
Gojo Uchiha Twin Brother Of Itachi Uchiha

One with hair as dark as night yet is one of the kindest people in this world. One with hair as pure as white yet is one of the most selfish people in this world. Itachi and Gojo Uchiha, are the twin prodigies of the Hidden Leaf Village. They were outstanding genius, prodigies amongst prodigies, but complete opposites

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36 Chs

Becoming Chunin 4

What was a Kekkai Genkai? A Kekkai Genkai was something passed down through one's bloodline and was almost impossible to just learn, unless it was something like the sharingan, as one can just steal it from someone who has the sharingan.

There were unique releases known as Kekkai Genkai. These unique types of releases are formed by combining two elements. For example, Wind and Air would birth Ice release. Earth and Fire would birth Lava release, and the list went on. Just because one has an affinity for all elements and is a super genius, doesn't mean they would just be able to combine two elements, if it was that easy, it wouldn't be called a Kekkai Genkai.

But there was a level above the Kekkai Genkai. A Kekkai Tota is the fusion of 3 elements. The person I'm going to face has a Kekkai Tota and a powerful one at that. Dust Release.

Dust Release is a nature transformation kekkei tōta, a combination of earth, wind, and fire. To perform Dust Release, users form a small three-dimensional object (e.g. a cube, a cone, etc.) out of chakra in their hands. The object expands once released by the user and moves astonishingly fast at its target; anything that passes through it (or that is passed through by it) is disintegrated on a molecular level. Because of the sheer destructiveness of Dust Release, its users are usually unmatched in a fight and they can easily fend off countless enemies. For this reason, the best way to combat one Dust Release user is with a second Dust Release user.

I was currently standing on top of a world of many stones, looking down upon the village hidden in the stones. I cracked my neck, before shooting towards where the Tsuchikage was at. I hid my aura, quickly nearing the Tsuchikage, who was a short old man with a big nose.

'If I wanted to be the best assassin, I could be one.' I thought with a smirk while looking at Onoki. But Onoki seemingly sensing my intent turned, looking straight at me. Onoki's eyes widened to see that someone could sneak up on him. Onoki wasted no time seeing the CLoud Shinobi, he floated into the sky while holding his palm out, creating a cone-like shape in his palm which shot towards me.

The Lightning Cloak covered my body, and with the body Flicker Jutsu, I quickly jumped out of the way, although I had to widen my eyes as the cone was blinding fast. I dodged it, but that was mainly because I moved before Onoki could move. Even My eyes couldn't track that cone, meaning It would have easily bypassed through Infinity.

'Such fast reaction speed.' Onoki thought, almost instantly appearing before me, his fist covered in rocks, which he punched towards me at blinding speed. The fist paused before me, but it was moving so fast it was crossing faster than I could divide,

'I'm outmatched... but why does his Dust release look off.' I thought, quickly taking this opening and slamming my fist into Onoki's stomach. Onoki's eyes widened, as he was sent rocketing away, slamming through the ceiling of his office.

'Damn cloud Shinobi, just what is up with that lightning cloak.' Onoki thought in annoyance, he was sure he hit the lightning cloak, yet for some reason, that cloak wasn't affected. He felt nothing thanks to the stones around his arm dulling his senses, or else he would have realized he never touched me. He thought the lightning armor just absorbed all of the power behind his attack.

'How did Satoru Gojo do it? I'm just too slow to divide fast enough to keep up with fast attacks. If I just push my mind into overdrive like that, I would cook my brain. How does Satoru do it... No, he used the reverse curse technique to heal his brain. So, he could push his brain into overdrive without trouble, as he heals faster than the brain is cooking.' I thought while shooting after Onoki

'He is slow...' Onoki thought seeing just how slow I was, nothing like the Raikage. Well, of course, I was nothing like the Raikage who was the second fastest Shinobi, falling behind Minato. Minato might teleport around, but one shouldn't ignore Minato shocking levels of reaction speed. Even without the sharingan, his reaction speed was unmatched. The Raikage on the other hand was fast on pure speed alone, by using the Lightning Chakra Cloak and the Body Flicker Jutsu.

What was the Lightning Chakra Cloak? The user wraps their body in a layer of lightning chakra to increase their physical parameters, with more lightning causing greater increases. As users coat more lightning chakra around themselves, the more their hair sticks up. The lightning augments the strength of the user's taijutsu, creating what is called Nintaijutsu. The lightning also defends the user from most attacks, deflecting them away on contact

There are modes to this, there was V1, where the Lightning is under control, and v2, where the lightning is out of control. V2 is of course the strongest mode. In this mode, the user's hair also is standing straight up.

Onoki was fast, although not as fast as the Raikage, Onoki was many times faster than me. hell, Onoki can even fight the Raikage when he is using the Lightning Chakra cloak, 

I instantly used the Lightning Chakra Mode to its fullest, and my speed instantly picked up, Onoki sneered as Shinobi appeared to attack me. of course, many would move to protect their village leader... but they never reached me. not because of Infinity, but because many Cloud Shinobi appeared, fighting them off and giving me the chance to fight Onoki... of course, those Cloud Shinobi were my clones.

Onoki's face dropped, to think the Village Hidden In the Cloud was attacking, and he only sensed things now? Onoki wasted no time, using dust release and sending a cone shooting towards me.

I moved, barely dodging it, but I let my clothing touch the Dust release to see what would happen. My eyes narrowed seeing Dust release stop, leaving me confused.

'It's not affecting things on the subatomic level as I expected, but the molecular level? Well, I'm wasting my time here.' I thought in annoyance, to think I was looking too highly upon this trash. But it would be a waste to come all this way and leave without doing anything.

'I wonder where this village's secret scroll is kept.' I thought while being hit by Dust release, just to explode into a log. Onoki's eyes widened as he never saw me do hand seals, I just used the lightning to hide it. And of course, I can perform hand seals at extreme speed.

Although not as fast as the Itahci from the anime, who can make hand seals so fast, that the sharingan couldn't track them. I was the one who gave Itachi the idea of training to do hand seals to that level, which led Itachi to wonder if he could find a way to attack at such a level of speed. This led to Itachi using the body Flicker Jutsu to temporarily reach speeds that my eyes couldn't catch.

Onoki quickly looked around but found me nowhere, he even saw the cloud shinobi which were fighting down below throwing smoke bombs into the ground and disappearing. Onoki had no idea how they could all disappear just like that, but what left him with a question mark was their goal for coming here... but that didn't matter now, all he knew was that if the Cloud Shinobi didn't give him good explanation than this could be war.

"What cool jutsu," I said while looking at the secret scroll of the Village hidden In the Land of Stones. There are many jutsu written here, from Dust releases to many top-secret earth-related jutsu, such as weight manipulation jutsu, this was how Onoki could fly.

'The Limitless at the end of the day is a jutsu, so it could be upgraded, and improved. There are 4 flaws I see with this Jutsu.

1. finite Speed of Division, if someone is faster than the rate I could divide then they would cross infinity. If I could have the jutsu work on its own as Satoru did, then it could save me a lot of time. but even that has its flaws, I should try and condition my brain to divide faster, while at the same time, improving Limitless so it could also divide on its own without my help.

2. The Quality of Division. If I could divide by a trillion times over and over and over again, what would I have to worry about? but the more I divide, the more energy I would need, plus the harder it would be to keep dividing with large numbers. This, I need to study more.

3. Space. Limitless is a math-based power... well, I want mine to be a mostly math-based power, since there might be beings out there capable of destroying Spacetime with a thought... but there is also the risk of being helpless before someone who transcends numbers. I will look into this later.

4. There is no way for a finite number to reach infinity. Even if I could divide forever at extreme speed, and each division is by trillions, I would never reach zero. but that means I'm hopeless before things that could cross an infinite distance. I heard somewhere there are levels to infinity, is that true? well, if there are smaller infinities, they have to be greater ones too. the technique is called Infinity, but was it possible for me to truly make something Infinite when I'm just finite?'

There was a lot to go over, but I had a whole year to work on the Limitless. I should also go see someone, the best medical Nin in the world. With her help, I should be able to make a powerful jutsu capable of healing my brain and mind while I push myself. 

I also needed to look deeper into division theory to expand my knowledge. I also had to master Red, I already knew how, and there was no reverse curse technique needed. Blue was a Yin release jutsu, so to create Red, all I needed was to use Blue, but instead with Yang chakra. 

That is going to be troublesome since I was more skilled with Yin than Yang. With so many things to train, just how on earth would I go about this... well, simple, Shadow clones? I will send some off to search for Tsunade, the rest to train, study, and so on, while I went to go home and relax...

"There you are," Itachi said while entering my room, just to see me reading a book on the theory of dividing by zero. 

"What's up?" I asked lazily while eating some chips, and not looking away from the book.

"Put me in the genjutsu," Itachi said calmly, to which I sighed. Itachi no longer asked Fugaku to help him in genjutsu training, it was now me since the quality at which my genjutsu could affect a person was far above Fugaku, although the genjutsu was weaker. I could affect a person down to their subconscious, I could make a person think they had free will when they were doing everything I wanted them to do.

"You're up to something," I said lightly, as of late, Itachi has been acting weird, training more, staying up late, and so on. Itachi was just pushing himself, and only allowing me to come near him for genjutsu training as I might see what he was planning.

"I don't know if it would work, but it's worth a try," Itachi said calmly, I rubbed my chin at his words, unsure of what Itachi was planning. 1 year was a lot of time for a genius like Itachi, but there was no way he could come up with something... right?

I wouldn't jump in to watch Itachi train, as I wanted to be surprised. So, I locked eyes with Itachi, putting Itachi within the Sharingan Genjutsu. Itachi eyes went blank, followed by his pupils turning blue, the same as mine. Now Itachi looked just like me, the only thing missing was the white hair. 

A genjutsu is created when a ninja controls the chakra flow of a target's cerebral nervous system, thereby affecting their five senses; this is frequently used to create false images and/or trick the body into believing it has experienced physical sensations such as pain. It is further explained in the anime that, because genjutsu affects activity throughout the prosencephalon structure of the brain, humans, dogs and other species of mammals are therefore all affected by genjutsu

Genjutsu: Sharingan broadly refers to a range of genjutsu performed with the Sharingan. By establishing eye contact with a target, the Sharingan user traps them within a genjutsu which can be exploited for one of various purposes, such as causing instantaneous, but temporary, loss of consciousness or paralysis in the target, forceful extraction of information, relaying memories, erasing memories, removing genjutsu placed on the target by others, and controlling a target's actions.

Despite its usefulness, genjutsu is rarely employed, most shinobi prefer the real, tangible effects of ninjutsu and taijutsu over the imagined effects of genjutsu which hold little influence over the physical world. The difficulty of performing genjutsu in the first place presents an additional barrier to its use: genjutsu requires precise chakra control to manipulate the target's senses and advanced intelligence to make the illusion convincing,

There are several options to combat genjutsu.

1. A victim's chakra flow, if disrupted enough, can break the caster's influence. This "Genjutsu Dissipation" can be done by the victims themselves, (assuming they realize they're under a genjutsu's influence) or an ally who emits chakra into them. jinchūriki who have formed a good relationship with their tailed beast prefer the latter method whenever they need it.

2. Pain that is not caused by the genjutsu can bring victims back to their senses.

3. If a caster's vision is obstructed, such as by the Hiding in Mist Technique, that at least prevents the use of ocular genjutsu.

4. Possessing a Sharingan renders one largely invulnerable to genjutsu as their acute vision allows them to recognize its flaws and influence. They can also free others from genjutsu by inserting themselves into the opponent's illusion and releasing it.

5. Some people are somehow able to condition their eyes to break genjutsu.

6. strong smells, such as those from Chilli Pepper Bombs, can counteract genjutsu.

7. One could try and put themselves in a genjutsu to try and override the genjutsu they are in, but if their genjutsu isn't good enough, then there is no point in trying. 

If you are all alone and are trapped in a genjutsu you can't free yourself from, then your life is in the hands of the caster of the genjutsu. All you can do at that point is to sit and hope someone came around to save you.