
Gojo Uchiha Twin Brother Of Itachi Uchiha

One with hair as dark as night yet is one of the kindest people in this world. One with hair as pure as white yet is one of the most selfish people in this world. Itachi and Gojo Uchiha, are the twin prodigies of the Hidden Leaf Village. They were outstanding genius, prodigies amongst prodigies, but complete opposites

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Becoming Chunin 1

On our 7 birthday, we were given unique special birthday gifts. My father gave me the Lightning chakra cloak, and Minato gifted us the flying thunder god jutsu. Why would Minato give an s rank jutsu to kids? Well, there were many reasons for this.

1. Minato was the first person to sense my jutsu was space-related, Minato was the first person to also slowly break down how my ability worked.

2. Minato and our family were close, but that alone wasn't enough

3. Due to the unfair treatment the Uchiha clan gaining, plus me hinting that it could please the Uchiha clan if I got such a good jutsu... well, it was in his head.

4. Someone may or may have not used a genjutsu, pushing Minato towards the side of giving us the jutsu.

All those 4 reasons came together, and when Minato and Fugaku hit a deal, we were given the jutsu for our birthday. Then again, it was incomplete at the time. Minato did give us the complete version seeing just how quickly we mastered it.

(A/N: I thought the sharingan could copy any jutsu that isn't a Kekkai Genjutsu. So I thought it could copy jutsu's like the lightning cloak. But after thinking about it, it kind of made sense that it couldn't copy such a jutsu. That was my mistake,)

Itachi could only use the Jutsu a max of 5 times before he was sucked dry. Meanwhile, I can use any jutsu for as long as I want until I get mentally tired.

A few minutes ago, I had just returned to the village from a C-rank mission. I was away for a few days and wanted to go home and relax. But upon returning home, I was met with Fugaku's prideful words which were all about Itachi's current mission, at those words, I instantly remembered events from the anime. 

Scared that my actions might have changed the plot, I shot off at blinding speed, shooting toward that location. I arrived just in time to see the masked man who was nearing the Itachi group. From there I watched while removing my glasses.

'This isn't good, last time he ran away when Kakashi neared, but why is Kakashi not here.' I thought while looking around, trying to locate Kakashi, but I sensed nothing. So, I sat back and got ready to make my move.

"That's my brother," I said with a smirk seeing Itachi almost hitting the masked man. But with my sharp eyes, I quickly noticed how the masked man was about to get serious. 

Without a second thought, I held a kunai, covered it in Lightning chakra, and threw it at full speed… well back to the the fight.


The ground exploded as I punched the ground, sending a huge amount of chakra into the ground. The masked man wasn't affected, he angrily moved to attack me, only to find Itachi standing next to me.

Itachi punched forward, just for his fist to pass through the masked man. The masked man moved quickly, ensuring he was fast enough to counterattack Itachi without me getting in the way. He was far faster than both of us, even if I used the lightning cloak, it was pointless.


Itachi's fist slammed hard into the masked man's chin, sending him rocketing into the sky. Itachi had faced me many times and had learned to move at extreme speed to temporarily bypass even the eye's sharp sense capability. 

Itachi had just used the body flicker jutsu, not on his whole body, but on just his fist. This was rare, and Itachi had to train a lot with Shisui, the master of the body flicker jutsu.

Itachi had gotten so skilled with this, that he could even bypass the sharpness of my eyes. The masked man of course didn't know that, he attacked seeing an opening, and even used his sharingan to read Itachi down to the genetic level. But he fell for Itachi's trap.

I of course didn't let this chance go, the moment Itachi had laid contact with the masked man, I had also used the body flicker jutsu, touching the masked man's leg while he was flying upwards.

I grabbed him by the leg, and with a roar, I slammed him to the ground, just for the masked man to phase through the ground, shocking me slightly since I was still holding him. I thought this might be a way around his ability.

The masked man moved to grab the arm that held him. I laughed while the masked man found he couldn't touch me, taking this opening, I slammed my leg into his stomach, but wooden spikes shot out of the masked man's body, but they just stopped before me.

"Itachi!" I cried while letting out a roar, spinning the masked man around in mid-air, before slamming the masked man down. At that moment, I had teleported Itachi, using the flying thunder god. Instead of teleporting over, I teleported Itachi to me.

I grabbed Itachi's hands before the masked man's ability could take effect and make me phase through Itachi.

Hand in hand, we rained blows upon the masked man, switching from time to time as attacks almost hit Itachi, or chakra was used to bypass my defense. We also had to move in such a way, that the masked man couldn't understand how my defenses worked, but there was a limit to that.

The masked man was truly enraged and soon had enough. The fact we could teleport, the fact I pretty much had the ability of the Sharingan, plus our teamwork, the masked man was given zero opening to do anything.

"Damn, this guy can take a beating," I said in annoyance seeing how the masked man took all of our attacks and wasn't down. 

"With just one sharingan, we have the upper hand. You are truly a loser. Is that why you have a mask on? Once a loser, always a loser." I said mockingly, enraging the masked man, he indeed grew up as a loser, and as always he was being overshadowed by a prodigy.

Wooden spikes exploded off the masked man, forcing me to let go of his foot, while at the same time throwing Itachi away. But what happened left Itachi shocked, as the spikes bypassed my strange jutsu, and stabbed into my body. My eyes widened at this, I was turned into a pincushion,

"Gojo!" Itachi roared his body shaking all over from the sight. Tenma could die, that he could see and keep going... But for someone who was there every step of the way, Itachi snapped.

Itachi let out a roar. For the first time in Itachi's life, he did something without thinking. He rushed forward, his eyes fully locked on the masked man in pure hatred. 

If Itachi was thinking, then he would have awakened the Sharingan, but he wasn't thinking. All he wanted to do right now was kill, nothing mattered, and all that mattered was making sure the person before him was dead. 

The masked man was in no mode to play, even as Itachi pulled out his sword, a sword which he rarely touched, he was of course no match.

The masked man moved, aiming to run a wooden spear through Itachi. But at the last moment, his instant screamed danger. He was given zero time to do anything, as a spinning ball of chakra appeared, slamming into the side of his face and sending him flying away. 

I wanted to rush forward, but white humanoids appeared growing out of the ground and surrounding us. I frowned while watching the masked man's body slowly turning into a liquid. No, it wasn't his body, but the same white humanoid-like things that had appeared, he should have had it wrapped around his body, which would explain how the Flying Thunder God mark that I had marked on him was removed.

I looked around before quickly using the multi-shadow clone jutsu, an A-rank jutsu. It was like the improved version of the Shadow clone jutsu.

While the Shadow Clone Jutsu can simply make a dozen clones, the multi-shadow Clone Jutsu allows one to make over a thousand clones. There was no limit, making this jutsu forbidden as many had died using it.

I made hundreds of clones, which all shot toward the masked man before he could escape. Sadly, the masked man slipped away under the protection of those white humanoids. The white humanoids also left, their goal here was to give the masked man the opening needed to flee. 

It would be pointless for them to stay, as we could run away, and fighting us had the risk of having these white humanoids falling into enemies' hands, which would reveal secrets to the enemy… 

"annoying," I said with a frown, but I was soon caught off guard as Itachi hugged me. I was stunned, but looking back to Itachi who couldn't hold back the tears, I froze.

"Sorry, I let you fight with a clone. I didn't have a chance to tell you that." I said in shock, my clone was facing the masked man, meanwhile my main body was looking for an opening.

"I was scared that you died…" Itachi said while looking at me. Itachi couldn't help but look back to his past, what was his goal? To be the strongest, a shinobi so powerful, he could stop all wars and conflict. To be so powerful, that all world leaders would never dare to fight.

But seeing me die, Itachi realized he didn't want anyone dear to him to die. That pain was just too great for him to handle, just remembering the scene made him weak to his knees. So yes, he was hugging me, for he loved his family, and I was his family.

Meanwhile, I was looking at Itachi in shock. Itachi eyes were slowly turning red… Itachi had awakened his Sharingan. Itachi for a long time was bothered by the fact he hadn't awakened it, yet looking at the 3 tomoe sharingan spinning around in his eyes, I was shocked.

"They are waking up," I said shocking Itachi who quickly noticed genjutsu which trapped everyone was losing effect. Itachi was too prideful to allow anyone to see him hugging me, he flashed and appeared far away from me.

The Shinobi all slowly began waking up, I ignored them and walked over to take one of the white humanoids I had killed. I looked towards them for some time, frowning deeply at the fact that Anbu didn't show up. Wasn't the masked man scared off when the Anbu appeared? No, he was scared off when Kakashi appeared, so where was Kakashi right now?

Confused, I nodded towards the 12 protectors and the Daimyō, I shot off, heading towards Minato's office. I smoothly passed all of the guards, no one able to sense me. 

'Itachi awakened his Sharingan not through hatred, but love...' I thought with a deep frown. In the light novels, Itachi would have awakened his Sharingan at home, where he was left traumatized seeing the death of Tenma. This was different from the anime where Itachi awakened his Sharingan as soon as Tenma died.

Sighing, I landed on the window belonging to the Hokage office, causing Minato to sigh while turning to look toward me.

"Can't you come through the normal way like everyone else?" Minato asked, to which I shrugged while throwing the white humanoid onto the ground.

"Itachi and I just fought the masked man," I said calmly, causing Minato to shoot to his legs in shock. he looked at me in shock, not sure if he heard me right. Minato always looks back to that day, how he defeated that masked man. Questions always filled his head, why couldn't he teleport to the mask man when he had marked him? Why did he get this inexperience feeling from that masked man? As if the masked man was still getting used to his ability.

"We won... sigh, just see for yourself," I said while doing some seals, casting a genjutsu that affected the world around me. On the table, Minato watched as the illusion took effect, showing a mini Itachi and I facing the masked man.

Minato was left speechless seeing how we were teaming up against him, while overusing the Flying Thunder God, giving the masked man zero chances of doing anything. We were jumping him, and the fact the sharingan had a hard time tracking Itachi attacks, plus my eyes which pretty much had the effect of the Sharingan... but better in some ways. well, let's say, we had it in the bag.

"..." Minato frowned seeing the masked man flee, he looked towards where the Daimyō was in the illusion, if the Daimyo were to die... it would have been an all-out war between the Land of Cloud and the hidden leaf. This is because they would have been the only ones most likely to do this.

Where were Kakashi and the others? They were on the battlefield, dealing with the cloud shinobi. the cloud shinobi were ruthless, so long as it benefited the land of cloud, they could do anything. They were extremely loyal to their own but extremely unfair towards the rest of the world. After the event with the Hyuga, they looked as if they had taken a step back, but they were causing problems that Minato was trying to peacefully handle.

"You can awaken the sharingan through love?" Minato asked in shock, to which I nodded lightly, I was also surprised with Itachi. 

"I will go test and see how strong it is once he is all calm... knowing him, he will throw himself into training," I said with a sigh, I will have to train extra hard to keep up with Itachi now... no, I will just awaken my own. With his sharingan, Itachi should be stronger than me right now.

"Go on and rest up," Minato said to which I nodded while disappearing. 

That night, I lay in bed, lost in thoughts at the fight I just went through. I looked over to Itachi who was also up, unable to sleep while thinking about just how weak he was. On the way back to the village, Itachi had no choice but to think back to the battle, as of this moment, Itachi was thinking back to his past.

The day he saw the effect war had, the 9 tails attack, being outcast from the village, and the list went on. I wasn't always with Itachi, so there were many things I missed out on. For example, in the Academy, Itachi faced many bulling. it was easier to tell he was a Uchiha compared to me, so many pointed fingers at Itachi, pushing the blame of the 9 tails attack on him. Itachi ignored it, but he would be lying if he said the words had no effect.

On the day we graduated from the academy, Itachi was met with Danzo, one-on-one. Itachi had two lines running from his eyes to his cheek, he was told it was a sign of bad luck. A bringer of misfortune to his loved ones, and Itachi would be lying to say those words didn't affect him.

 Joining the genin team should have been his chance to grow, but Itachi became more like a baby seater for the team. He felt like he was being slowed down.

Now with him nearly dying today... he was not happy with himself. He wanted to take the chunin exam as soon as possible and go on to become a powerful shinobi. He wanted to be the best, the strongest of the strongest.

Me? I already knew I would be the strongest, but I should speed things up. So, laying on the bed, I made hand seals. This caught Itachi attention, but he ignored it, and returned to his own business, not knowing I was about to trap myself in a genjutsu.

'If Itachi can use the extreme emotion of love to awaken the sharingan, I will use the emotion which best suits me.' I thought while finishing up the hand seals, trapping myself within the genjutsu world... A genjutsu that I had no control over.

And so, I found myself appearing in a world of death. I looked around for some time, confused as to where I was at. In this genjutsu, the knowledge I even cast the genjutsu on myself as in a fog, my memory was all in a fog.

I looked at the many tombstones, Fugaku, Mikoto, Itachi, Sasuke, and the list went on. As I walked through the endless tombstones, one by one, the memory of how they all died of old age, in battle, or something like that hit me. 

The memory of a wife I never had hit me, along with the children I never had. At the end of the day, they all came, and they were all gone... yet only I remained, forever alone, and forever alive.

"This was your wish, was it all worth it?" a voice sounded in the back of my head, making me remember my 3 wishes. I said nothing to that voice, and just kept walking as I passed the many tombs which held people I had known. going back from Itachi which was trillions of years ago, to now... I have seen so many go by.

I looked at everyone, wondering if that wish was worth it. At the end of the day, I stopped walking, scared of seeing the trillions of tombstones that awaited me to see. I turned back to look at the tombstones that held my family. I was all alone. I sat there, just looking at those few tombstones, remembering how each died.

The illusion was powerful, for I was recreating their death, any flaws that could be found already seen and fixed before I could notice it. This was a genjutsu that I created, with my high levels of chakra control, I could easily affect someone down to the subconscious level.

The universe was empty, everything had died, and I was all alone. I looked away from them and saw that even the universe was about to die. I looked back at the tombstones, before giving them a sad smile.

"Yeah, it was worth it," I said lightly, looking forward to what would be out there after the universe dies. I quickly turned indifferent towards the graves around me, I was always alone, for I alone conquered Infinity, I alone transcended Infinity, and I alone shall keep going to brand new heights.

I stood up, walking past all of the tombstones, all while the world began to break apart around me. Why? For the illusion was breaking apart as I was awakening my Sharingan. As for the emotion that I used to awaken the Sharingan... well, Loneliness, Greed for more power, Confidence In Myself, and Pride.

I was selfish, this is something I knew for a long time. The whore reason for world peace was because war displeased me. Since I will be the strongest, why should I allow stuff that displeases me to exist? As the strongest, I have 100% right to have whatever displeases me to stop existing.

I knew this genjutsu would change me. After all, everyone who awakened their sharingan has to truly feel the extreme of said hatred. For others, it's sadness, hatred, and such things. Itachi felt relief, happiness, joy, love, and frustration with himself for being weak.

One doesn't simply feel hatred, hatred is built off a bunch of other smaller details which come together to complete that hatred. Hatred, Love, and Loneliness. These are the 3 main emotions used to awaken the sharingan... No, I will call mine the Eyes Of Limitless.

{Note: I have a theory as to how MS abilities are gained, which is why I wanted MC's main emotion to be Loneliness for awakening the sharingan. Oh, MC's eyes look something like this, just ignore the fact this image looks a lot like the Rinngegan.}->