
Golden Crown: Swords and Shadows

In a world divided by classes and interests, disgusting palace politics with the Golden Crown in middle of all, an unexpected tragic romance blooms between the Black sheep of Elimer Imperial Family and Nightmare of Dahors. Maria spent her life sided in the battle ground due to her brother's extreme jealousy. Dreaming of death she fought against beasts and human. Coming across the Nightmare of Dahors, the enemy Empire's Emperor, she found herself getting entangled with him which changed her perfect plan of insurgence. '' I loathed him for his overconfidence without being aware of the amount of faded scars of fear and insecurities. He is everything I desired for, he is everything I crave for.''

Erlyyy · History
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9 Chs


Torn grown under the knees, bleeding hands barely holding on the silver sword, drenched in blood of the assassins, Maria was running for her life in middle of the woods.

The muddy forest road never felt this difficult to cross but Maria was barely holding on her breath as 10 assassins sent by her own brother were chasing after her when she was thinking of what to do next.

The wood of Medec had something special about it. Trees tall enough to touch the sky, mysterious purple stones which changed its color to golden after sunset, sound of spring but no spring nearby, dangerously beautiful maze which was too mysterious to be explained by normal sense of logic.

One of the assassins who was carrying crossbow, shot toward her. Maria dodged it but another poisonous arrow cut through her left arms. She hissed in pain and accidentally stepped over a stone falling over the ground, her grip on her sword loosen a little.

The leader of the assassins', Aric, gestured the others to stop when he saw Maria on the ground. He was wearing a navy blue robe and silver face mask which covered his entire face other than his blank and blurry grey eyes. He took steps toward Maria who was sitting still.

Brushes covering her knees, calmness in her silence was heavy. Her heavy pure while mulberry silk grown, embroidered with golden rose covering her chest was no longer beautiful drenched in blood and torn under her knees, her long brown wavy hairs were tied in a lose bun earlier were covering her facial from being seen. Aric bend down at Maria's level and chuckled sarcastically.

'' Any last wish, Princess?'' His arrogent snort reached Maria's head. Her last 10 years spent on the battle ground from the age of 7 played right before her eyes like a flash, Days when she fought against beasts and human, nights when she slept on the dirty, cold ground after having some dry bread and milk, sometimes meat if lucky. Summers when she stood at the frontlines, winters when she killed with her companions, insults she received even after being the war hero after returning to the Imperial Palace after 10 years, disgraceful attitude toward her knights'. 

'' My Prince is kind enough to spare your last wish. If you don't have any-''

'' Golden Crown,'' Maria cut Aric. Aric frowned, the silver sword cut his head down before he could utter a world like a flash of light. His fresh blood splashed over Maria's face and white dress. Assasains standing behind got ready to attack but they underestimated the Black Sheep of Elimer. She stood up, taking Aric's dragger in her right hand and her infamous Silver Dragon sword in her another hand, she lips curved up a little. Jumping over the Aric's blood, she threw the dragger at the man who was holding the crossbow. A fierce sword fight took place right in middle of the woods of Medec, her sword swung around as if she was dancing with blood droplets in the air.

Few moments later, everyone other than Maria all others were laying on the pool of blood. Sky growled and it started raining in the Mysterious woods of Medec for the very first time in the last 17 years, announcing the return of its beloved Princess who was outlasted by her very own family. Maria let the rain washing away the blood of her own and others along with the burried hope of being hugged by her one and only brother and father for sending her away when she was begging on her knees. Her shoulder relaxed at the sound of rain falling over the Purple stones. 

Wiping off the last tear for her family, looking at the Silver Dragon which was bestowed upon her by her Master, General of Lersson a twisted smile appeared on her lips. Running her fingers through her wet wavy hair, she bite on her lower lip before holding the head of Aric which was on the ground.

'' Dear my brother will surely love this amazing gift, right Aric?''

Maria was determined, she was crazy and murderous, a monster which only strives for revenge.

"She was the Black Sheep of ELIMER'

Hello, Please support my work and forgive my mistake as english isn't my first language

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