slap to her side breaking her arm and ribs in the process

He was a galactic conqueror and it would be naïve of him not to have defense against such attacks since Martians were quite famous.

Donna arrived the moment he slapped MM and slashed him with the sword in her hand forcing him to let go.

Connor fell to the floor with his skull having cracks from the pressure applied but he ignored the pain as he flew towards MM.

"Are you okay?"

"I am fine but you are not looking good." MM replied as she touched his cheek

"I can still fight. We all came here knowing that death was a possibility."

"But I don't want you to die."

"Neither do I so let's fight till the end." Superboy replied as he released a shock wave to break the balance of Donna's foe

Donna was engaged in a close fight with Mongul as her powers were rising to top state while getting help from Flash as he disturbed the galactic Tyrant.

The attack by Connor gave her an opportunity and she managed to slice of his ear.

"The novelty of this encounter has officially worn off. It is time you all died." Mongul snarled as his ear healed up but the fact Donna even cut it off angered him

With focused energy blast he sent all of them flying and caught Donna by the head as she was trying to adjust her balance.

Catching her head, Mongul smashed Donna into the floor repeatedly but he was forced to let go as Flash vibrated and phased through his arm with this opportunity.

His body was shaking in anger as his arm was destroyed, "You will pay for this greatly."

With those words he released a poison into the room covering them all up. It was from a plant called black mercy and it required great resistance to break its hold as it forced the mind into a dream world.

All of them fell to the floor except Donna and she forced to fight for her life against a powerful that bested Superman alone.

'A warrior's death is the way to go but I won't be able to forgive myself if I don't stop him.' Donna thought as she fought with increased intensity not caring for the pain inflicted

This was a battle with the fate of the world on the line but even with all she had, Donna was forced to her knees as Mongul gloated.

'Now' She heard MM's voice and felt him stagger as she stabbed her sword into his heart while the Warworld shook

'What's happening outside?'


On the outside, the heroes and villains were protecting the earth when suddenly a superman like figure appeared from Warworld and shone a yellow light before capturing the replacement Green Lantern with ease.

Yellow color being the weakness of the green lanterns because of the impurity inside the power source called Parallax.

The mechanical looking Superman zoomed around the battle field taking them out without an issue.

Supergirl saw the issue and flew into the wannabe Kryptonian, "Cyborg Superman, I hope you can stop before we throw you into the scrap yard."

Dragging him closer to the sun, Kara was further empowered by the solar energy but so did her foe.

They continued to fight endlessly hitting each other hard enough to fly miles and destroying parts of asteroids and moons.

"Why are you doing this?"

"For the future of Krypton this step is necessary"

"How does destroying earth have anything to do with Krypton?"

"Foolish child, we never intended to destroy the planet as we are going to use it to bring back our people. I need the life force of humans to finish the step and we will terraform earth into a new Krypton."

"There is no way I am allowing that."

"Even if I told you that I am your father."

"My father is dead"

"I never died Kara. I was saved by Brainiac and made into this form. My memories and freedom taken, I was just his loyal salve but I finally managed to break free and I intend to bring our people back. Why do you show care for these people?"

"My father isn't a monster like you so keep your asinine sludge where it belongs." Kara was angered by this cyborg daring to use her father's name

With force she bull rushed him into the sun to burn of the metal implants and the cyborg tried to fight back but the talent of solar power up proved higher inside Kara as her boost was bigger and faster than her opponents.

With this Mongul's partner was pretty much taken care off while his Warworld was taken care of by Naruto and Raven.


On Rimbor, Naruto received the information late from his clones because of the distance. With Raven by his side, Naruto explored the new planet and saw the true nature of these people clearly.

Understanding their nature, Naruto decided to follow the judges and see what they wanted. Checking their houses and offices, Naruto found what they liked and decided to bribe them.

Turning his clones into weapons and paintings, Naruto went with the Raven to meet them in private and talked to them about releasing the JL members through expert coaxing and pleasantries, promising better gifts next time they come to visit.

During this mission, Raven and Naruto had some awkward moments where they ended up very close to each other.

Like the time they had hide under the bed together, turn into a painting together or moving through the air ducts and many more.

It was an exciting and awkward mission for both of them as they were both young adults at the starting point of their lives.

Regardless of the exciting moments, It was a successful mission and the JL members were freed in the most unexpected manner but Naruto wasn't done as he had his clone transform into Vandal Savage and Black Manta as they attacked the judges inside their homes warning them about going against their deal and taking the gifts.

Naruto was unable to enjoy the sight with Raven as he received the information from his clones. BB had been unable to contact them since they had left the communicator behind in case someone found them because of it.

"Do you have a way to stop it?" Naruto asked as he turned to Raven

"I have a spell but it would require time and we might not have enough of it."

"Do you have a spell that can combine all of my attacks into one single attack?"

"I do but your attacks aren't going to change anything." Raven replied in a calm tone as she was also feeling some pressure as she realized her friends were in danger

Connor, MM, Wally, Cyborg, Nightwing and some other people she knew. Earth was like her home because it was where he friends lived, friends that had been like family.

Though she now felt more connected to Naruto and BB, who were both safe she still didn't like the idea of earth perishing.

"You haven't seen my limits. Let's go to the location and I will show you."

Raven saw the confidence in his tone and nodded as she teleported them both not far from the battlefield.

They saw most of the defense force taken out and Supergirl in combat with some Superman.

"I hope you have something up your sleeve or we are going to have deaths on our hands."

"Don't sweat it; I am confident that I got this." Naruto replied as he held up his hands and thousands of clones appeared using Kurama cloak

Raven was shocked as she never expected that he could make so many of these clones, "I think we might be able to do it."

Raven made the spell diagram that floated in front of them locking on to Warworld, "Shoot everything at the target."

Naruto didn't need to be told as he focused all his chakra and the energy he gathered from nature into this offence.

Two giant Rasenshuriken from each clone, making it 2000 Senjutsu giant ball Rasenshurikens that could erase a country each, they combined into a single attack mixing with Raven's magic.

The enormous black and gold Rasenshuriken hit Warworld and exploded into trillions of energy blades that showered the whole thing.

The attack continued for a minute and by the end, all the energy of the giant machine was exhausted from keeping it safe from the assault.

The battle was won and Mongul was captured while Cyborg Superman was defeated apparently to the fighters but in the darkness the cyborg watched all the scenes of battle as he gathered the information carefully.


A.N Hope you enjoyed and comment

How is it going?

Now this is an important message. I am only going to be writing Golden Dawn and The Immortals until they reach the actual ending. No more new stories and no more updates for other stories.

I will update every day but i expect that as readers that follow the story you will at least leave a comment.

Not a small number follow these stories and it is a shame that most can't even bother with it but when i stop or abandon the story they have great many words to share.

I write stories about things that i would like to see and since no one else is going to write them, i write them personally and i share them with you.

Now if you are not even commenting then what is the point of sharing. It is no different than keeping the story to myself.

So i am saying if i can't expect even one comment on each chapter than i will stop posting all together and just write for myself as i said posting or not posting won't make a difference. I am always reading the comments and i enjoy ones that break down what i have written.

It makes me want to try harder.

you keep commenting and i will keep updating. Both these stories will definitely hit 300,000 words at least with all the things i have planned for them.

If you share your opinions, i will even adjust the story if what you say is more reasonable than what i ended up writing.

Hopefully we can all enjoy the story together or you are seeing it after a few years when i finish writing it.