
Gojo Uchiha Twin Brother Of Itachi Uchiha

One with hair as dark as night yet is one of the kindest people in this world. One with hair as pure as white yet is one of the most selfish people in this world. Itachi and Gojo Uchiha, are the twin prodigies of the Hidden Leaf Village. They were outstanding genius, prodigies amongst prodigies, but complete opposites

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36 Chs

Becoming Chunin 5

"Do you want me to help you train?" After breaking out of the genjutsu, Itachi although tired, couldn't leave without asking me that question. After all, I was helping him, he also wanted to help me out.

"Help?" I asked with a slight frown. After looking into many math theories, I came to realize, I might be using Infinity wrong. Why? In division, dividing by a small number should get me bigger answers. 

10 divided by 2 is 5

10 divided by 1 is 10

10 divided by 1/2 is 20

10 divided by 0.1 is 100

10 divided by .01 is 1,000, and the list goes on.

This made me realize that Infinity might not be the problem, but it's the way I was using it. The one flaw I was doing all this time was simple. I was still seeing the item moving even after it paused. Up above, 10 stayed the same, but what if 10 was also getting smaller and smaller as I divided, it would allow the attack to get closer and closer to me.

I have been going about this completely wrong. The distance between me and the attack should remain the same, while I divided by smaller and smaller numbers, nearing as close as possible to zero, and if I could somehow divide by zero, would that equal infinity?

"I guess I might need your help with some math questions, as you divide by a smaller number, you get bigger numbers. So, if I were to divide by zero, would I get infinity?" I asked, causing Itachi to think for a moment. He wasn't shocked by me asking such a question, I had always shown my pride in math.

Itachi went on to speak, There was a lot of nerdy stuff that would take one down a lot of things that would give people a headache. confusing topics like 1=2=3=4 to infinity were thrown out, we went back and forth on this matter, talking for hours until in the end, we came to the final answer. Yes! divide zero by anything would give you infinity.

We also came to a discovery, in the face of 0, all numbers were equal, while infinity might as well be the universe, holding all possibilities. 0 and Infinity were just two opposite sides of the same coin...

9 months before we could take part in the Chunin exam, I found where Tsunade was, I went to speak with her, and at first, Tsunade was not interested in having a student until she saw my medical ninjutsu was no weaker than hers. This caused her to snap out of her drunk state. She was an alcoholic by the way.

"I'm self-taught... well, I was taught the basics, I learned everything else on my own. I searched high and low for the best of the best to be my teacher." I said to which Tsunade thought for some time before she waved me away while looking away from me.

"Just leave me alone," Tsunade said softly, she had left the shinobi life behind her. the 3rd great shinobi war had taken everyone she held dear, from her lover, little brother, parents, uncle, clan, and so on. She was all alone,

"I heard what happened to you, how you got hæmophobia," I said causing Tsunade to clinch her arms into fists.

"I want to change this world, not as a hokage but something more. I will become the strongest person in the world, I will have might so powerful, that a simple word from me will be enough to stop all wars." I said, my voice full of confidence. Tsunade paused hearing my words, she looked at my blindfold for a moment, before she burst out laughing.

"You are cocky, aren't you." She said to which I shrugged lightly.

"I'm not cocky, all I speak is facts. Let's have a small spar, Sannin or not, I'm pretty sure I could land at least 10 blows on you," I said with a smirk, causing Tsunade to laugh once more.

"If you can land 10 blows on me, then I will be your sensei." She said mockingly, to which I nodded my head quickly, not giving her the chance to back out. Tsunade was speechless, but she shrugged and we left to have a spar in an open field.

"You have potential, I will give you that. But you should know your limits." Tsunade said in annoyance seeing my smug smirk. I laughed at her words while stretching my body.

"I do know my limits... they are Limitless," I said while removing my blindfold, before waving my hands, creating Blue which I shot into the sky. Tsunade had a confused look upon seeing this new jutsu, but her eyes quickly widened seeing as she was pulled off the ground, and into the sky.

"What Jutsu is this?" She said in shock while gathering chakra into her fist, she punched forward that fist holding enough power to destroy me hundreds of times over. Yet it fell into blue, having no effect.

'This is...' Tsunade eyes narrowed realizing she was facing a space-time ninjutsu. She punched forward once more, this time timing her release of chakra on point to disturb the jutsu. Who created the flying thunder God Jutsu? Her Uncle, and on top of that, she knew a few things about summoning ninjutsu. With one attack, and realizing how her attack had no effect, she realized this wasn't a simple jutsu.

Obito also would have been able to find out Infinity was also a space-time jutsu, but the problem there was that... well, we gave Obito no time as he had to keep adapting to Itachi and my attack. However in the end he did figure it out, which is how he was able to pierse my shadow clone. he had infused chakra around the wooden spikes, allowing it to bypass the weakened Infinity at the time... Tsunade was stronger and had more experience.

She punched Blue once more, this time she released her chakra out into Blue with better timing, causing it to clash with my chakra, easily overwhelming my chakra, and destroying the jutsu.

But that was all she was able to do as the next moment, I appeared behind her, holding a kunai which I had thrown when she was focused on blue. With a flash, my leg shot forward, slamming towards Tsunade's side. Tsunade was fast, blocking the attack, although it sent her rocketing down toward the forest where she smoothly landed on the ground.

"That's one," I said with a smirk, causing Tsunade to grow annoyed. Who was the Sannin? Who had the power to face even the Kage of a village with a good chance of winning? it was here, where someone so much weaker than her was so smug?

"You're an annoying brat.' She said before bursting forward at extreme speed, I smirked while using blue once more. Blue pulled me, while at the same time, I used the Lightning Chakra mode, along with the body flicker jutsu. I disappeared from my spot, and to others, it would look like I had just teleported.

'He used that blue orb to enhance his speed,' Tsunade thought while turning her head behind her, it was too sudden, and she had no sharingan to keep up with such speed I had just reached. I was behind her, my leg shooting towards her. She turned, not to block or counter, but to quickly dodge.

"Fast, but you're still far from reaching my levels of speed," Tsunade said while holding her hand out, about to flick my forehead. But from behind, another me suddenly appeared, kicking her legs, and causing her to fall towards her side. Tsunade wasted no time as her hands shot toward the ground, pushing herself off them to shoot into the sky and avoid my second attack.

Tsunade looked down at us from the sky in shock, before she suddenly looked up into the sky where she saw another me shooting down towards her with a fist shooting towards her head. While she was turning her head to look up, she noticed she saw me throw a kunai towards her.

She wasted no time, dodging the fist with ease, while turning to grab the incoming Kunai. but her eyes widened as I teleported to the Kunai. This wasn't something she expected, catching her completely off guard and gifting her a hard kick to the stomach, sending her shooting towards the ground at blinding speed, and she hit the ground with a huge boom.

"That's 3," I said with a smile, Tsunade slowly stepped out of the dust clouds, looking at me with a stunned look. but my smile... it made her truly want to punch something. She had never seen such a punchable face, although she had to admit, I had beautiful eyes.

With a step, she rocketed towards me, destroying the ground around her. She appeared before me, stopping just in time while holding her hand out and flicking my forehead. But her eyes narrowed as my body exploded into countless ravens. 

'A Clone jutsu, but that uses Ravens?' She thought as the ravens surrounded her from all sides, attacking her nonstop over and over again. She moved at high speed, grabbing all of the ravens while throwing them away, at the same time she was careful not to make them bleed. 

'Why do they all have his eyes?' She thought oddly while looking at the fact all of the ravens had my eyes. She paused as she felt something off with her mind, she was under a genjutsu. But that should be impossible, with her high level of chakra control, she was pretty much immune to all genjutsu... that was unless someone's chakra control was above her own.

'This brat.' She thought while looking at the world around her transforming, she found herself in the void of space, looking out to the bright and colorful universe. She quickly put her hands together, wasting no time as she quickly broke free from the genjutsu... just to find me back, in reality, writing on her face.

We both paused and just looked at her, not expecting her to be trapped for only 2 seconds... but that was understandable. She had the blood of Uzumaki and Senju running through her. Her chakra was far more powerful than mine. While she was shocked by the scene that was playing out before her. 

Slowly, she balled up her fist, before she punched towards me, just for her fist to pause before it could touch me. She was stunned, not understanding just how her fist could just pause.

"Well, I believe I won, in just 2 seconds, I already did a good amount of damage to your face," I said while showing her a mirror, causing Tsunade's face to turn dark at the sight. There was a dick drawn on her forehead, sunglasses drawn around her eyes, a beard covering her chin, and so much more.

"I think I did pretty well," I said lightly, leaving Tsunade punching me nonstop, wondering why she couldn't touch me. Well, she could have touched me in the past, but in the past, I have been using the Limitless wrong.

"Just what is this?" She asked while trying to bypass Infinity like how she destroyed Blue, but it was pointless. Blue was so easily destroyed by her thanks to how far away it was from me, meaning, its connection to me was also weakened, giving her the chance to destroy it. Infinity was around me, and her attempts to cross an infinite space using brut strength or even high-level chakra control which was nowhere near my level were pointless.

"It's pointless, what I'm doing is simply manipulating the distance between you and me," I said while holding my palm out towards her. Tsunade held out her palm to touch me, just to find her palm stop.

"You're increasing the distance? but wouldn't that make my hand move back?" She asked in confusion, to which I shook my head.

"I'm not increasing the distance, but simply bringing the infinity that exists between you and me into reality. no matter how close you get, you are infinitely far from ever reaching me." I said stunning Tsunade me for a moment. but I took this chance and turned off Infinity, and had my arms intertwine with hers. 

"So, how about we go talk more about this over a meal?" I asked with my best charming smile, which caused Tsunade's face to go blank before she burst out laughing. I had not grown at all, I still looked the same as I did when I was 4 years old. To Tsunade, all she saw was a cute 4-year-old trying to be charing.

"I'm 8 years old... it's not like I'm the only one who looks younger than I truly am." I said with a pout, causing Tsunade's laugh to pause. Tsunade was 40 now, yet she looked as if she was at the peak of her youth. 

"Say that again?" She asked while tightening the hold she had on me, 

"I said, age is just a number. Be my girlfriend, I can already feel the connection" I said leaving her speechless as I also tightened the hold. Tsunade didn't know what to do with this, but in the end, just let go of me, and pulled her hand back.

"You're 30 years too late." She said with a shake of her head while walking towards a river,

"Better late than never. I'm sorry I wasn't born 30 years ago, I got lost in the cycle of reincarnation, but at the end of the day, I found you." I said leaving Tsunade speechless, not knowing if she should laugh or cry. She ignored me and got to the river to clean her face, just to see she had nothing on her face.

"You didn't think I could destroy such a beautiful image?" I said causing Tsunade's lips to twitch, she had indeed fallen for my genjutsu. Just where would I pull out a mirror or anything to write on her face with?

"You!" Tsunade wanted to punch someone, but how could she punch a boy in love? It was not like she could even touch me.

"You're so annoying." She said in defeat,

"Love be like that," I said with a node of my head,