
Golden Crown: Swords and Shadows

In a world divided by classes and interests, disgusting palace politics with the Golden Crown in middle of all, an unexpected tragic romance blooms between the Black sheep of Elimer Imperial Family and Nightmare of Dahors. Maria spent her life sided in the battle ground due to her brother's extreme jealousy. Dreaming of death she fought against beasts and human. Coming across the Nightmare of Dahors, the enemy Empire's Emperor, she found herself getting entangled with him which changed her perfect plan of insurgence. '' I loathed him for his overconfidence without being aware of the amount of faded scars of fear and insecurities. He is everything I desired for, he is everything I crave for.''

Erlyyy · History
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9 Chs


Jumping into my room through the window I left open yesterday I took in a deep breath in relief. Why? Because I made it alive or there is none to see me in my disgusting look right now.

My room is at the farmost corner of the Main Building of Imperial Palace. Painted in Pine green, one small bed for one in the middle, small tea table beside the bed where I could see three letters still untouched, one from the Fleet commander, one from my friend Jermia and another-.....

I never expected any letter from this person, not after I barely managed to get out of cheating death. Nevertheless, I tore opened the golden envelope with and sat on the ground before reading-

'' Hello Silver Warrior,''

I scoffed reading the first sentence of the letter. His sarcastic, deep and rough voice rang in my head, giving me goosebumps as always but I ignored it and started reading again,

" If you are making faces and biting your lower lips, thinking of my handsome face which is the only beautiful thing in your life, I want to tell you thats exactly why I wrote to you in the first place.''

What the- Does the first prince of Dahors Empire have no work to do? With this attitude, how is he even everyone's favorite including those fussy warriors? I scoffed in annoyance and took a deep breath in case I burst and go to the west to declare a one on one spare against him.

'' Just kidding. Coming to the point, the crown of Elimer is going to choose its heir soon. As you know, Golden Crown doesn't chose just anyone and it choose you at your birth. My offer is still valid, let's burn the Lesson Imperial Family together. 

Take the Crown, Silver Warrior. I prefer to have a war against you than some pathetic, illogical creature shame on human.

Yours one and only Enemy, 

Arvan Dahors.''

Arvan Dahors, I whisper those name under my breath. Even his letters smells like him, like first morning of spring.

Nightmare of Dahors, Arvan Dahors