
27. Match 2

Alex looked up at Hippolyta's eyes as he spoke. "I want to ask Princess Diana's hand in marriage". Alex announced as he stood with his back straight and a big aura around him.

"What!" All the Amazons on the scene exclaimed when they heard Alex's words.

Diana facepalmed at Alex's words. 'Stupid brat'. She sighed internally but there was a smile on her face.

"No!" Hippolyta said as she had a plain face.

"You cannot deny her the freedom of choice". Alex looked straight into her eyes as he squinted a bit and said.

"We don't deem you a suitable partner for her". Hippolyta waved her hand in dismissal.

"Even if I beat her in the match?" Alex quirked an eyebrow as he said with a mocking grin.

"If you can beat her. I will give you a chance at the trial of Heroes, pass that and I will allow her to be with you". Hippolyta raised an eyebrow but still gave Alex a chance.

Alex nodded his head. At least he had a chance to take Diana home with him. That was good enough for now.

The next match started as a Amazon with sword and Shield came out. She didn't dare to underestimate Alex after his previous display of power and took a defensive stance.

Alex looked at her for a second and with a tricky sway. He was out of her vision and behind her back in no time.

He practically disappeared in everyone's vision in the whole stadium. Making this a mystery to everyone.

He stood behind the Amazon as the others looked at him suddenly appearing with a bit of astonishment.

He lifted his leg as he gave a straight kick to the Amazon's back. The Amazon went skidding as she put the shield in front of her body to avoid being damaged by the drag.

*Bang* *Bang*

She shook her head as she stuck the shield with her sword and charged at Alex. She swung her sword as Alex just side stepped and dodged her swing and caught her wrist.

With a quick move, he flipped her to the ground and pressed an acupuncture on her neck to make her unconscious.

The crowd cheered at Alex's elegant and quick takedown as the Meds quickly took Amazon to the medical ward.

Without a second of wait, another Amazon was sent into the stadium. The Amazons now treated him with respect and didn't underestimate him at all.

"May we know your name?" The Amazon asked as she looked at Alex.

"So now you thought about asking my name?" Alex raised an eyebrow as he questioned with a tired expression.

"Very well, I will entertain you. I am Alexander Wayne". Alex introduced as he looked at her in the eyes.

The Amazon nodded her head as she introduced herself. "I am Mira". She said as they began the fight.

Alex quickly closed the distance as Mira dodged his swing and swung back the mace in her hand.

Alex quickly sidestepped the mace and saw her preparing for another strike. Alex quickly closed the distance with her as he struck her in the nape and stopped her breathing altogether.

Mira gagged as she tried to breathe but couldn't. After a couple minutes because of the powerful physique of the Amazons, she fell on her knees.

Alex quickly relieved her of the symptoms and won the match without much suspense.

"Th-Thank you". She was still having a little trouble breathing but it was better now.

Afterwards, the matches went with Alex's overwhelming and easy victory over the Amazon warriors on the island.

He had gained the respect of every Amazon currently watching the challenge as he was just a bit special human from their perspective.

And at last, it was the highlight.

"Now is what everyone is waiting for Princess Diana against Alexander Wayne". An Amazon announced on the podium as cheers erupted for both warriors.

The Amazons didn't look down on Alex anymore and were even enthusiastically cheering for a good match between the two.

There weren't many forms of entertainment for them. So this was quite the refreshing view for everyone.

Diana came out of the gate with her classic armour on and looked at Alex vigilantly.

Alex on the other hand was standing in a loose stance as he looked at her. He started walking towards her like he didn't put on any defence but an experienced martial artist could tell that there wasn't any loophole in his defence at all.

Alex quickly came in front of her leisurely as Diana punched at him with all her strength. The air wizzed and cracked as Diana's punch went past Alex's face.

Alex caught her wrist and tossed her away. Diana quickly summersaulted in the air and landed on her feet.

She charged at him as she gave him a roundhouse kick that Alex caught and shifted the power to the ground and made a big crater.

He quickly elbowed her ankle and dislocated it with precision. Diana didn't even flinch from the pain and quickly took her foot out of his hand and distanced herself from him.

With a pull of her hands, the ankle was back in place. Alex nodded his head in appreciation. 'She isn't a Godkiller for no reason'.

He quickly disappeared from vision as he charged at her like a cheetah. Diana tilted her head to the side as a palm stretched out.

Alex quickly dropped down and swept her legs as Diana fell down but supported herself with her hand and kicked towards Alex's face.

"Well, enough playing around". Alex said seriously as he suddenly disappeared without a sound or intent.

This time Diana didn't even feel her intuition ting as she was kicked in the temple with a roundhouse kick.

Her head landed on the ground as a massive crater got formed. Diana was trying to stand up but saw a fist in front of her face.

"You lose Princess". Alex said with a smirk as he looked at Diana happily.

"The Winner of the whole challenge is Alexander Wayne. You have our respect for winning". The Amazon announced as she gave Alex a courteous bow.

Diana was holding back her strength during the match or it wouldn't be that easy to win for Alex. She was after all someone who could destroy Cities easily and Alex wasn't at that level yet.

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